
Being scolded, Bai Xueji's eyes were full of tears.

The following two crisp finger snaps attracted the attention of Xue Ji and Bai Yasha.

Rope smiled.

"Don't be so excited, being cautious is also an advantage. The Queen of Halloween only asks for trading rights, don't you have other ideas?"

"Yes, as far as I know, no..."

"Rope, you stayed at home for too long and haven't come out. Even if you come out, you don't care about the current affairs of the community and Hakata." Bai Yacha said: "That woman intends to cannibalize my efforts step by step, and then achieve the purpose of weakening us. 80% or more is sure that there will be no trouble, so she only asks for trading rights. In the past, she has launched dozens of gift games to me, large and small."

"What about the outcome?"

"...Five to five."

Bai Yasha said slightly unwillingly.

"That woman's community is not raising idiots, it's not so easy to deal with."

"It's really interesting."

Rope slapped his legs and stood up.

Bai Yasha looked up at Luo Pei curiously.

"Do you have any plans?"

"I will take this challenge for you."

"Don't be kidding, if the Queen of Halloween hears that Vientiane is useless to intervene, they will definitely withdraw the challenge request. And the lower level is not the upper level. If you make a little noise, even a little bit will cause an unimaginable massacre. You don't know. What is your own strength, right?"

"An Xin, I am very confident in my control."

The black-haired young man comforted Bai Yacha and said.

"As for the withdrawal of the challenge request you said... If I offer a reward that the Halloween Queen can't refuse, won't I be able to induce them to participate in the game?"

"What's the reward?"

"Written off the kindness she owed me in the past."

Rope smiled very charmingly.

"Bai Ye, you should also remember that in the melee the day we met, I once let the Queen Halloween make a living, no matter what, she owed me a great kindness. Existence like us, what we owe It can’t be passed away over time."

"Oh, that time..."

Bai Yasha nodded in memory.

"But you are useless as a Vientiane, how do you take up the challenge of the Queen of Halloween to Thousand Eyes?"

Both the flag and the name have strict regulations. If you are not a member of the challenged community, you are not eligible to accept the challenger's invitation letter. This is one of the rules of the box court.

"I just added "Thousand Eyes"? "

Rope easily spoke the words that shocked Bai Yasha.

Cangfa Lolita's eyes widened.

"When did you have such a sense of humor? It's useless for Wanxiang to join "Thousand Eyes" because you can figure it out! Do you know how much turbulence this will cause? "

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet." Luo Pei continued: "Join "Thousand Eyes" when facing the battle, and quit at the end. Isn't there any problem? "

"...What do you think of community?"

"Bring me happy props."


Bai Yasha was lost in thought.

Xue Ji was shocked, and her eyes were full of "there is this kind of operation?"

The existence of the double-digit "full power domain" is itself a symbol of the source, not to mention that Vientiane is useless and shoulders the responsibility of the ultimate trial of mankind. If it is not handled well, this is a serious event that is likely to lead to another great war in Hakata.

Xue Ji very much hoped that her master would be able to reject Wanxiang's useless request.

Because the consequences have been so great that even the "Thousand Eyes" community cannot bear it.

The beauty of the snake looked at Bai Yasha beggingly.

After a while, Cangfa Lolita clapped her hands with a folding fan and made a decision.

"it is good!"


"Just do what you said Lopey, and cure that woman's arrogance!"

"Wait, wait! Lord Bai Yasha!"

Bai Xueji didn't care about her respect and inferiority, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she stood in front of Bai Yasha with a remonstrative posture.

"Please be sure to think again! Wanxiang Wuyou adults have their own community! The meaning behind it is to kill the gods and Buddhas and human history..."

"It's so noisy, Shirayuki."

Bai Yasha knocked Xueji on the head with a folding fan.

"This kind of thing, as his woman, knows better than you!"

"But why..."

"Because it's very interesting, interesting but the food of the gods and Buddhas." Bai Yasha looked at Luo Pei and said, "You will definitely win, right? You go out in person. If the gift game loses, it won't be a shameful thing."

"How could I lose to my former defeated opponent."

Rope laughed.

"This time I will make the Halloween Queen truly belong to me, become all my women."

"Sure enough, I focused on that woman..." Bai Yasha bared his teeth and smiled unkindly: "Then work harder! We are very, very, very looking forward to that arrogant woman who will become a **** crawling in front of us. Looks like."

The natural enemy is talking about the relationship between the Queen of Halloween and Bai Yasha.

Xue Ji looked at the two high-ranking people in front of her desperately, and lowered her head helplessly.

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