"You are my living sacrifice."

He needs a game to lead out the **** of incompliance, but it takes a very long time for Xema alone, which is what he lacks most as an incarnation.

So he decided to ask for help.

Seek help from an evil and powerful independent race in the universe.

If you can get their help, with the help of the power of distorting reality and space, creating a large playground becomes very simple.

It's just that it may take quite a lot of humans to become the victims of the playground.

Jack Scott was the first group, but definitely not the last.

"Asshole, asshole!"

Perhaps it was the excessive fear that stimulated Jack's brain, briefly regaining his sense of reason.

Just as a human would grab a thin straw on the edge of a cliff, he held the girl in front of him, and the butterfly knife rested on her neck, threatening Xima viciously.

"Get out of the monster! Are you trying to save this girl!? I know! I know! If you dare to approach me, I will kill her! Let me go now!!!"


The meaning is totally unknown.

Xma didn't even hesitate for a moment, and the tentacles turned into sharp swords and directly brought the girl and Jack through them.

"Hmm!!" The girl opened her sapphire blue eyes, then dimmed. The weight of his entire body was hung on Xema's tentacles.

It looked like he was in a coma in shock.

But Jack released the restraint on the girl because of the severe pain, and fell to the side.

"Bastard **** bastard bastard..."

He kept cursing, stretched out his hand to climb in the other direction, and the will to survive took over Jack's body.

"I avoided the key points, and I won't let you succeed in your death."

Poor Jack, the last act of self-protection was regarded by Xema as a stupid death.

He retracted his tentacles, the magic power on his body fluctuated like haze, and finally turned into a human form again.

The gray skin that had been dry and dead had changed its appearance. If you ignore the scarlet eyes of Xema, it would look like an ordinary teenager from the outside.

Stepping forward, he abolished his limbs again in a scream.


Xma nodded in satisfaction, dragging the dog to death, leading Jack to line up him and other friends who had been drained of blood and died.

Read the ancient spells recorded in the "Lalaiye Text".

"The glorious people wandering among the stars, the colorful children of the stars. Come with your plagues and distortions. Here is the best sacrifice and superior environment. You don't need to control yourself, release your distortions... ...In the name of the ruler, order you to come down from the stars..."

Xma is like an evil magician, unable to extricate himself from indulging in his own spells.

After a while, from the void of the house, the door was opened by turbulent magic.

Although he could not be witnessed, Jack knew that something terrible had come to this world. Just like a newborn baby, he touched this space with pure and disgusting curiosity.

At the same time, he also realized that his life was about to end.

Right now.


Sweden, the most beautiful city Gothenburg.

The young man leaned on the towering old trees and felt the wind blowing.

He closed his eyes with a shallow smile, short hair like golden sand, and the handsome face portrayed by the most famous sculptor, a rare and beautiful boy in the world.

Scenes like ancient paintings appear in reality, and if that amazing is seen by humans passing by, it will definitely be an unforgettable shock in a lifetime.

It's a pity that the boy didn't think like that.


Perceiving something, the young man opened his eyes, his gaze focused slightly into the distance.

That is the location of Coxma, the location of Avista.

The space is torn apart? And the place of the link is not secluded? The young man was a little surprised, unable to understand where besides the secluded world, there was a rift that was worthy of a great spell to open up the space.

He has rarely been idle for a while since the godslayers of Northern Europe left, but it seemed like a scumbag. There were fewer people to chase him, and the boy who lacked the fun of hiding and chasing immediately became bored again.

It seems that this is a good opportunity to pass the boring time... the boy's eyes moved and he came alive.

Go check it out. He thought so, and then jumped from the end of the branch.

"Srepnell, something is up."

"Yu Yu——"

From behind him, a gray eight-legged steed ran out, and stayed close by the boy's side affectionately. It is the mount of the main **** Odin in Norse mythology. It has an eight-legged gray steed that can travel in the air or cross the sea. But it is also the product of the evil **** Loki turning into a mare and a stallion to mate, a divine beast with both good and evil.

With this set off, the identity of the teenager is also obvious.

The most familiar deity in Nordic mythology, the source of all evil, the **** of mischief, the beginning of the dusk of the gods...

—— "Vulcan" Loki!

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Five—Looking at the Terrorist

The occultist was high or low, and the sound of repeated chanting was returned in the narrow basement.

However, judging from the dampness and coldness of the surrounding air that can almost turn into water droplets, the process of summoning has clearly entered the final stage, only waiting for the "priest guests" from afar to enjoy the sacrifices they deserve.

In the void, a dazzling brilliance came out first.

It is difficult to describe the appearance of this weird creature.

It's like a pure color, but it's not a gas, and there is no materialized entity at all. When it moves, it looks like a gleaming, amorphous color flowing around.

Clustered and squeezed, three radiances passed through the spatial tunnel constructed by Xema.

"One, two, three... actually there are three ColorsOutofSpace (ColorsOutofSpace) that responded to my call!?"

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