Soon Alsa gave up thinking, and her whole body froze.

She saw the boy's face—

Alsa didn't know how to describe it. That face was the most beautiful face she had ever seen. Yin and masculine coexisted with the right proportions. The male celebrities that she had seen in the pictorial in the past also thought she was very handsome, but compared with the blond boy, she could only use the word "ugly" to describe it.

His pupils were dark blue, which seemed to contain thunder, mysterious and deep, and almost sucked Alsa in.

The girl shook her head, expelled the magical beauty from her head, and resumed her thinking.

But after a while, seeing the young man still looking at the sky, she couldn't help but speak.



The boy seemed to be awakened by the sound, turned his head slightly, and fixed the focus of his eyes on Alsa's embarrassed face with a plain and indifferent expression.

Although she didn't speak, Alsa knew that the teenager was waiting for her to follow along.

"That..." Alsa twisted her clothes, desperately using her little poor knowledge to organize the language.

"...It’s better not to wander around at night. It’s not peaceful recently. The old John’s family in Building No. 3 has been killed... So if you have a home, go back quickly. And there are a lot of **** people here. You look like this. Good-looking, be careful of them..."

Oh my God, what am I talking about!

Alsa was going crazy.

She felt that when she saw this young man, her sanity began to collapse and she rushed in an unpredictable direction.

The air fell silent for a while, and there were quarreling sounds from upstairs.

Just when Alsa couldn't help being embarrassed to the point of running away, the blond boy finally spoke.

His voice is very low, like a weather-beaten old man.

"Are you... craving chaos?"

A moment, just a moment.

Alsa was like a young antelope being stared at by a lion, and she was sweating coldly because of fear.

In the girl's sight, the boy standing across the river is no longer simply "handsome." His shadow danced wildly, like a monster waving its foraging organs. Unspeakable power descended on Alsa, crushing her young nerves, pressing her step by step.

Until he fell into the abyss called "Crazy".


Chapter One Sudden Coming

The weather in winter is still so harsh, even though Rope has wrapped his clothes as tightly as possible, cold winds still come in from the gaps from time to time, taking away his little body temperature.

He looked at the convenience store next to him expectantly. If he had yen, he would definitely be more comfortable, right? At least there is no need to starve in the cold wind.

The reality is beautiful, but the ideal is the backbone.

Luo Pei, who was thrown in directly by the system, had only his pirated Apple mobile phone, except for the twenty yuan he had on him.

"Why don't you remind me of the season."

He rubbed his face and complained to the supreme being in his mind. "Obviously it was a hot summer day over there, and it turned out to be so cold in an instant... I'll catch a cold!"

‘You should think about these things yourself. I said it’s "Fatezero". From Alice Phil’s dress, you should also tell that it’s winter, right? What's more, I am only responsible for your strengthening and ‘world shuttle’, and the rest is not within the scope of my duties. ’

The mechanical sound that was colder than winter sounded in his mind, giving Rope the feeling of punching the cotton.

"Who cares about that kind of thing!"

‘So you have to be frozen. ’

"You guy..."

Rope twitched the corner of his mouth and slowly relaxed his body. He sat down and rested on the stone steps on the side of the road. Because of some moss, he didn't feel the cold of the stone, but his pants were a little damp.

"If you are as omnipotent as the ‘master god’ in the novel, at least I don’t have to be cold now. After all, your function is still too bad."

‘Use it for you, don’t have to go, there is a kind of you to unload me. ’

"Ah, I don't want this. You are my best friend, not to mention that I will die faster without you." Luo Pei smiled bitterly, not caring about the daily arrogance of the system.

"Speaking of which, are we really already in the anime? It feels like there is no difference."

Looking around, the very ordinary roads and the woods beside the road, except for the Japanese on the road signs indicating that they are no longer their original country, even the clerk in the convenience store next to it is so real, except that the passers-by have a uniform appearance. Unexpectedly, the rest did not feel like the so-called two-dimensional.

'This is the product after the'Two-dimensional World' is revised by the will of the universe. After all, some things in the animation are too unrealistic, just like a painting with a pair of eyes occupying two-thirds of the face, which is impossible. If it is placed in reality according to the original, it is not cute but frightening. ’

"Well, I know the truth, but I'm still disappointed." Luo Pei sighed. "After watching anime for so many years, I finally met the magical you, and entered the two-dimensional world of my dreams as I wished, but found that it was the same. This feeling of disillusionment is really uncomfortable."

'Getting used to it, one extra word of advice. This is your first world. Don't bring in the mentally retarded idea of'I will not die' and'I am the protagonist'. The system will not give you any substantial help. Yes, everything depends on yourself. ’

"Thank you, I still know that."

The icy words revealed the concern that was so strong that it could not be dissipated. Rope knew that if anyone in this world really cares about himself, it is not the parents who have never met, but this turbulent guy.

After all, from the meeting half a year ago, the two of them are familiar enough to call them ‘friends’.

"But, is there really no help at all?" Rope asked tentatively, unwillingly. "I have to give some reinforcement or something. Isn't it a matter of course for the system flow? You don't want to see me being chopped into meat sauce soon?"

‘I’ve made you understand Japanese, isn’t that enough? ’

"How can it be enough? This is the moon world of "fatezero", the super mysterious world where perverts run everywhere, and the strong are not as good as the dogs!"

Understand Japanese? Are you kidding me...

Hearing the faint tone, Rope yelled frantically. "Let’s not talk about the powerful heroes in the Fourth World War. It is estimated that the common murderer, Yusheng Ryunosuke, shouldn’t be too easy to kill me! Hey, don’t you really want me to die? According to the truth, "Apocalypse of the Academy" Is it my first priority in the first world?"

‘? When did you have the illusion that I would send you to sell cute movies at a low level? Is it difficult for creatures that are slow to walk, slow to attack, and useless except infectious? Here you have a higher chance of becoming stronger, and you also choose it yourself. ’

Speaking of this, Rope couldn't bear it anymore, stood up, and pulled out a window that only he could see from the void, like a sci-fi projection, and shot that window with a loud sound.

"Look for yourself! What options did you give me! "Ultra Tiga", "Dragon Ball Z", "EVA"...No matter which world it is in, there is only one dead end when I go."

Rope smiled crumbled and sat on the ground again.

"As soon as the freshness of entering the second dimension disappears, all that is left is fear and fear of the future. Coach, I want to go home..."

‘Sorry, I have rules after all. Even if I want to send you back away from danger, I can’t do it, so you have to complete your mission and get this holy grail. ’

Seeing Rope's sudden depression, the poison tongue system rarely said a word of comfort, but it was of little use.

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