"Can you understand my painstaking efforts? Bypassing the nature of your mother god, what is the purpose of sealing other divinities."

"Reserve the minimum resilience... so that you can humiliate your concubine?"

Raising her head, Athena had no anger at all, and there was a touch of charm in her face.

Medusa was originally a woman with a magical appearance. As her essential Athena, she naturally inherited this characteristic.

"Please don't say it so bad, everyone has a heart for beauty, I just magnified it a bit."

Rope lifted Athena's chin slightly, staring at her dark pupils and said.

"What about the gods who do not follow? What about the godslayers. If the two beings can produce love, any obstacle will be as thin as paper. I always believe this."

His greed for beauty, or his lingering affection for Athena in the original book, made him unable to kill him.

The goddess also saw this.

Athena closed her eyes, and after opening them again, it was completely calm.

"Very well, the winner has everything. The concubine recognizes your honor in this battle and allows you to do anything to the concubine and does not resist."

She spoke briskly.

"Enjoy your spoils, God-killing Demon Lord."


Rope snapped his fingers and released the **** of the Golden Sword on Athena.

After the latter regained his freedom, the wound healed immediately, but he did not take any other actions. He just looked at Rope quietly, as if a maid waiting for his decision.

Afterwards, he gently hugged Athena and sniffed the lily-like fragrance of her body.

"It's great, I wanted to do this since the first time I saw you... Uh..."

The sharp pain in his chest stopped Ropey's words.

Pushing Athena away, his gaze turned to the part of his heart.

An ancient Greek style dagger was sinking deep into Rope's chest, and blood was constantly pouring out.

"Don't trust the God of Wisdom easily."

Athena released her hand, it was the condensation of the supernatural power of her last "death", breaking the spirit of Vishma.

She said coldly.

"Female **** is always a poisonous blade hidden behind."

Chapter 73 The Goddess Retreats

The heart is the deadliest organ in humans except the brain.

It is responsible for the blood circulation within the entire body, just like the "sun" provides vitality to the earth, and the heart is also creating vitality for the body.

Even if Rope is a Naphilly, his heart is very dangerous.

In previous battles, even as a occultist against Bazatan, Rope did not suffer so much damage that he was dying.

‘Look, don’t take the animation settings as a pre-determined matter. When they become reality, cause and effect have already changed irreversibly. Athena is not as simple as you think. ’

Acelia said gleefully.

‘I didn’t "stabb" to someone, but was stabbed, puff, puff. ’

‘Don’t laugh, I’m introspecting. ’

Holding his chest, Rope knelt on the ground with a stomachache.

‘...The goddess’s advantage is not so easy to take advantage of. I count as a hug, and she will directly give me a knife. ’

‘Deserve it. ’

This time he was really reckless.

Knowing that the opposite is the **** of disobedience, I still want to gamble on luck to see if I can get it down. As a result, not only did he not increase his favorability, but he was almost forced to GG.

Sure enough, the novels are all deceit...

‘I’m going to hug it! ’

‘It’s my shit, hurry up and use "male", or you really will die. "Acelia said disdainfully.

'This time it’s best to remember, treat a woman, especially the enemy, no matter how harmless the other party is, she must deprive her of all resistance. The dagger after letting go of the vigilance is the most difficult to defend, and the kindness in the heart will only harm. yourself. ’

'understood. ’

Pulling out the dagger, Rope turned the roulette, and the pointer pointed to the "male sheep" pattern.

"—Harvest, reproduction, the fire of civilization! The fire of life buried above the ground! Dispel the cold haze! Bring me holy immortality!"

No matter what kind of injury, it can be recovered within a few hours, but it must be activated by its own will when it is about to die-this is the effect of the "male sheep" incarnation.

The sheep that symbolizes immortality and healing, the holy beast of the earth mother god.

The black air from the wound on Rope's chest was dissipated, and the blood stopped flowing out and began to heal.

The strange thing is that Athena, who should have been chasing after victory and attacking Rope with the opportunity of injury, did not do anything, just watched him quietly.

This allowed Rope to gradually extinguish the Laley's magic pattern as his injury was healing.

If the opponent doesn't think too much, then in this battle, he will try to avoid the forces of the Cthulhu family to intervene.


A blunt smile came out from the corner of Rope's mouth.

"Rejecting my courtship, not only cut a knife in the body, but also caused a crack in my other heart. Why don't you do it at this time?"


Athena said briefly.

"You have evil thoughts about your concubine. This is just a warning to you. Don't lose your life for greed. As for why you don't attack you... When you fight with your concubine, you are always merciful, even if you feel unhappy, But now the dignity of the concubine does not allow attacks on you."

The knife was not so much intended to kill Rope, but rather to make the godslayer awake and stabbed.

Although Athena did not expect Velesrana to have the power of resurrection, if Rope, who possesses "steel" and "ocean", was killed so easily, it would not be worthy of his name as a godslayer.

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