"Ha...Ha..." He panted heavily, bloodshot around the green beast pupils, and he was clearly on the verge of anger.

"It's Mekal who took control of the storm...how lucky, how lucky! To kill two gods in one place! Aw!!!"

Voban made the sound of a wolf howling.

The giant wolves with silver fur were called out. Accompanying these sacred beasts were the dead in black cloth robes.

"My servant! Torn the enemy in front of you! Sacrifice his blood to me!"

The creatures that had been summoned scrambled to rush towards Rope.

In response, Rope extended his left hand, which had been empty.

"May I tell you! I can only forge two "Golden Swords" of Velesrana, but as long as the power of your "wolf" is sealed, the dead's cannon fodder is not enough! "

Once in the original Sardinia, Velesrana not only forged Mekal's sword of speech, but also surpassed himself, and forged the golden sword of Prometheus.

And now, Rope will repeat that glorious glory!

"You were born in darkness!"

Chapter 89—The Lost Marquis

While chanting the spirit of words, Luo Pei is performing an exquisite "dance".

Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it martial arts.

The gold sword that has been forged is not only a sword of wisdom that cuts off power, but also a good blade for cutting steel jade. It is more than enough to deal with these decayed dead and unqualified giant wolves.

He cut off the sword of the great knight, the spell of the magician, and the fangs of the wolf.

The power of the Marquis was as ridiculous as paper in front of him.

"Wandering like the night, the wolf **** of the haters of mankind. His oldest name is called the light. The **** with rats and wolves. The **** of silver and gold!"

The light is brilliant and brilliant.

In Luopei's left hand, the second sword of words and spirits that slayed the gods. Shining with the brilliance of gold, it spread out as countless **** of light.

"A **** with a title that means light. However, at the same time, he is also a **** who was given "Takiti who looks like the night. El Eikos." The gods with huge contradictions on the outside and inside are the gods you killed in the past. "

The sword of gold danced wildly in the spirit of words.

He looked up and saw Woban who had become a giant wolf.

His body hair covered with silver, the flesh of a fierce wolf, was criss-crossed and cut apart.

The strong body that was unscathed under the thunder of the sky was destroyed by those small branch swords, just like the karma that sealed Fudo Mingwangzun in the first place.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

The Marquis wailed, and could only keep waving his hands to slap the swords of words that cut him.

But it is no different from human beings driving mosquitoes when they are irritable, and it has no effect at all.

When Rope cut off the karma just now, he still thought it was no big deal. It was not until he personally tried the power of a "warrior" with his body that Woban understood how terrifying this power was.

There was a terrifying green light in his pupils, staring at Rope.

"Shut up!" he growled. "Turn your chattering mouth into salt! Then it will never open!"

That is the power that the Marquis usurped to Horatio Pvelus, the "Military God"-"The Eye of Sodom."

When his evil eyes shined, the living things he saw in his sight would turn into salt crystals. Not only is there no limit on the number of people, but also has a perspective vision of thousands of meters, which can reproduce scenes in biblical legends.

But this power also belongs to the AOE that cleans up miscellaneous soldiers.

Even Athena's "petrified eye" can't trap Rope, let alone the "Pupil of Sodom," which is basically ineffective against gods and godslayers?

Luo Pei smiled slightly and directly dispelled the Marquis' delusion.

"——I will only sleep peacefully under the death of my choice! Here, I refuse any form of harm, and all forces that intend to harm me will be isolated by an oath and cannot invade!"

The power of "steel" perfectly dissipated the salinization, causing Woban to return without success again.

"I said! Your power is worthless!"

Luo Pei said proudly with the light of steel shining all over his body. "When I cut off your "wolf" and crush the cowardly legion of the dead, you will know how worthless you are! How ridiculous your pride is! "

In the past, he was thinking about and coping with problems as a "magic".

And now, Luo Pei has gradually become like a "warrior".

As sharp as "steel"!

"Wow... let you draw another good card."

Salvatore, who was sitting in the spectator seat, smacked his tongue slightly.

He is different from the Marquis. There are only three powers that can be directly used in battle. Among them, the "Torn Arm of Silver" and "The Protection of Steel" are indispensable. If they are specifically sealed by Rope Two, let alone fight, survival has become a problem.

"Ocean, steel, storm, and the sword of words that sever power... It's too exaggerated, my brother." Salvatore wilted.

"How can I turn around in the future..."

"I am not against your challenge, Tony." Rope said. "It's just that if you lose again, your Italy will be mine."


The King of Sword was speechless.

Seeing the relaxed atmosphere between the two, the Marquis of Woban could almost crush his teeth.

How long has he been humiliated like this! ?

The brave who came to challenge him before, or the demon king, even the "King of Martial Arts" Luo Hao did not dare to be distracted when he was hostile.

What's more frightening is that he has nothing to do with this phenomenon! ?

"The Convict of Karma Fire" was sealed, and the rule of "Rapid Wind and Rage" was taken away. "The Eye of Sodom" was invalid. "The Cage of the Servants of Death" could only be cannon fodder in this kind of battle...

If "The Greedy Wolves" were sealed by the younger generation in front of him, then Woban would really have nothing to do except suicide.

"——Wolf! Servant! Resist the sword rain for me!"

In pain, countless wolves were born out of Woban's silver body hair. The body hair deformed one by one and turned into a flesh about the size of an ordinary wolf, running in the air.

In order to resist the sword of words like raindrops.

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