This shows how far this godkiller has gone on the road of "wu".

And now, in this mountain range listed as forbidden by the Chinese alchemists, a cute-looking teenager is climbing the mountain road briskly. The broken rocks on the road, the wanton branching branches, and the disgusting bugs that fall from time to time can't slow the young man's forward speed.

He is wearing a black shirt and jeans of the same color. Although there is no obvious sign, it can be seen from the workmanship and fabric that it is a very expensive luxury.

"Ah, why do I have to see the master again..."

The black-haired boy complained in a low voice, then slapped a viper waiting for an opportunity with his palm.

When the snake touched the palm of the young man, it was as if a small bomb had been placed inside, and the whole body exploded into a cloud of blood in the air.

Lu Yinghua.

A young man with a reputation in the land of China.

However, this "famous" does not refer to his enviable and unparalleled martial arts talents, but his identity as a disciple of the godslayer Luo Hao.

When he was young, he was "voluntarily" worshipped Luo Hao as his teacher. This fourteen-year-old boy is probably higher than the "Great Knights" Erica and Liliana who are the great knights. He is in the high rank second only to the godslayer in this world.

However, because of the existence of this kind of strength, because of simply seeing his master, his face is almost as fearful as gold paper. The whole person is pessimistic, and the brain is full of unclear words such as "It's cold to add more coffin boards", "I hope only the ribs will be broken, and the internal organs will not be hurt."

There is no other reason.

Lu Yinghua’s master Luo Hao is a **** who is rare in the world... Well, maybe it’s more appropriate to call it "the only one". It is not only cruel to the enemy who offends him, but also to the disciples who treat him as his own.

In the course of Lu Yinghua's learning from Luo Hao, he fractured 357 times, fainted 572 times, wandered on the boundary of life twelve times, plus those numerous minor injuries.

——Ghost knows how Lu Yinghua survived.

The result of this is that the poor young man is not only afraid of his master, but he also suffers from the mental illness "misogyny" that he will never have in his grade. He is especially hostile to beautiful and capable women.

It's really embarrassing.

After wading through the winding mountain roads, Lu Yinghua finally arrived in front of the small temple where the holy leader Luo Hao lived.

He tried to knock on the door several times, but he withdrew his hand because of hesitation.

After wandering in front of the door for a few minutes, Lu Yinghua finally made up his mind.

Because he had to inform his master about the news he came for, otherwise it is very likely that a big problem would really happen, and it would not be impossible for the leader to slaughter the city in anger—she had done this kind of thing before, especially in Japan.

But just when his palm was about to touch the agarwood gate, a voice came out.

The beauty of music and the cool sound of music are boarded there.

"Ying'er, there is no call for a teacher, why come?"


Before Lu Yinghua's words could be spoken, a strong force came from his chest.

He vomited blood in an instant, and flew out with the door of agarwood, and stopped after breaking a few trees.

When he got up from the ground with difficulty and raised his head, Lu Yinghua's master, Luo Hao, the Godkiller who ruled seven-tenths of China's alchemists, had already walked out.

Peerless beauty, black-haired girl.

What wraps the body is the ancient Chinese clothing-Hanfu. The hem is very long, with long sleeves and feather-like tops and long skirt-like flowing bottoms.

She didn't wear shoes and socks on her delicate jade feet, but she did not get a trace of dust when she stepped on the ground.

In this martial arts king, it can be said that the oriental beauty is shown to a certain extreme, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a compliment to his rebirth.

Luo Hao held the pipa in his hands and looked at Lu Yinghua on the ground with beautiful eyes.

"Have you forgotten all the etiquette that Master taught you? What's more, I just waved it lightly, and you became like this. If you want to come to your martial arts practice, do you neglect it?"

Lu Yinghua didn't care about the pain of the broken bone, so he hurriedly made three steps and two steps before kneeling before Luo Hao, and said loudly.

"The disciples are not shameful. They have let down your expectations. Please forgive me!"

In short, admit your mistakes first.

This is the life-saving thing that Lu Yinghua has learned during his years of abuse.


Luo Hao snorted softly, then sat down on the rock next to him, and continued to maintain his beloved instrument.

It seems to have been through this catastrophe. Lu Yinghua let out a sigh of relief.

"After all, what's the matter for you to rush up the mountain in such a hurry."


Lu Yinghua organized the language a little, and then reported to the leader.

"Recently, many major events have happened in the world. Master, your old man lives in the mountains and forests. I am afraid that you will not be able to know all kinds of news from the outside world."

"Yeah." Luo Hao nodded, agreeing with Lu Yinghua's statement.

"Lushan is indeed clean here, but time has elapsed, and it has been impossible to do the things that were all over the world at the beginning. A lot of things may have happened. Come and listen to me."


Lu Yinghua clasped his fists, stood up from the ground, and looked at the stunning beauty sitting on the rock earnestly.

"Master, one of your compatriots, the Marquis of Sasha Dejansdal Voban was killed!"

Chapter 97: Unparalleled Beauty, Lord Luo Hao (Part 2)


Luo Hao's left little finger trembled slightly, and the string of the pipa broke.

Hearing Lu Yinghua's words, the leader's first reaction was not to believe it.

But then he thought about it again. Lu Yinghua was big on his own. He definitely didn't have the courage to deceive himself. He was not a low-level person without knowledge. He knew very well that the Marquis had the power to resurrect. Since he dared to say so sure, it must be. Woban's death in the true sense, even the resurrection, could not escape the immense fate.

She lowered her eyelids and asked in a low voice.

"...Is that old **** died in the hands of the **** of disobedience?"

The **** killer and the **** of disobedience are deadly enemies.

If anyone in the world can kill a godslayer, apart from the king of the same class, there is only the **** of disobedience.

The moment they were crowned king, the godslayers hung their heads on their waistbands, so it is not uncommon for them to die in battle.

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