As for the dystopias, Rope was looking at Chariste's begging expression, and he had long been forgotten.

"No problem! As long as it's your father I can help, Charest, just say it!"

"Thank you. I hesitated for a long time. After thinking about it, I still feel that it is the most straightforward and once-and-for-all solution for you."

Charest took a deep breath and said slowly.

"The cause of the matter was the meeting between our sisters and you this time..."

Then, the goddess of knowledge truthfully told Rope the main points of the incident, as well as Sumona's morbid tendencies and worries.

Rope's expression became more serious as he listened, and at the end he frowned.

What an alternative Shura field...

" this the case now?"

He asked.

Xia Lisi nodded.

"I'm afraid her heart is even more distorted than I can see. Father, Sumona is also your daughter in the end. I hope you have pity and don't blame or punish her for this incident."

The girl lowered her eyes.

"Actually, I reported her thoughts to your father, you have betrayed Sister Sumona's trust. I really don't want things to go in a worse direction... Father, can you?"

"Well, of course."

Rope nodded, then pinched his brows.

"Sumona becomes like this, I also have a certain responsibility... No, I should say that I take full responsibility."

A trace of guilt spread in Rope's heart.

Especially Sumona's "adopted daughter" remarks hit the bullseye.

Luo Pei does have a similar view of creation to Sumona, the righteous daughter transformed from the evil of this world of the moon.

When Sumona was born, even if he had a short-term paternal love, he was diluted by the responsibility of the coming of the next trial.

"Please don't say that."

Charest put Rope's hand on her face, gently comforting her father.

"You are not wrong, you have the responsibility to fulfill, for a long and true future. His Majesty Nyaratotip did not neglect, and fulfilled the agreement with you. Sumona understands this future even more. It’s important to me to follow His Majesty Nyarlatotepu to her kingdom of God. It can only be said that Sumona’s heart disease at the moment is the product of several correctness and time brewing."

Luo Pei closed his eyes, still remembering the thousand-year-old promise of Sumona.

After a moment, he stood up.

"Charest, follow my orders."


The goddess of knowledge knelt on the ground and bowed her head deeply in front of her father.

"Bring all my daughters, including Sumona, to me."

Rope said.

"No matter what the **** they are doing, how much cautious thinking about pets, I put them aside. If they still admit that they are my daughters, let them not hesitate."

"Yes, my father!"

Charest was pleased to accept his father's order.

In this way, Sumona can gain happiness without acting extreme, and eliminate the panic that has been brewing for a long time.

As she saw from her mother's record, the father was really gentle and considerate towards her own person.

Charest liked her father even more.

Chapter 82—The Withered Maharaja, Daughter of Ketuguya

The world is cheering, the world is burning.

The originally pure blue sky was rendered crimson, and the heat that was about to reach the sun's temperature ruthlessly deprived the planet of all water.

In this environment, let alone human beings, even some of the most heat-resistant microorganisms cannot survive.

Pest had the honor to appreciate the true face of the end of the world.

Kneeling on the mountain pass of the volcano, a gloomy twilight enveloped her, providing Pest with the most basic living space.

Half a month ago, she was still aristocratic eldest lady, it is really difficult for her to include the sight in front of her within the scope of common sense.

——This is a battle between the devil and the devil.

Both are the rulers and queens of flames, you come and go in the hot sky, vent your anger to your heart's content.

"It's so stubborn, shouldn't Anilain, you think you can compete with me as the son of "Blaster" in the flames, right? "

The girl has long, **** hair just like her mother's.

The cat's red vertical pupils, all limbs are made up of the simplest flames.

Xiuli's cheeks are all distorted after being annoyed.

The son of Ktoogya, the queen of flame vampires, the withered lord, she has as many titles as she wants.

Inherit the purest bloodline of the Fire of the Four Elements and the Supreme Prince, "The Fire of Dryness" Estrid.

"Why refuse to become tattered and fall down? Huh?!"

With the sound of anger, along with Astrid's wave, Anilaine's location was drowned by the pillar of fire leading to the universe.

The mainland structure that has gone through countless years of wind and rain is vulnerable to the mighty power of Cthulhu, melting like butter on a hot pot.

In the flames, Anilaine curled his mouth and shook his burned left hand, his injuries healed in an instant.

"Don't yell out there, don't you even plan to follow the most basic etiquette for "sister"? "

"If you want to be a sister, you must first act like a sister!"

Estrede snorted coldly.

"Fake my father's soul breath and deceive me and Saya here... I don't know what is in your mind? Anyway, you just can't understand the behavior of the mother, right? And I, as the heir of Ktugeya I was also included in your unpopular list. It just so happens, I don’t want to play sister games with you either!"

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