His tone was very gentle, as if he was teaching an ineffective grandson, but the killing intent contained in it made the sword king's hairs stand up.

"I have no complaints about losing to my best friend."

Salvatore moved his neck to abandon the fear that hindered him, leaving only his eagerness to compete.

"Then why are you still looking for me? Lost dog."

"Tsk in a disgusting tone... I just hate you for that."

Even if Tony is a carefree warrior with a sword in his head, the feeling of honor and shame is not so easy to forget.

He raised the sword in his hand high, and recited the spirit of the silver-armed God King Nuada.

"——Swear here. I don't allow anything that I can't cut. This sword can sever everything on the ground. It is an invincible blade."

The arm became a metal arm made of silver, and Salvatore pointed the blade at the motionless old man and said loudly.

"Before the troublesome guy arrives, let me reclaim my previous shame, Dejansdal Voban!"

Chapter 86: Cutting off the Light of Flame

After Tony used his power, the whole air was filled with sharp and metallic smells.

But facing this magic sword that cut everything in the world, the Marquis of Woban shook his head with a sigh.

"It's impossible to become a good king just blindly competing for strength and eagerness. Salvatore Tony, while I am in a good mood today, I will give you a chance to take back the sword, otherwise you and me will change. There is a battle between life and death. Those who leave here can only step on the blood of the loser."

The oldest godslayer had the confidence to say this.

Except for the Chinese leader Luo Hao, Sasha Dejansdal Voban never puts anyone in his eyes, even his fellow compatriots-Salvatore Tony.

"I didn't come here to lay down the blade in front of you."

Salvatore dropped his sword to his side, forming a defensive posture that he could deal with no matter what.

"If by any chance I lose this time, my best friend Rope will avenge me. It will surely give you a taste of defeat in this extremely eastern island country!"

The victory is about to be pinned on the sword, one-on-one heroic thinking. I also have concerns about what I might lose.

This is why Salvatore will contact Rope to come to Japan to deal with the Marquis, but then sneak out to fight alone.

"Are you crazy?"

The old gentleman frowned. "In order to win, you even chose the stupidest way, Tony, I seem to have a little too high a rating of you."

"Hmph, don't talk to me in the tone that you have already won." Salvatore said disdainfully. "Use action to prove it."

"Young people now..."

With a sigh, the Marquis slowly unbuttoned his upper body suit and placed it steadily on the next step.

Immediately afterwards, Woban's posture changed.

From a human form to a wolf walking upright with silver hair-a human wolf, and completely in the form of a wolf.

Woban's body in the form of a silver wolf swelled and grew bigger in one breath. The huge body, which was about 30 meters long and reached an impossible size, stopped swelling.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

The huge roar sound resounded in the dark clouded sky.

At the same time, those cumulonimbus clouds began to play their own value, and a huge storm suddenly blew up in Chiba Prefecture.

——Lightning, wind, torrential rain, wolf!

The rain hit Salvatore's steely skin, making him feel cold.

The time for war is often only an instant.

As a swordsman's perception came first, he swung his sword directly to the right side of his body. After cutting off the rain, he was firmly pinched by the claws of the Marquis of Voban.

The huge werewolf had moved to Salvatore's side at some unknown time!

"As at the time, the sneak attack seems to have no effect." Woban squinted his green beast pupils, and said leisurely and arrogantly.

"Even if I don't defend, you can't break the "steel". "

Salvatore smiled grandiosely, shining silver curse power all over, applying strength to his right hand continuously.


A sour voice rang from the hands of the Marquis of Woban.

It was the sound of nails that were as solid as fine gold being slowly cut off.

"Your sword is still so annoying."

The werewolf turned around and kicked him directly with his hind foot.

Because it was too fast, Salvatore didn't have time to increase his weight and stabilize the bottom plate.

The King of Swords flying in the air not only endured the marquis's tremendous power, but also several lightning bolts smashed down in the sky, enveloping him in the electric light.

But that's it, Salvatore still didn't suffer any harm.

Unless the power of "Dragon Slayer Hero" Siegfried is Rope's sword of words, or the power of flames for calcination, it really complies with the old Chinese saying.

Salvatore is a copper pea that can't be steamed, cooked, hammered, fried, and resounding!

"Saltification can't hurt you... I've already fought with you once, and I'm tired of the step-by-step method."

Wuban's wolf exhaled white gas, and his eyes became dangerous.

"Pay the price for your own arrogance, not every time you have such good luck, escape from my flames!"

The Marquis is serious, he really wants to kill his compatriots!

Hearing these words from the Marquis, Salvatore's heart shuddered, and he subconsciously looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the clouds were dispersed.

No, it should be said that it has become thicker.

The rainwater that evaporates heat turns into water vapor, constantly adding the raw materials of the cumulonimbus cloud. But those clouds no longer had the pitch black color at all, instead, they turned into a crimson red like a burnt cloud.

——That is karma and fire.

The never extinguished flame in the red lotus hell, the Buddha's wrath, the embodiment of the will to eliminate evil and promote good.

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