"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, it is foolish to go to the tiger mountains. And..."

Lifting his head and looking at the sky, the magic wind full of abnormal diseases was blowing more and more in the sky, and the oppression was so strong that Loki felt uneasy.

"... Can I think that you and the lady are planning something." He shook his head. "No, this power is enough to destroy me directly, why bother..."

"That's a lot of nonsense, Lord Loki."

Xema didn't intend to continue wrangling with Vulcan.

Since the other party does not come in, then try every means to force the other party to come in.

He raised his left hand, palm face down. The construction of magic power, the application of spells, and the silent chanting of mantras are completed in one second. The high-level spell turned into a magical photon, which was directly crushed by Xema's palm, launching his first secret spell in this battle.

"Secret Technique. LahtimWalls!"

Mud and rocks are rising, and in the narrow canyon terrain, behind Rocky is rising.

The canine teeth are criss-crossed, one wall after another, and even the sky continues to add value to the walls, blocking all of Loki's retreat, intending to leave only the road facing Xima.

The "polluter" Igoronak’s kingdom of God, called Lahtim, is a plateau ruin made up of countless inexplicable labyrinths. The huge and complicated way of composition even the tauren people who are good at labyrinths Can't find a real way out.

——Because it does not exist at all.

In this way... Loki could only come in. With a **** of disobedience, he couldn't destroy the iconic buildings of the Heretic God Kingdom. Xema licked her lips and smiled excitedly.

"Flowing fire."

It doesn't match what Xima imagined.

Loki didn't hesitate to be blocked by his retreat, and he didn't even hesitate for a moment.

Before Xima hadn't stopped casting spells and the walls were still gaining value, he rushed over himself in the ultra-high-speed sewer cave just like he had already calculated.

Xma's expression changed, and he immediately interrupted the procedure and retreated.

But it was too late. Loki's right hand, burning with high-temperature flames, had been severely stamped on his stomach, and the mimicry skin and flesh flared up, causing a disgusting smell of meat to exude from the surroundings.

Was put together--

"Do you think I dare not come in? You look down on me too much, flaws often appear like this."

Loki smiled, the index finger of his left hand interlaced with the thumb, making a crisp snapping sound.

"Come back. Trick. Switch positions."

He didn't give Xma any time to breathe at all, he was still on the ground, but strangely he was placed in front of Loki.

This time Loki's right hand was no longer an ordinary high-temperature flame, wrapped around it like a platinum divine flame, and with a light pressure, it hit the same place where Xmar was damaged.


After a scorching high temperature, even the bones of Xima's belt were burned out, and even the ashes that should have been flying in the air did not exist.

"I've counted this too."

Loki certainly didn't believe that Xema would die like this, and directly opened his palm to the dark depths of the cave that exuded a faintly evil atmosphere.

No need to aim at all.

"Firefly. Shimmer."

Scattered white-gold flames appeared out of thin air in the air, flying like bullets into the depths of a cave. Along the way, ancient leather giants crawled out of the sewage to try to stop Loki, but they were all affected by the powerful propulsion and high temperature of the flames. Throughout, it can't play a role in the slightest.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound waves, wind and small stones caused by the strong explosion blew Rocky's handsome cheeks, making the latter look as relaxed as having a cup of afternoon tea.

The language deceived the other party, making Xima think that she did not dare to enter the cave, and forced him to act.

Launch a thunderous offensive at the moment of casting, saving strength and using ordinary flames to ensure that there is no defensive spell on Xma.

Then, when the opponent has no defense and has not yet figured out his own characteristics, the battle will be resolved promptly.

After discovering that he was a substitute, he immediately changed his attack mode and used a wide range of blasting to destroy the blood-colored lines on the wall to ensure the positive return of combat interests.

All this happened in just seven seconds.

The judgment of the God of Wisdom and Fire on the scene is terrifying!

PS: The third update today...I actually made the third update...

Chapter 183: Flame and Existence, Loki's Power

Pop, pop, pop.

In the tunnel, the rocks blasted by the flames kept rolling down, accompanied by the sound of the collision of the stones, and applause in the deeper darkness.

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

Xima walked out of the shadows, without any signs of damage. He has a calm expression and a sense of satisfaction that "the gods who don't follow should be like this".

"You also said that you hate fighting. With this kind of judgment and decisiveness, I would never believe that you are not a warrior of the ancients."

As a Norse protoss who is always fighting against giants, Loki's performance can only be said to be quite satisfactory, without much brilliance. Compared with the omnipotence of Velesrana, Vishma's bow and arrow, the martial arts of the **** of fire and mischief are still lacking in fire.

But this ability to judge on the spot is too terrifying...

One ring is ringing, like the tide does not give people a chance to breathe. Even if you can't make an instant kill, you still have to win a round when the enemy occupies the right place and time.


Seeing Xema, Loki sighed without strength, his eyes full of sadness. He took off his hat with his right hand and fanned the wind under his neck, seeming to dislike the environment.

"It's not wrong to hate fighting... so you can't let me solve it all at once. The smell of the drain is really unbearable, I can't understand your idea of ​​setting the battlefield here."

"I think the environment is pretty good, your sinister Fire God."

Xmar smiled, as if deliberately angering Loki, and said to him: "While Ms. Sif cut her long hair in her sleep; instigated Holder (the **** of darkness) to kill Baldre (the **** of light) ); rhetoric steals the endless treasure of the dwarf; in terms of the planned morality of mankind, your existence seems to be only worthy of being a rat in this sewer."

These are all "honorable deeds" of Loki in Norse mythology. He who committed such a crime was taken into custody by Odin, the "king of the gods" before the dusk of the gods, and sent a poisonous snake to torture Loki with venom. He was miserable.

Rocky obviously didn't take these ridicules as the same thing. After an attack was unsuccessful, he was not so anxious on the contrary, and looked at the surroundings with his usual gracious expression.

Because of the explosion caused by the firefly, the link between the bloodline on the wall was disconnected from the position two meters behind Cosma, but it still contained magical light, proving that a certain spell is still playing its due The role of.

"Is it no longer possible to destroy the carrier to stop this technique..."

"Ha, you can try harder, maybe the heat will burn me and my secret technique to ashes. What an easy way."

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