That is the meaning of his life. Completing Rope's orders is the duty of madness in hell!

-Two in one, inseparable forever!

"Swallow it!"

Rope opened his five fingers at the black dragon who was still fighting the wild boar in front of him, and said coldly.

"Turn the enemy in front of me into my nourishment, grow my soul with his fear, and drag Woban into the white gospel! Give the most painful defeat!"


PS: Hashihime knows she is lazy, please don't pinch me with "invisible hands" (:3"∠) thanks

Chapter 92—The Death of the Marquis

There was a trance, followed by a bright white light.

When the black dragon incarnation of Woban opened his topaz eyes, not only the huge wild boar who was fighting with him was lost, but also the place where he stood was changed like magic.

As far as the eye can see, infinite white!

"Healthcare..." Woban whispered in surprise.

"This is... space transfer?"

After speaking, he himself swayed the huge dragon head and denied it.

"Impossible! Magic cannot have any effect on the godslayer, even the great magic of space transfer is impossible!"

When these fool's sons usurped power from the gods, it was already doomed that the magic of the world could no longer affect them. On the skin of the godslayer, there will be extremely high spell resistance, unless it is directly cast on the inside, otherwise there is almost no effect.

"Is it your trick? Kid!"

Heilong turned his head fiercely, staring at the blond boy standing on a tall building.

"Military god, storm, steel, plus the power of the rumored tsunami, you should not have the ability to close the space! Otherwise, the **** you killed is definitely not a four-pillar!"

His sharp dragon claws gripped the floor hard, but the power that was enough to lift the mountains was unable to leave even a trace of scratches on these seemingly fragile white stones.

—Not an illusion.

"My surname is Luo Mingpei, don't always scream "Little Ghost Little Ghost". On my chassis, the loser, please follow the basic courtesy?"

Facing a big lizard, Rope also put away the hypocrisy and said mercilessly.

"If you continue to stain your death, then you can ignore my words."

"Death?" The black dragon cracked his big mouth and sprayed a burst of sulfur smoke from his nose.

"I am the incarnation of death! Climbed up from the dark underground and gave you the flames of revenge! As long as I become spiritualized, this world will be...?"

Vauban choked.

Cannot be spiritualized.

Not only that, but the curse power that shaped the black dragon's body is being lost to a large extent, feeding back to the dead human body of Woban.

This means that his "Black Dragon of the Underworld" power will soon end, and then it will be desperately weak.

"...What did you do."

With the light and dark body, Woban stared at Rope, who was watching from the sidelines, without any movement at all.

Intuition tells him there must be a ghost in it.

"Go on, what's wrong with this world?" Rope laughed maliciously.

"There is nothing that can stop you, is it? Unfortunately, on the contrary. In this world, as large as the soil under your feet, as small as the air you breathe, every atom is resisting you. They belong to my soul. Realization, the servant of the Terrifying Venerable, how can you let you do what you want?"

In fact, to put it simply, the White Gospel cuts off the conditions for Woban to survive.

"Dragon" is the holy beast of Mother Earth, and "death" is also buried deep in the heart of the earth in mythology. Without the support of the earth, in this desperate world without the legend of the dragon, the power of the Marquis is difficult to operate.

Therefore, it will be forced to return to its own body.


In the sound of the tumbling bubbles, the scales of the black dragon became blurred like water ripples, and then turned into smoke to rush toward the body of Voban, who had lost his heart, lying on the ground.

The dark smoke filled the hole in the old man's left chest. After a while, breathing appeared in his nasal cavity, and his newborn heart was beating slowly.

-From death to life.

"Unexpectedly... I would actually fall into the hands of younger generations."

The Marquis stared at the evil eyes like beryl, and his face was as white as paper and tremblingly climbed up from the ground.

The sequelae of "Black Dragon of the Underworld" have already begun to appear. Now Woban can't even use the most basic "Pupil of Sodom", and can only stand there blankly like a real old man.

"It's useless to say some pretty words now. There is no such thing as "respecting the old and loving the young" in my dictionary... well, maybe there is still "loving the young". "

At this time, he thought of Athena's petite and young devilish appearance, and forcibly changed his words.

"If you beat Salvatore before and stop, and then leave this country and go back to your own wolf den, you may not suffer this kind of bad luck. I am not in the mood to go to the cold and dying northern Europe to trouble you. ."

"If you don't fight, just shrink back. Who do you think of me as Woban!?"

The silver-haired old man showed a grinning smile.

"I was gambling in the first half of my life, and hunting in the second half of my life. I think I am a perfect hunter. Facing the provocation of the cubs, do you think I will retreat?"

"So now this is your end."

Spreading his hands, Rope jumped down from the stairs and stood less than ten meters away from the Marquis of Vauban.

"If you have any power, please use it quickly. Otherwise, there will be no time. Before seeing you command your necromantic legion so high, I can't help it—monsters! Children of fear, from a dark corner Climb out!"

In the pure white world, because of the angle of the house and the fake sun in the sky, there are always places that lack light.

And the place covered by these shadows is exactly the favorite residence of the monsters in Rope's White Gospel.

After the order was given, the monsters that were only available in horror movies slowly walked out of the darkness.

They have different shapes, some do not even have limbs and the most basic recognizable appearance of human beings, but they still obey the orders, crawl forward, ready to crush all of Sasha Dejansdal Voban, and remove his The soul is dedicated to Rope, the ruler of this world.

-Five kills!

-Five times will be destroyed!

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