"You even know that kind of thing, who are you?"

"The natural enemy of mankind's fantasy, mankind is useless." The black-haired young man briefly introduced.

The blood flowed faster, the heart beats more than two hundred beats per minute, and the pain was like a torn muscle.

The third star particle in Ikuyao's body did not allow it to succumb to pressure, and spontaneously learned from the surrounding environment information, making Ikuya's body full of power.

The right hand can move.

Without hesitation, Nihui Sixteen Ye exhausted all the strength of his whole body, lodged on the fist of his right hand, and smashed the black-haired youth who came in front of him fiercely.

"Even as a classic, your strength is too weak."

Luo Pei easily took the boxing of Sixteen Nights with a finger, and looked at him with faint eyes.

"You stand at the top of the world consciously, scorning the world with a boring attitude. This has led to your aptitude but neglect your aptitude. Today, your strength is no more than four-digit mid-range. You can know that your spiritual figure is two thousand. The strongest human being finally tried after the age?"

Take a look at what the "Third Permanent Organization" has created.

Maxwell only got his lingo into four digits because of his distant relatives, and he was even immortal outside the specifications. Dystopias have absorbed the concept of some third permanent organs and have ravaged the chamber for countless years, directly or indirectly leading to the destruction of countless creatures. Absolute evil merges with the energy crisis and destroys millions of gods in one blow after being lifted from the seal.

How about going back to Sixteen Nights? It is true that he was born in a barren and mysterious world, but he should at least dig into himself, right? What he shoulders is the purest third permanent organ Lingge, and the stellar particles flow in the body with blood. If you work hard, you shouldn't only have the strength of the four-digit midstream.

"But it's okay. Your lingua will help me reach Consummation. It's an honor, Mr. Xixiang Sixteen Nights."

Rope held the fist of Nihui Sixteen Nights backhand, and Wanxiang's useless endless dark lingo began to turn.

The blond boy had a desire to vomit in an instant, and then there was a suffocating pain.

Every drop of blood, every cell, wailed. The things that were born with them are being controlled by a strange attraction, flying away from the body involuntarily.

What color is the biggest fantasy of mankind?

The colorful fluorescence symbolizes the final fusion of all colors.

They scrambled to stretch out from the skin of the Sixteen Nights of Rebellion, and constantly gathered in front of Rope, forming a linguistic that Philip was fascinated by.

It is no longer the weight of Maxwell and Az Dakaha.

This lingua is bright and dazzling, and this lingua is in the sky.

It can make mankind no longer fear the cold, and it can make human beings crawling on the earth soar into the starry sky. Its great light cuts through the long night and brings the ultimate and strongest hope.

The true form of the "third permanent organ" of the lingua.

Luo Pei let go back to Sixteen Nights like a corpse, letting him fall to the ground, only the colorful spirit in his eyes.

Those leftovers and perpetual motion machines that had been absorbed into the body were leaping for joy, eager for the complete unity of this greatest fantasy.

"If it is this light, there is indeed the possibility of deciphering the uselessness of my Wanxiang..." Luo Pei smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

The long-awaited Linge did not disappoint him.

This is the purest source of strength he needs.

If it is transformed into divine power, then Rope will undoubtedly be able to crown the gods in the most perfect posture.

Luo Pei reached out to grab the lingua of the third permanent organ.

But the mutation happened at this moment.

Philip instantly squeezed her dark green wordless book, his eyes fixed on the position in the sky, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

"Sure enough, the last third permanent mechanism won't let me get it easily."

The lingu in front of him disappeared, and Rope also raised his head and stared at the sky.

Philip's playground, "The Palace of the Godsand Road" shattered like glass, and the space was turned into nothingness.

Outside the playground, the endless darkness and the shining starry sky are obscured by a huge human face.

That human face is by no means a mere portrait. It is pieced together like countless worlds, each of which exemplifies the brilliant epic of human civilization.

"Master, what the **** is that...?"

Even though Philip had been knowledgeable, he had never seen something so strange.

Rope looked at the face, and spoke slowly after a while.

"That is the will of the Hakata world itself, or the human history of all Hakata complex worlds."

Where do gods get their power? Where does Huanshou get its power? Where does the dragon breed get its power? Where does the Protoss get its power?

Asking Hakata will only get one answer.

-Records of human history.

The box garden is closely related to the history of mankind, without human history, there would be no box garden. The so-called parallel observation is such a thing.

The human face in front of him is not a pure body of will, it is anti-virus software like Hakata's "Wind of Decadence".

In order to prevent the final fantasy of mankind from being swallowed by the absolute eternal darkness.

Human beings need hope, and that hope will carry them to use the planet as a boat to cross the endless and secluded universe.

Ropey's use of "all phenomena of uselessness" to devour the "third permanent organ" is precisely to deny the ultimate possibility of mankind with the greatness of the multiverse.

At the end of this spiritual figure, if human history sits idly by, all humans in the compound world of the box garden will lose their free future and become playthings in the dark.

"Finally, the useless nature of my Wanxiang is no longer tolerated by the Hakata Three Thousand World?"

Rope smiled happily.

"It's... awesome!"


"Go away, I will not allow anyone to hinder my war and happiness."

The palace of the sacred shrine was collapsing, and Rope grabbed Philip and threw it into the box garden world.

He will face the human history of these three thousand worlds alone!

In the final analysis, this is the essence of his theory of human uselessness and the uselessness of Vientiane, isn't it?

The black-haired youth flew towards the face of the void.

The third permanent organ lingo that had been removed from his eyes began to glow.

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