"Yes! That's it!"

Luo Pei looked at the dragon eagerly.

"A powerful enemy! An enemy worthy of the status of a soldier! What I want from beginning to end!"

The black-haired young man raised the golden blade high, thousands of golden thunders turned into countless branch blades, hanging upside down in the sky, turning the red clouds into golden twilight.


Outside the Lunar Shadow Capital, a large group of people of all kinds came to support.

On the flying flag, the name of the community named "Arcadia" is printed.

It was them who helped the moon rabbits gathered here to block the aftermath of the "Overlord's Light Wheel" weakened by Rope.

"This is undoubtedly Az Dakaha's handwriting!" "Reaper" Cloya gritted his teeth and cursed: "Even to use the "Overlord's Light Wheel" to the beautiful and sweet rabbits... This old dragon is really true. It's too brutal! "

"Canary, I plan to enter the Lunar Shadow Capital with Suntian Lion first, at least to control Az Dakaha's ravages."

Said the beautiful iceberg man with an enviable perfect body and face.

His name is Kasugabe Takaaki, and everyone who knows him is called Kong Ming. He is the current leader of "Arcadia" and the strongest in the community who holds the catalog of life.

"Wait a minute, now that there is no Moon Rabbit staying in the Moon Shadow Capital, why does Az Dakaha still use such a powerful attack?"

Canary refused Kasugabe's request, and she was a little confused.

"How can it be, Liwei, that guy has beaten the heavenly army to pieces, just when he was full of spirits..." Cloya said.

"It's not only that, but Az Dakaha, who is raging now, is more like fighting the enemy."

Canary thought, and at the same time gave an order to be a staff member.

"Xiaoming, you take the combatants to clean the surroundings of the Moon Shadow Capital first, kill the raging clone of Az Dahaka, and search for other missing moon rabbits by the way, and I..."

"If the lady wants to enter the Moon Shadow Capital to find out, then please take back this idea."

The gentle voice of a strange girl attracted the eyes of everyone present.

She was holding the black rabbit who fell asleep after she was terrified, and stood not far from the canary.

"You are?"

"I am the useless head maid in Vientiane. The one who is fighting Az Dakaha right now is waiting for my master." Charsa said: "I understand that you have a contract with Yue Hare. You must come forward to help Yue in times of crisis. Rabbit, I personally thank you very much. However, if you cherish your life under the current circumstances, please do not intervene in the battlefield between the master and Az Dakaha. It is very dangerous."

"Vientiane is useless..."

Everyone fell silent.

"Why did he have a fight with Az Dakaha?"

Kasugabe Takaaki scratched his head.

He hadn't seen the legendary great demon, and he couldn't understand the reason why the two were hostile.

Charsa sighed.

"This is not something I can know."

"……I understand."

The canary, who has had several connections with Wanxiang Wuyou, knows the great demon's obsession with the final trial demon king.

Moreover, there are all kinds of useless shots, so it is naturally better than their lives to fight.

"Please thank Master Wuyou, Wanxiang for me, and for his protection. All the adults have done, we, the lower-level communities, are in the eyes."

"Yes, if there is a chance, I will pass it on." Charsa nodded.

Canary turned her head and said to everyone.

"The plan remains the same. Az Dhaka is now being dealt with by Master Wanxiang. We only need to ensure the safety of the moon rabbits around him."

Everyone started to take action.

However, what everyone present did not know was that this would be the biggest turning point for "Arcadia".

They didn’t have to fight with Az Dakaha as in the original book. They exhausted almost 80% of the personnel before reluctantly re-seal the three dragons. In the end, the injuries were unresolvable, and they were thrown into the rock by someone with a heart. They were displaced and died. The injury, even the name of the community can not be maintained.

Although such a change will make certain characters disappear, it is always a good turn.

Rope, who caused all this, is indulging in pure combat.

Chapter 129 The desired war, malicious light and unknown darkness

The torrent of steel and gold cut through the sky and smashed the mountains with the force of smashing the three dragons of Zoroastrianism.

Az Dakaha did not evade, allowing the blade to cut through his scales and penetrate his skin, allowing blood to spill freely, transforming into waves of next-generation double-headed dragons.

The absolutely evil devil possesses a fairly high level of immortality. Not only is it the characteristic of "a clone is born from a wound", it is rumored that Az Dakaha will not die even if he suffers multiple slashes and stabbings. This legend has turned into a concept similar to being immune to the death of a knife.

At the same time, doing so can also greatly increase his clones, even if each is rubbish, piled up in number, it may also cause a little trouble and difficulty to the enemy.

Indra's sword... can't it be offset by "Avista"?

Feeling the power of the golden sword to sever the godhead, Az Dakaha had a headache.

The simulated star creation "Avista" he holds is indeed a cheat device among the cheaters, something that can make gods, buddhas and protoss helpless. But this cheater is not unlimited. It absolutely cannot imitate the opposite of "humanity" and "Zoro-worship" cosmology, because the former is the face of the final trial, and the latter is the origin of "Avista."

Before becoming the emperor Indra, the source of the cosmology of the emperor belonged to Zoroastrianism.

At an instant of distraction, Az Dakaha planned to retreat for the time being, leaving the area covered by the rain of swords, but when his sight flickered, the black-haired young man came to him with a sword in his hand.

He severely chopped it down with the sword in his right hand, and the left-handed sword pierced Az Dakaha's abdomen.

Facing the eschatological savior, the three-headed magic dragon dared not hold it big, and blocked both moves quickly without conforming to the physical quality.

"Why... only use hand-to-hand combat?"

"What kind of fighting method do I want to use without being beaked by others!"

Ropez smiled so happy, he was completely indulged in the battle.

The left hand held by the dragon's claw exerted force again, comparable to the huge force of the collision of the continental structure, forcibly knocking Az Dahaka into the sky.

"This is the decree of the Creator of Thousand Signs! The thunder of the heavens! It turns into a shining spear and penetrates the heart of the dragon!"

The long sword of Luo Pei pointed to the sky, the spirit of the "One God" was activated, and the dark clouds of thunderstorm gathered in the sky outside the door of the box court. The roots have the power to destroy a national level.

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