Shabu smirked.

"Thank you for knowing that this is the time of Little Rope's coronation, don't you continue to enjoy the opera in your Lake Harry?"

"I don't want to repeat it a second time, Shabu."

The heady atmosphere spread.

In the distance, the six daughters of Rope ran away quietly, whispering.

"In this way, my father is really strong..."

"No, I'm sure I can't stand up to this kind of Shura field. That's His Majesty Hasta and Your Majesty Sab. Nicholas."

"Let me just say it, my mother will definitely make trouble this time."

"Hey, I really hope that Mama Shabu can be more serious..."

Not only the three pillar gods and the four element winds, but the other evil gods who received the news of the coronation all appeared in avatars to celebrate the coronation of the fourth pillar **** and look forward to the dawn of the release of the seal.

"Hahaha, this is really lively."

The clerk of the evil gods, "The Defiler" Igoronak said briskly.

"I didn't expect to see the gathering of the three pillar gods and the coronation of the fourth pillar **** with my own eyes. It was indeed the right choice to befriend Luo Pei at the beginning, right? Your Majesty Ketugya... Your Majesty Ketugya? "

The burning girl, the red-haired blaster, only Nyarlatotepu was left in her eyes.

The killing intent swept like a storm.


Cthulhu stubbornly held the Blaster to prevent her from rushing up and chaotically because of her anger at Nyarlatotepu.

"Knowing that you will be uncontrollable because of anger, don't come over and cause us trouble..."

"Sorry... but I still want to kill that guy..."

"Be quiet, today is the day of Rope's coronation, and His Majesty Asathos's sanity has returned. Do you want to be named?"

After moving out of the name of Asathos, Katugya was finally able to calm down.

But the killing intent in her eyes was still surging.

This made Saya next to her couldn't help but feel a stomachache—she still had a long way to achieve harmony with the evil gods.

When will this pair of enemies be big!

Originally, at this time, Rope had already come forward to make the rounds, but at this time he had been looking around with a smile, even if he didn't stop him, he didn't make a sound.

Looking around, his side was already full of evil gods.

Some are already familiar, while others are only heard in the classics without actual contact.

After a while, Rope stretched out his hands, grabbed Hasta and Sabu respectively, and said softly.

"That's it, okay?"


"……it is good."

Shabu is a perfect gentle personality, and Hasta will not refute Rope's orders at this time.

Luo Pei slowly walked out of the three-pillar gods and stood in front of the evil gods.

He has already reached this first position, both in terms of power and personality.

The scene is very quiet.

"It's an honor to have received so many ceremonies for this coronation." Luo Pei said: "Maybe some of your Highness and Your Majesty have only vaguely heard of my deeds, but it doesn't matter. what happened."

"My name is Rope, son of Asathos, companion of Asathos, and your future leader and ruler, and the fourth pillar **** after the "Three Pillars" system. "

"Have you ever thought that a long day will usher in a long night? Have you ever thought that the endless seal can be released? Have you ever thought that all humiliation will be washed away with the blood of the enemy? Order and chaos belong to the two poles of the balance, how can one end be long? hold high?"

"The time has come for us."

"All the way from the weak body like an ant to the front of the gods today, I believe that there is a destiny that transcends all dimensions of time and space is agitating, and I will follow this impulse and bring you a An eternal war that can rewrite everything."

"Now, it's time for you to speak up."

"Please, everyone, in front of me, salute me."

The fourth pillar god, after the ruler's order was issued, the three pillar gods headed by Yug Sotos took the lead to salute Rope.

Then came the Four Elements and various evil gods that were so ancient that they could be called "Your Majesty." They all yearned for this day too much, and didn't hesitate at all.

The other evil gods all saluted Rope in their own way after hesitating for a while. For them, surrendering to other gods is not excessive if it can bring about an eternal war to wash away the shame, and it is the fourth pillar chosen by Asathos.

In the void far away from the evil gods, two incompatible gods were also watching all this.

They were originally the ancient gods of order, but by chance they fell into a chaotic lineup.

"The God of Laws and Chronicles" Kthanos, "The Winged One of Light" Nutz.

Xanos looked at Lope, who was worshipped by the gods in a complicated manner. This guy who was still a demigod when she first met, has done what she once dreamed of-being respected by all the gods.

Even if they are all evil gods.

"As a god, I'm really an extremely failed guy." She laughed at herself.

But, friends...

Recalling what Rope had said to her, Xanos sighed slightly in his heart.

Looking to the side, the mother of light, who was once so high and holy, is now only the corrupted fanatical soul. She gazed at Rope piously, hung the wings of light as low as possible, and worshipped her true master, the Fourth Pillar.

Compared to Nutz, maybe this situation shouldn't be embarrassing, right?

Xanos thought so, and then lowered the noble head of the last son of the snake to Rope.

In this way, even if the dust settles.

After the gods finished their salute, Rope nodded in satisfaction.

Turning around, he walked in the void and walked towards Asathos in the center of the universe.

Ropey's six daughters were summoned by their father and turned into crystals of divine power of different colors and merged into Ropey's body, heading to his kingdom of God.

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