There is no hope at all, there is no glorious son at all.

Standing there, there is only one **** of preparation who is walking on the road of chaos.

The last legacy of the Ancient Snake of Order was trampled by the evil gods, and she even got involved in an eternal conspiracy with this legacy.

No, this is just the beginning.

Nutz didn't know why Rope, as a chaotic demigod, could hide her incomparable perception, but there must be a more terrifying threat behind it.

"Is that so... Is this the idea you guys made."

Nutz stared at the space filled with the incarnation of the evil god.

"With the help of the particularity of the elect, let you raise the banner of war again... You are eager to re-introduce the multiverse with chaos, eager to destroy and our blood."

"How about knowing?"

Nayazi's emerald pupils are full of cruelty.

"No matter what we do, it won't matter to you from now on. Maybe you will personally take the glorious results for us at that time. Nutz, the dusk of the Goddess of Light is today."


Raising his head, Nutz discovered that at some unknown time, the sky of her kingdom of God, which always existed in the light, was slowly covered by a cloud of darkness.

The radiant kingdom of God was gradually shrouded in darkness.

Chapter 101 Corruption and Depravity

The eternal kingdom of light shows the appearance of dusk when the night comes.

This is the sign that Nutz is beginning to lose control of the kingdom of God.

"Corruption and depravity, is it your masterpiece of ancient times that has penetrated into my body. Do you want to play me in the palm of your palm like "Lord of the Dead" Azakaron? "

The anger of the gray-haired beauty reaches a critical value.

"Nyarlatotepu, do you think I will do what you want? Don't underestimate me!"

Scorching heat and destruction began to happen around Nutz.

But after an instant, Nutz coughed up golden blood like he was being eaten back by his own divine power, and the aura that had just condensed disappeared without a trace.

The silver-haired girl grinned.

"Look at you? How come, you are a good opponent of Shabu, you are not inferior to her powerful ancient gods when you are serious. It is better to say that I take you very seriously, so the "dose" given to you is also the fifth of Azakaron. More than doubled. I don't want to confront you head-on and become a light to attract other ancient gods. "

The power was completely blocked.

The corrosive power roared and twisted wildly in the divine body, blocking Nutz's terrifying divine power and divinity.

"My people! Come to me! Use your swords and glory to grant the wicked and abominable demons to die!"

The Winged of Light, who knew he could not fight, called to her legion.

Suddenly, tens of millions of guards from the God Court emerged, densely entrenched in the sky.

They had no fear of facing the Three Pillars God, and swarmed in.

The lowest are demigod oracle guardians, they are born to be the queen's long sword, the killing machine of war.

"Purge out demons!"

The guardians of the oracle roared feverishly, their weapons pointed at the incarnation of the detestable evil **** who occupied the throne.

Numerous light and purification magics were used.

While protecting their gods, they launched a terrible offensive against Nyarlatotepu.

As a result of the legionary effect, Rope's eyes were almost burned by the brilliant magic.

However, in the next second, just like when the pause button is pressed in a movie, all existence is frozen in space.

Whether it’s magical oracle guardians, even the floating clouds in the sky and the light of dusk also stagnate in the world.

"I order you to wait to go to the end of time, and you must not disobey."

The majestic and solemn imperial order is an irresistible order of God.

With such a nauseating divinity, Nutz's oracle guardians can't even resist, like gently wiping the dust from the window, all disappearing in the air.

Nutz looked up weakly.

Every piece of space originally belonged to her kingdom of God, and unknown colors began to appear.

This is a thing composed of infinite existence and self, everything is in it, and it exists in everything.

The colorful bubbles contain the ultimate wise collection, the lord of the cornerstones overlooking the universe.

"Even you... "All Things One" Yogg Sotos has participated in this conspiracy. Where are you planning to carry out that despicable and abominable plan! "

"I don't need to explain to you."

Yug Sotos's voice has no emotion at all.

"As far as you are concerned, everything is going to the end, our actions have been completed, even if this is your kingdom of God, even if you have good power, the destined destiny will not change in any way."

"The tenth kingdom. Ogwenson...cough cough!"

Nutz wanted to fight, just like her indomitable soul, intending to detonate the entire kingdom of the Tenth Heavenly Kingdom.

Even if it is only a moment, I just want to be able to stop the actions of the two great evil gods and fight for a ray of life.

However, the pain and erosion of the divine soul made her divine art unusable at all, not to mention that the power of the divine kingdom was far away from her palm.

Just as the One Who All Things Says, the actions of the evil gods have been completed.

Moreover, if even Yug Sotos descends here, then it proves that no matter it is the plane of light element or other worlds under the rule, their time and space are separated by the unity of all things, and there is no notification to other ancients. The situation occurs when God does not ask for help.


In the blink of an eye, Nutz tasted fresh feelings again.

In the way she least wants.

The gray-haired beauty stood up straight on her body.

But when he stood upright, Nayazi kicked him on his back and flew far away.

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