Some of them are as huge as mountains, while others are steep and sharp.

Along with the liberation of the dystopian three-digit spirituality, waves of lightning shuttled among the rising soil, confirming the horror of the true three-digit human beings finally testing the devil.

Not a challenger, dystopia will naturally not respond with the attitude of facing a challenger.

Behind the black mask, the dystopian forest blue flames burned.

Dystopia is a rule against humanity, violence and terror. It has the characteristics of environmental disasters and social disasters that are related to the decline of human society. From the perspective of the devil, it is an all-powerful devil, and naturally it is not weak in direct combat capabilities.

No, maybe the dystopian combat ability even surpasses the "absolute evil" that is not equipped with a simulated star creation chart.

"The taste of this lingua..."

Ropey's eyes gradually became greedy, and he licked his lips like aftertaste of wine.

"Ah, it's natural to have this taste...Dystopia, anti-utopia, your birth must be based on the premise of abundant resources. What else can bring richness and rejection than "perpetual motion machine" What about the exhausted resources? "

Not only is it a dystopia, but in the future there will also be elements that will cause the distortion and enhancement of "absolute evil", which will incorporate the concept of the brutality of the powers into the competition for resources and greed.

As the final fantasy of mankind, the "third permanent organ" is so powerful.

In the final trials of mankind two thousand years later, each of them has a distant relative with the "Third Permanent Organ."

It is worthwhile for Rope to pursue it as a main course.

"I hate you, even if it is the same as the final trial, you are the existence I hate."

Said the dystopia.

"I am the demon king who symbolizes the future possibilities of mankind. For someone like you who completely denies the history of mankind, it is necessary for me to show you the light of human possibility."

"You really have a talent for telling jokes, the light of the final trials and possibilities of mankind..."

Luo Pei's smile became more and more ferocious.

While tidying up his sliding gloves, he walked towards the dystopia that flew up into the sky with the mountains.

The useless breath of Vientiane wafted out, and in the blink of an eye, the light of the dystopian spirit was overwhelmed.

"Food must look like food. You are only worthy to tremble under the stars and eternal darkness."

Chapter 93-Devouring "Dystopia"

The demon king's dispute that broke out in the five-digit outer door is actually hard to call it a battle.

Although dystopia is also the demon king of the final test of mankind, he has a three-digit "all-powerful realm" spiritual figure, but facing the double-digit "all-powerful realm" Rope, the gap is not a little bit, and it is completely in a position of repeated crushing. .

Not to mention the dystopia, which symbolizes the future possibilities of mankind, and the human beings who have been denied the history of mankind are useless and deadly.

Without even using the authority of the organizer, Rope easily touched the core dynasty of dystopia.

"This... unreasonable..."

Dystopia was lifted by Rope's neck, like a short-circuiting robot, speaking intermittently.

"The final trial of mankind...surpassed by mankind...the demon king of our final trial...the challenger and the dawn...the conflict of ideas...cannot be denied by a piece of human uselessness."

"Please don't abandon the most basic theory of living things, "the weak eat the strong". "

The black-haired young man stepped into the void, and his feet rippled like waves.

"There is no righteousness, there is no light, you will fail. It's just that you are weaker than me, and you happen to have the enticing smell of food."

As the entire five-figure outer gate of the battlefield, it was devastated to pieces.

Crushing is crushing, and the power that Rope and dystopia have in themselves is not something that can be displayed in the lower part of the box court. Without opening the playground, it is only natural that the surroundings will become like this.

The aftermath of the battle of the superiors, even a little bit, is an irresistible natural disaster.

"I firmly believe in the idea of ​​the weak eating the will encounter enemies that you cannot resist one day."

"Hahahaha, is this something you should worry about?"

Rope pierced the dystopian chest with his other hand, constantly gathering the opponent's huge lingua.

With deep eyes, he grabbed the hand of the dystopian neck and lifted it lightly, clasping his five fingers on the opponent's mask.

"I will always stand in the position of the hunter, always on the top of the superior, and the highest throne will only shine for me."

The dystopia is aware of the difference in the final trials of human beings.

It seems that Wanxiang Useless possesses a special brilliance.

And this brilliance, it will never be understood by standard human beings.

"...Although it is not what I wanted...but I still congratulate you on your victory. Vientiane is useless."

Dystopia is relieved, and congratulates the winner with the posture that a devil should have.

Rope nodded, accepting dystopian praise.


Five fingers burned a black unknown flame.

The black-haired youth squeezed hard, and the dystopian mask and its actualized head shattered.

And the body below the head of the dystopia, like floating etheric particles, turned into a little bit of fluorescence flying into the sky.

The three-digit horror demon who hovered in the lower part of the box court for a long time, the final human trial "dystopia", officially died today.

It is not about reducing the concentration to zero, nor is it a tedious and complicated seal.

The possibility of dystopia was uselessly curbed and seized by Vientiane, and disappeared in human history forever.

In the palm that he retracted, Luo Pei tightly grasped the spiritual figure of the "full power realm", and as expected, it contained the secret of the "third permanent organ".

Open your mouth and swallow it in one bite.

The terrifying energy contained in the spiritual grid is slowly digested in the soul of the evil demon. It probably won't take long before Luo Pei Na himself is about to surging to the overflowing divine power, and can be upgraded to another level again.

‘Enough is enough, right? ’

Acelia said eagerly.

‘Ape’s power... now begin the coronation, let me create a true **** body for you! ’

"Don't be like this." Luo Pei smiled: "I'm not in a hurry, what is Acelia? I will continue to shrink my divine power, plus the predetermined "absolute evil" and "third permanent mechanism"... It is better to say that only then can I be crowned contentedly by including the last and most perfect fantasy perpetual motion machine of mankind in my bag. "

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