The spirit was extremely squeezed, and the reason was not obvious, but there was a slight erosion of horror-in the case of Xmar having the evil **** to transform the body, the secret technique of Gherros still stripped part of his reason.

This is a situation that even he was using "Chaos" Nyarlatotepu's supreme artifact, "The Shining Minfang Trioctahedron"!

Sure enough, lack of Rope's own title bonuses, too taboo tricks are still too reluctant.

Xma was uncomfortably wanting to go crazy now.

The only consolation is that the media activation of this enchantment technique does not require much magic power...otherwise, Xema can really play GG in happily.

"Since it worked, why didn't this cave disappear?"

"If the flame works, does the cave have to disappear? Ahem..."

Xma covered her mouth, the corners of her mouth visibly tilted upwards.

Compared with the sins that I have suffered, seeing the enemy in this puzzled look is the real enjoyment!

"The pain of the soul is really heart-wrenching... Just like humans will heal naturally after being burned, this sewer is also regenerated. It's just that the "activity" is too strong, and the repair time is too short, making you think that there is no change. "

"Activity" and "Awakening".

Uniquely belongs to the divine power of the "Voice of the Celestial Body" Gherros. Just like Hasta's "wind" and "disease." Cthulhu’s "Water" and "Dreamland." Nyarlatotepu's "Chaos and Impermanence". Roygel and Zal's "twin"——

The enchantment technique called "Death Star Furnace" is divided into two parts. The area marked with magic patterns and the "Eye of Gherros" on Xma's head.

The latter functions like a control terminal and a publisher. The divine power of Gherros activates the entire sewer, allowing this place to be integrated with Xmar, turning it into an unbreakable regenerating magic fortress, providing the necessary conditions for a favorable location. This effect will be doubled when Xema fully opens the third eye.

As a price, when the sewer is under attack, Xmar’s soul will suffer from the same level of pain.

However, these are just appetizers.

The truly terrifying place of this enchantment technique is the eye on Xma's forehead!

In the enchantment, every time the "Eye of Gherros" is activated, everything that Xma's third eye is watching will be "activated" and follow his orders and dispatch.

The first time Rocky attacked, the attack actually worked. It was not the "clone" in the words of Vulcan. It is true that there is nothing wrong with Xema's body. "LahtimWalls" this level of secret art.

Only the moment Loki came into contact with Xema, he briefly half-opened the "Eye of Gherros" to activate his shadow, letting his mimic human form take the attack instead of himself, and Xema relied on activation. The convenience of the cave moves underground to other locations.

——The same is true for being penetrated through the chest for the second time.

"Rapid regeneration beyond my cognition..." Loki looked around again. "So that's it, is the effect of this enchantment like this?"

"Only the minutiae, other effects, you will know immediately."

Concentrating, Xema closed the original two eyes, the eyeballs of the third eye began to turn, and finally fixed the focus on Loki's body-or his shadow.

Magic input, pressurization, activation, doubling——


The sixth sense is calling the police.

Realizing that something was wrong, Loki rolled away with one hand.

The place where Vulcan originally stood was replaced by darkness, and his shadow did not continue to exist where it should exist, constantly squirming, like a monster's egg.

One, two, three, four...

During the proliferation, four shadows appeared in front of Loki.

Then it was given color to get rid of the monotonous black.

With the same appearance and the same costume, after Loki's shadow was activated and doubled, four clones appeared standing in front of Vulcan.

Each of them was numb, but Loki could perceive that the power contained in these seemingly simple clones was actually comparable to him!

"Are you proud of your flame? I am also proud of you. It really hurts."

Xma slammed a fist against the wall behind him, and several things like cables protruded from the crack. The translucent hose was connected to the four "Shadows of Loki" that had been materialized. The magic furnace Launched with full force, they provide motivation for action and attack.

"So I plan to let you taste it too! The taste of your own flame!"

Chapter 185 Loki, the form of the **** of disobedience

"It took away my shadow..."

Loki gritted his teeth and glanced at the ground beneath him.

Under the dim lights of the sewers, his shadow has generally disappeared in violation of the laws of optics, and replaced by nothingness.

"For four people, it probably didn't last long."

The magic furnace is a low-quality product that is made now. Counting the supply of water veins and all the magical powers stored in oneself, ten minutes for the activities of the four gods of disobedience is already the limit. This is still the case when the four "Shadow Loki" retain part of the divine power that they have snatched from the main Loki.

Xma's eyes are getting more and more painful. Even if the pain nerve of the mimic human body is cut off, the pain that is mapped to the soul by the evil mystery technique cannot be eliminated.

Just kill Loki and everything is over.

After that, according to the ritual to seize power, and then "go home"...return to where you should have been.

No need to think, no need to have a tired self-awareness, and leave all judgments to Rope, just use a substitute to protect the body.

For Xema, that is the unique happiness, and it is also the value and significance of its existence as a "stand-in."

"...This will completely eliminate your options for escaping here and delaying time. The absence of a shadow means that the world's rules are unreasonable and a provocation to order. If you face the sun, even if you are a close relative of the sun **** "God of Fire" , Will also be obliterated by the world's rejection reaction-now this crazy town has not completely separated from the world itself, it is proof that your power has not disappeared. "

Cosma opened her palm, her eyes still closed, and the "Eye of Gherros" on her forehead stared at Loki closely, as if she wanted to see through the heart of the **** of disobedience.

"Checkmate (General). Before the town is completely separated, I will harvest your power. The only way to win now is to "cut the head". Let me see if you can compete between the four "self" and mine. The possibility of completing this one in ten thousand in the secret technique. "

"Tsk, I am not a **** of "victory" and "lucky"..."

Loki took a sip, thinking quickly about the countermeasures in his head.

As Xmar said, if he doesn't solve the problem of his "shadow", even if he saves power to break the barrier in one fell swoop, he will still be hit by the sun after going out.

The so-called "disobedience" of the **** of disobedience is aimed at human beings. If the **** born from the world revolts against the world, the consequences of Loki will be very miserable without even thinking about it. At least if he is killed by the person in front of him, he can still return to the myth. The formatted mythological data deletes this kind of thing, and the world itself will never show mercy.

But it's not Vulcan's character to catch it with one's hands.

"It's really exciting to play."

Loki sighed and gave up thinking.

Sometimes, maybe it should be like a true **** of disobedience...

He untied his cherished gray coat and threw it into the sewage in front of Xma like trash.

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