Weeping for mankind to face this terrible and terrifying final trial no matter what.

"The only thing I hate is that I stand in front of you as a god."

If it were not for God, **** Christ would not have been defeated so quickly.

If it weren't for God, Wanxiang Useless would not deny him so much.

If it’s a Protoss, if it’s a human, if it’s a hero—

There is no if.

This is the most central horror in the appearance of "Vientiane Useless", just like the imitation of the star-creation map "Avista" on the negative side of the gods' universe. As long as they are gods and fantasy species based on human history, Luo Peidu It is their supreme natural enemy.

"Good night."

After saying good night, the Son in front of Rope disappeared.

What remains is an empty shell.

The new Son was born instantly on the wreckage of the old Son, but at this time it is no longer the **** Christ.

It is a combination of Cthulhu mythology and Biblical mythology in human history. It is a deformed doll that is manipulated by Rope at will.

Except for the God who is still fighting alone in the three-digit figure, the biblical group of gods hovering in Hakata, not knowing how many years later, has been completely tampered with and replaced.

Just like a harvest year, endless power poured into Rope's body.

The darkness is brewing, and the darkness is roaring.

After gathering the black fog, under the blessing of the perpetual motion machine, its own divinity, and the power from the harvest, the divinity of Rope's "dark matter" grew at a terrifying rate.

The double-digit Garden of Eden was affected by this force. The earth lost its gravitational pull. Numerous hills, rivers, and rocks floated upwards, turning the outer gate of the upper part of the box garden into something that can only be admired in history.

The lofty thing closest to the double-digit outer door, the world axis in the center of the box garden is all dyed in pitch black.

Manipulating the already useless two-digit Son, Rope took out the spiritual figure of **** Christ again.

"Listen to the oracle."

"The sacred scriptures will change at this moment, and the sacred people will become more sacred at this moment."

"Here is paradise, here is hell, here is the world--you are in the world without a doubt."

"Adore, cast aside, a new day will begin again."

For the believers of the Bible, this day is the darkest day for communities and individuals who have the gift of the Bible system.

No matter how the biblical gods will change in the future, whether it is good or bad, degenerate or decay, or sublime, it will not return to its original appearance.

The strongest religion of mankind was ultimately defeated by the greatness of mankind's uselessness theory.

The two-digit "domain of power", the "Holy Son" **** Christ, died in disguise!

Chapter 69 The Black Death and the End of the Gods

A three-digit palace, a palace for twelve days of guardianship.

Although in general, the guardian has declared war on the pro-utopian gods for twelve days, but the battle between gods and spirits is not like mortals, and the swords and soldiers will be swarmed at every turn.

The meticulous plan, the strategy calculated in the unit of ten and one hundred years, and the gradual erosion of the community, this is the main theme of Hakata. Violent mischief like the dawn period has been completely eliminated in history. After all, they don't look at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha. They have to consider the box court itself.

In the corner of the majestic hall, Emperor Shi Tianzheng did not do his job as usual.

The blue-haired man with a single ponytail, with his right hand supporting the wall, outlines a gentle smile that confuses most women with his handsome face.

And the one who was forced to the corner by him was a mature maid with an awkward look and obvious feminine characteristics.

"How are you thinking about it, ma'am? I believe you must be very lonely? I can fully understand your distress, but it doesn't matter now. I am here and Di Shitian will solve all the troubles for you."

"Master Di Shitian, I have a husband..."

"It doesn't matter, I also have a wife."

If this scene spreads to the outside, I am afraid that no one will believe that this salty and wet man will be the head of the Hakata war god, the famous emperor of heaven.

But this is undoubtedly the truest aspect of Di Shitian.

He is not the kind of **** who breaks off seven emotions and six desires.

Good wine, good gambling, good wife.

Di Shitian, who was commented by the guardian of the Twelve Days and his relatives as "full of five poisons," his interest is really hard to compliment, he especially likes those mature women who are already married and have a spouse.

One of them was a sensation, and even Di Shitian himself suffered the curse of becoming a woman.

Looking at it now, Lord Tiandi didn't mean to reflect at all.

Soon, before Di Shitian could continue to talk some love words with his wife and maid, a spear was flying at an extremely fast speed, and it hit Di Shitian's neck with precision without letting out a trace of power, and forced him to chisel him. Entering the strong walls of the palace, the maid next to her did not receive any harm.

Two gods, a man and a woman, walked in from the main entrance of the main hall.

The male has the brilliance of the sun, covering his face and sighing constantly, it seems that he can't stand Di Shitian's behavior very much. The female is a girl, wearing a single ponytail and wearing armor like an ancient Japanese military commander.

The spear just now obviously came from the hand of the girl god.

The maid hurriedly saluted.

"I have seen two adults, Ritian and Bishamontian!"

"Retreat, and don't feel embarrassed by Di Shitian's harassment." "Sunday" Suliye said gently.

The maid nodded blushing.

"I understand, Lord Ditian warned us not to be tempted by Lord Shitian..."

After speaking, she quietly retreated.

"It's really disgusting!"

The girl wearing the armor of the military commander made a majestic voice, and her eyes were directed towards Di Shitian, who was rubbing her neck from the pile of rocks.

"Master Di Shitian, now the whole box court is messed up into a pot of porridge. It's still in the war period, and the subordinates are so busy that they want to borrow the cat's paw for a use, but you, the leader, are staying in the base camp to molest the maid?"

"Xiao Qianxin, is it a bit too much to treat your leader for twelve days of law-guarding... If I hadn't reacted quickly to the attack just now, it would be really troublesome."

Di Shitian issued a weak protest.

The girl's willow eyebrows were erected, exuding an aura of no anger and prestige.

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