The pearl-like holy water of the river was evaporated, and Rope stepped on the dry river bed step by step, and even the cracks in the mud flowed out a black, ominous, unknown liquid.

Like being deliberately ironic, Rope used the appearance of Azazel's red dragon.

"The lower level of your gods has undergone such a big change, you can't be unaware of it, so what are you waiting for? **** Christ. Could it be that you are waiting for your believers to realize themselves and then crawl out of my shadow Is it? Then you are a little too optimistic."

Rope stopped.

"No matter what you are thinking or what I want to do, all things are useless to come to you at this moment. Wouldn't you come out to meet you? A rude monistic god."

As soon as the voice fell, a white cloud floated in the sky, on which stood a Hebrew man in a white robe.

Wearing a crown of thorns, a pure color wheel behind his head, and a volume of old parchment in his right hand, the image of the two-digit **** **** Christ is unexpectedly simple.

"I think you will show me the glory of the Bible with the appearance of a "punished". "

Rope said with a smile.

Jesus Christ opened his eyes, breathed out slowly, and then said in a long, ancient tone.

"This is a trial..."

Chapter 67: The Enlightenment of the Son

"From dawn to dusk, from the beginning to the present, I have been watching you. Vientiane is useless."

"The other gods were deceived by your appearance. Only I saw your horror. Your oppression of the Lambs is like a shadow."

"At the beginning of civilization, you were the darkness of the night. Humans were afraid of beasts, poisonous insects, and you who were smiling quietly in the night."

"When civilization was enlightened, you were an unknowable destiny. Mankind feared the impermanence of destiny and feared you who were attached to desire and swordsmanship."

"When civilization develops, you become the demon of the energy crisis again. Human beings are panicked for not being able to obtain resources from the ground under their feet for a long time. They don't know what the future will be waiting for them."

"Wait until civilization spreads its wings and humans have survived most of the catastrophic disasters, you transform again into the boundless darkness of the universe. Humans seem to have returned to the primitive age, the kind of ignorance who fears the unknown in the dark."

"You are the demon "infinite unknown" that wanders on top of humans from beginning to end. "

"So, this is a trial, a trial different from the trial you represent."

"I was persecuted on the cross and was punished by a gun, so I was imperfect as a human being. It is also because of this imperfection that I can be above my lord and use the "realm of power" in which humans and gods coexist. The identity stands in front of you. "

In the double-digit Garden of Eden, **** Christ spoke in a peaceful voice like a declaration of war.

Rope did not interrupt, but listened quietly.

He is very clear about the particularity of **** Christ.

Strictly speaking, this saint is "the acquired god."

What is an acquired god?

The ancestor spirits who believe in bonuses are upgraded to gods by virtue of their merits, and they are called the acquired gods. The gods in Celtic mythology are the typical representatives.

Normally, this kind of **** is not so strong.

But **** Christ is a very special exception.

Obtained divinity because of humanity, and obtained humanity because of divinity. The two are in the same place, and the two go together. He even ranks at the top of the double-digit number as the "acquired god", the only one in Hakata and even the three thousand worlds.

This also means that he has the most basic qualifications to face the "ultimate trial of mankind," like the reversal sixteen nights in the original book.

However, this is how it meets expectations!

How much sense of accomplishment can the slaughter of unresistible gods bring?

"I won't kill you, **** Christ." Rope smiled exceptionally dark: "Your spirituality will become a part of me, and the biblical denominations spreading across three thousand worlds will become a hotbed of distortion and degeneration. I am rich in the soul of a nihilist."

"Vientiane is useless, boundless curses, boundless unknowns, I am ready to enter the trial, I will not let you continue to exist on the head of Hakata and human history."

Jesus Christ looked through his own destiny.

Shengzi knew the horror of the trial before him, and he never had the option of "victory" for him to choose.

Therefore, he didn't want to overcome this trial from the beginning.

The funeral of a two-digit **** requires a demon who is finally tested by human beings to accompany the funeral, which is not excessive.

If the key to this trial can be drawn in the form of resignation, **** Christ would be happy to do it.

Sacrifice is not the first time for the Son of God.

It's just that it can be resurrected compared to the last time, this time it may be really going to leave.

The Hebrew son, finally took a look at the beautiful sunset in the Garden of Eden with nostalgia.

I have been here for countless years since I was upgraded. I thought I was tired, but when I finally chose to do it, I found that I still reluctant to let it go.

After reading it at a glance, the sacred language appeared in the mouth of **** Christ.

"The times are constantly changing, but the earth has not changed at all."

"The sun came out and set again, and in an instant, it rose from where it was."

"The wind blows south and then turns to the north, repeating, endlessly."

"Rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow; wherever the river flows from, it returns to its original place, and the river flows continuously."

The content of the "Old Testament. Ecclesiastes" was uttered by the Supreme Son, expounding that all the toil under the sun is empty, and only trusting in the God above the sun is the great principle of life.

The visions caused by Rope's arrival in the Garden of Eden are all fading.

Because that is the uncleanness before the Son, and the uncleanness should be purified.

Luo Pei sneered, and the index and middle fingers of his right hand were brought together, and an afterimage was drawn in the air like a sharp blade.

"Isn't it a bit unpleasant to promote "monotheism" in Hakata? How about let me change the venue for you. "

The two-digit demon king's game field unfolded, and the dark fortune included the holy child and the evil demon.

Jesus Christ's expression remained unchanged, his eyes lowered, but the sacred words in his mouth changed to a different appearance.

"In the beginning, God created the world. The void is chaotic, the abyss is dark, and the spirit of God runs on the water..."

"I'm tired of listening to "Genesis"."

Rope set off a wave of darkness.

Under the catalysis of the divine power of dark matter, layer upon layer, like the collapse effect before the birth of a black hole, mixed with endless galaxies rushing to **** Christ.

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