At the highest point of this world, huge buildings composed of rare ore "Hestia Star Diamond" occupy the entire hill. They are exuding surging divine brilliance, shining on the entire sky, and taking away the false sun for a time. ——The light of "King of Fire Elves".

At this time, the stars fell.

It is the consciousness carrier of the supreme of order, who gather here to discuss major events about order.

The high flame elves that were originally lively in the atmosphere fell silent, the flames all over their bodies flickered, and their instinctive fear made them very scared, as if they were afraid to disturb the supreme ones at the top of the seat, inviting ruthless punishment.

Their compatriots, the demigod giants of the earth, are clearly aware of this. It leaned down, covered the majesty of the gods with its thick chest, and sheltered the young fire elves, so that their fragile flames would not go out in thin air.

For about two hours, the falling of stars in the sky finally disappeared.

Instead, the world is dominated by the oppressive feeling of being shrouded in order. The elves "stared" at each other, and finally walked slowly further away.

And the meeting room of the gods is already very lively.

"Tipos, why is the convening order issued at this time?"

"The situation in the SBE759 world is still very bad. The chaos there has eroded to the brink of collapse. I don't have time to waste here... Oh my God, the horror is organizing a legion attack on intelligent creatures... Damn chaos remnants!"

"Hurry up, I'm going back to sleep."

"A meeting that lacks executive power is worthless..."

There are a lot of people, either with abnormal looks, or simply shining souls with indistinguishable faces, but there is no doubt that these are the masters of the world, the pioneers of order, and the most important force in resisting chaos.

Mortals call them in awe-"Ancient Gods".

Standing in the center of the large conference room, the ancient **** named "Starry One" appeared here as a translucent humanoid high wood elf, the race with the largest number of followers.

Tibos raised his hand to signal the surrounding compatriots to be quiet, but the latter did not even say hello, and continued to spit acid water or complain to themselves.

Being so despised, there was not even a slight emotional fluctuation on the face of the star-shining person, as if he had been used to it for a long time.

He was simply agile and went directly to today's topic.

"I encountered a very important incident, so I called you all to discuss countermeasures." Tiposton paused and continued.

"I wonder if you still remember our mortal enemies in the ancient times, the "old dominators"? They are doing things again..."

For a while, the entire hall became quiet, and only the whistling of the north wind came from outside.

After a few seconds, a louder voice rang.

"The old rulers!? Haven't they been sealed by us?"

"It's that group of chaotic beloved sons again, yes again! Oh my god, oh my god, is my restoration work going to increase again!? It's already in the forty-five thousand years!"

The most wrong thing the "Ouroboros" did was not to throw these **** out of this multiverse to embrace their beloved chaos...tsk, endless trouble. "

In a long sigh, an old man with a long white beard sitting at the forefront issued an order without question.


He is the "god of the abyss" Norden, the guardian of dreams and darkness, and one of the oldest beings among the ancient gods.

As the acting chairperson of the Council of the Gods, Norden's words were obviously more effective than those of the young Tibos. The ancient gods fell silent in a true sense and listened quietly.

The old man glanced around and gestured to Tibos when he saw that there was no disobedience.

"Go on, Lord of Stars. I remember that you were once assigned by the "Council of Gods" to guard the "Lord of the Deep Sky Star Sea." I remember that this should be a relatively honest old ruler, and he shouldn't cause any major incidents...Compared to Nyarathotepu and the other evil gods under my jurisdiction. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, God of Magic." Tibos leaned over to show his respect, and then continued to raise his head to speak to the compatriots in the hall.

"Obviously things are much worse than we thought. A few dozen minutes before normal time, inside the world of QHC25, the "Voice of Celestial Body" and the incarnation of "Lord of Deep Sky Stars and Seas" came into contact with the "King of Yellow Clothes". , The latter evoked the ontology far away in Lake Harry almost at the same time. Do you know what this means? "

The gods held their breath.

They certainly knew what the unblocking of an old ruler meant.

The battle between order and chaos-the most tragic war in ancient times.

The newly born order is extremely fragile and fragile. Every year the **** of order dies, but the chaos is eternal.

Relying on the support of their mothers, the gang of evildoers fought desperately with the ancient gods. In order to seize control of the new multiverse, almost none of the older generations of ancient gods who had experienced that era were silent. , Really take this matter to heart.

"Hasta wants to use Groheros to lift the seal?"

Norden wrinkled his white eyebrows, then closed his shining eyes, as if searching for the marked Gherros in the universe.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

"...Impossible, Groheros' body is still under our surveillance. It is impossible for Hasta to lift the seal with that little leaked power alone."

"It's impossible. But these powers are enough for Hasta to draw huge divine power from the body to erode the core of the order of that world!"

Said Boss sternly. "This is a provocation to our ancient god, and we must defeat its conspiracy. So I propose to enter the world with the ancient god's body, and completely crush its incarnation with the momentum of thunder!-I would like to be the pioneer!"

"Tibos..." Norden seemed hesitant.

"What are you thinking about!?" Tibos asked incredulously. "This situation has confirmed that the flames of chaos have ignited, and the evildoers in the gutter are still eager to move. They have a peek into the multiverse. Shouldn't we defeat them head-on? Even if they can't be killed, at least let them be killed. Their power has declined to the extreme!"

He continued.

"Hasta is one of the "Four Elements", the ruler of wind, atmosphere, and flow. If she is allowed to use the power of Grohros to get back most of her divine power sealed in her body..."

"But as far as it seems, Hasta is only calling out unilaterally, and there is no chain reaction with Gherros' power."


Tipos looked at Norden in disappointment, as if an idol had fallen in front of him.

He no longer paid attention to the **** of the abyss, turned his head, looked at the listening ancient gods around him, and opened his arms.

"Don't you agree with me? Take precautions, we have to ensure the safety of order! This time we can't just drive it out of the world and return to Lake Harley without incident. We must crush its incarnation, Let it lose its power seriously!"

"There is some truth, I support..." The approvers of the radicals expressed their support.

"But if our body enters, it will add too much burden to that world. The supercharge of order and order may destroy the world..." Some ancient gods expressed concern about this proposal.

"No problem!" Tibos said firmly. "The destruction of a world can be exchanged for the nearly ten thousand years of weakness of an old ruler. I think it is absolutely worth it! The seal of "Ouroboros" seems to have been loosened. If we continue to monitor and expel them conservatively... …"

"You silence me!!!"

A sharp electronic sound pierced the sky.

From the last row, a weird human figure slowly walked towards Tibos.

Its mirror-like eyes flicked across the data stream. In addition, it was covered with high-tech precision instruments. The unknown metal shone with silver, with a sense of science fiction.

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