"The body and mind are like illusions, I have nothing to do."

In order to get out of the predicament, she chanted the spell of "Shenzutong".

Although the leader of this Buddhism secret has no heart to understand, it cannot be as good as the legendary "Buddha crosses the three realms in one step," but it is enough for her to achieve the purpose of "space transfer."

——The goal is behind Rope's ontology.

"Jin Ge Zhe territory, plain hand cracked brocade."

Luo Hao's singing was dissatisfied with killing intent. Her palms were as sharp as a sharp knife, breaking through the defense of "Steel Body", piercing Rope's back, and accurately cutting off his spine.

This is not over yet.

The leader seemed uneasy, and at almost the same time another hand was also inserted.

With a stretch of her slender arms that contained tremendous strength, Rope's body was just like what the poem said in her mouth. The human body and the skeleton body were torn apart by violence, and turned into two broken brocades, like flying away from the side. .

"Do you really want to learn my martial arts? Then I will reluctantly teach you another truth."

Luo Hao's blood-stained beauty was slightly smiling, and she was in a good mood now.

"When facing a warrior, no matter what the situation is, don't let down the vigilance behind...otherwise you will end up like you, my backup Yo."



The sound that shouldn't have appeared came from a distance.

Luo Hao subconsciously looked to the ground to see if Luo Pei used the power of resurrection.

But the ground was divided into two pieces, and the blood-stained body still existed, and she really shredded Rope's "main body."

——That voice can only be uploaded from that "clone".

Raising his head, Luo Hao saw that he had just attacked him and was kicked away from his left body and turned into a "clone" of vines-to be more precise, it was half the body of Luo Pei on his right.

Luo Hao frowned and asked.

"What's going on... My eyes didn't leave you for a moment. What I killed just now is absolutely true. It must be your real body."

After gradually retracting the vines, "Clone" Luo Pei shook his head and showed a mischievous smile.

"Yes, you have already killed "Rope". "

He separated another vine and slowly dragged the two corpses over. Luo Hao was also very generous and did not stop him.

If you don't understand the reason, acting rashly will only make it worse. The black-haired girl thought so.

"Clone" Rope squatted down and laid out the two corpses without even the most basic treatment. The divided part began to repair itself quickly after a certain distance.

After a while, Rope, who was killed, stood up again.

"I am Rope."

"I am Rope too."

"We not only share life, but also superimpose life."

"I am him, he is me, we are two in one."

"Unless the leader can kill both of us at the same time, otherwise we will recover indefinitely until the end of time."

"Death can't cut our bondage. This is the manifestation of the divine nature of the "evil twin gods" Roigr and Zal. "

Two existences, each of which is Rope's body, and each of his clones. Unless he and the crazy **** are completely wiped out at the same time, Luo Hao is just doing useless work to increase his experience of corresponding to the real warrior.

Luo Pei stood up and pulled out a slightly sullen smile.

"Thank you for your teaching just now, and now I invite you to grade my "homework". "

Perceiving something, Luo Haomeng turned his head back.

It was a white plague vine entwined with spider silk, which sneaked up from the ground some time ago.

Behind the black-haired girl, the sky was already covered.

Chapter 130 Luo Pei and Luo Hao (5)

In the ocean of vines, each one is accompanied by a poison that kills flesh and bones.

If the previous offensive can be solved with supernatural powers and transfer oneself to escape the encirclement and suppression attacks, then there is definitely no time now.

When the leader perceives the danger, he flies away like a rabbit from the left side.

Step forward like a dragonfly

But those vines obviously didn't intend to let her go just like that.

Not only are those who are chasing the prey in the back, at the same time, as long as the leader jade foot lightly touches the ground, white vines covered with spider silk have risen to join the hunting army.

"The leader, a teacher who doesn't understand what he teaches and becomes so embarrassed, now you are disqualified as a martial artist."

Luo Pei smiled, and the arm of the half body that was the stand-in still released the plague vines underground.

Because of the "two existence" reason, his thinking was not interrupted at the same time he died, so he was able to release the attack that Luo Hao could not prevent while he was resurrected and got up.

——This can be regarded as Rope's evil taste.

Luo Hao raised his head to avoid a sneak attack vine, and stood an somersault on the gravel smashed by wild boars, temporarily getting rid of the "army" that had gathered under his feet into the sea.

She raised her eyebrows when she heard Rope's words, and replied in disgust.

"Shut up! I think you are a younger generation of the same clan in vain, and you are so ignorant of self-love. Don't worry about messing around!"

The leader is not angry with Rope's ridicule, but as a "god-killer" of the same type, he will casually devalue himself.

"It's also your own ability to learn my martial arts stealthily. Why do you need to lower your identity? Do you think that Luo Cuilian's mind is so narrow?"

"It's just a joke, don't react so much."

Luo Pei raised his mouth and smiled, but the four eyes did not leave Luo Hao at all, carefully observing her every movement, step, and even the use of physical strength.

Since you have to concentrate on learning, although the "intrinsic time control" can greatly increase the speed within the body's tolerance, it will cause damage to the body. Even if Rope's recovery speed is different from that of ordinary people, it will definitely not work in the long run.

It seems that the speed of the vines can't surpass the leader's perception at all...

Seeing that his attack had no effect, Rope made a decisive decision, changed his offensive mode, and took back the countless poisonous vines lying on the ground.

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