Actually "take it out" without any magic power? ...This girl is indeed a rough stone with great aptitude... His eyes are full of brilliance.

"Take your brother to the hospital."

Sena said gently and naturally. "Dad, with this, the monsters on the ground won't do anything to you." She paused. "Maybe this is the last time we have met Dad... take care of yourself."

I thought a lot, but there were only four words left on my lips.

This is a farewell that condenses all of Sena's feelings.

"Sena..." Norman was speechless for a moment.

He can't do anything, he is just an ordinary person.

Meaningless, worthless, ordinary people who have been trampled on for their only happiness.

"Well, that's the end of the boring family scene." After checking the time, Xema stood up and clapped her hands to Senna.

"According to the "Master-Apprentice Contract", your request is not excessive at all. It just so happens that Master is about to catch a big fish, so let's take you to the world. I don't care how much you can learn during this period. I will leave the systematic teaching for later...if your mother can persist until that time. "

"Corruption ritual" is the process from body to soul.

If the delay is too long, Sena's mother will become a total monster, and there is no possibility of recovery, unless there is an evil god.

Of course, that is impossible.

"I will work hard." Sena said firmly.

Not only for the mother.

——And kill you bastard!

Like a parasite, it draws power and then kills the host.

Senna has made a disgusting definition of her life today.

PS: A friend said in the book review section that the style of the craftsman is not mainly bloody, but psychological oppression. I fully agree with this point.

However, the orthodox style of Cthulhu mythology is not suitable for writing novels, especially cartoon fan novels, and the writing power is limited. So the lovely believers who have read the original text don’t slap them in the face. Hashihime has difficulties...ORZ

(If I can write as a master of craftsmanship, I will write a fart fellow! (Fall))

Chapter 178 Completion of Enchantment

Norman had just stepped out of the sewer with Raven on his front foot, and Xema started to move on his back foot.

"You have to draw a circle over there, and then turn a bend to draw the shape of a mandala flower. What? You don't know what a mandala flower looks like...Stop! You are a simplified drawing of a primary school student! Give me more attention. !"


Xma quickly drew the magic circle on the wall, without looking at her hands at all, and naturally drew exquisite patterns, and by the way also taught her apprentice Senna Atem.

Although young girls have always achieved A or B grades in art classes, they still make a lot of mistakes when they first encounter this kind of complicated and coherent graphics.



Without turning his head back, Cosma concentrated on drawing his magic circle.

The entire western wall in the sewer, from the dark end at the end, is almost all graphics drawn by Xema with human blood.

Alien stars, hells, star swallowers, eulogizing the apocalypse, gods free from bondage, galaxy chants... The messy and similar symbols in the Book of the Necronomicon are all extracted by Xma, and they are soft and soft together. Printed on the wall.

It's like a crazy abstract style, with indescribable beauty and fear.

"Such a it your secret technique?"

Sena put down her fingers stained with human blood, and said with some embarrassment: "Whether it is summoning monsters or fighting those knights with bare hands, what you showed before is obviously much better than these... Or because I am now Don't you deserve to learn those things?"

The fingers stopped, Xema turned her head, and the corners of her mouth twitched and looked at Sena who was a little frustrated.

This ignorant guy!

"...Can't you just shut up and just do what I tell you?"

Everyone wants to eat a big fat man in one bite.

If you want to release magic or mystery, you must first have magic power, psychic power, and spiritual power. In short, all supernatural abilities in the spirit and soul sense can be used. If ordinary people want to have these, they can only rely on the special meditation ideas taught by the teacher to accumulate little by little, otherwise it will be useless.

Xema didn't have time to teach from the most basic.

But "Materials" can't help it. If Senna learns the "Mold" carefully, it won't affect the way of the secret technique in the future—it may have miraculous effects.

Sena obviously didn't understand Xema's painstaking efforts.

"What is "a lot smarter", you seem to understand the secret technique of Cthulhu. "Xima has a bad tone.

"What I teach you now is better than the best enchantment art! Remember these patterns, if you can display them independently in the future, I can guarantee that you will definitely stand on the top of the mysterious side of this world at that time!"

"...All of these?"

For a moment, Sena raised her head and looked at the dense walls from one end to the other. She suddenly felt dizzy, and her head started to heat like a processor overloaded.

"Nonsense. The magic circle is all ring by ring, and one pattern won't work." Xema continued to work hard.

"Neither me nor Ben... the other guy doesn’t like this type of positional warfare. We prefer refreshing direct strikes, whether it’s mental or energy, or even melee, which can instantly hit damage. Always our first choice. But now why would I paint these ghosts in the gloomy sewers?"

"Because... this is strong?" Sena stared at the blood on her fingertips. "Master, stronger than any secret technique you have used before?"

"That's right." Xema said. "There are not many enchantment techniques for gods, and even fewer of those auxiliary types are removed. And I am using exactly one of them. The direct damage type-"Death Star Furnace", the power will be clear to you later. Got it... well, the preparation work is now complete. "

The little finger's blood hooked the tail at the lowest end of the slate, and Xema stepped back, admiring the "masterpiece" he had completed.


Sena unconsciously agreed with her sharply, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and asked her master in embarrassment.

"Um... I haven't finished it yet, Master." Her imitative painting is only one-fifth completed, which is incomparable to Xima.

"It doesn't matter." Xema waved a big hand. "You are useless at all, it's just the "homework" I asked you to practice. The main purpose is to make you remember these patterns. Now, while the enemy has not yet come, continue to paint for me! "

"Yes!" Sena struck a clever, and quickly continued to dance on the wall.

"Speaking of which, what kind of guy is your enemy, Master? Are they stronger than those knights and magicians before? You need to be so careful." She asked curiously.

"you recognize."

Xema smiled. "The next thing we have to deal with is Loki, the evil **** of Norse mythology."

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