Without him, this is the history of this world.

Myth and reality are intertwined. Between reality and falsity, Rope has found a balance.

Relying on this balance point, he got the false speech spirit to deal with "fighting and defeating the Buddha."

Several lightsabers cut through the silent Buddha light and flew towards Monkey King.

The power of the Buddha is effectively suppressed, and the power of the spirit of speech is strong and eloquent. Whether it is a **** or a Buddha, when facing Velesrana with ten thousand enemies, flaws will appear in the face of the achievements of resisting the heavenly army.

"Great, great! You are stronger than Di Shitian!" The monkey king's eyes flashed, and he praised sincerely: "My old grandson takes back the contempt before, and can drive this false speech spirit. You can tell Di Shitian. The power of the sky is already well understood!"

Somersault Yun flashed, and led Monkey King to avoid the blade raid.

But the branches of those swords of speech are like tarsal maggots, clenching its tail, and the faint sun ray in it, Ropey unknowingly infiltrated them with the power of the "white horse".

Helplessly, somersault cloud needs to be brewed to rise to great speed, but Luo Pei did not give Monkey King this short time, forcing it to wield a stick to meet the enemy.

The blade slashed on the golden hoop rod, every time it weakened the Monkey King's divinity, although it was very subtle, it would be impossible for Monkey King to stand it in the long run.

"It's really uncomfortable that the seventy-two changes can't be used, but fortunately, my grandson still has this treasure."

Swinging away the three golden swords, Monkey King threw the golden hoop in his hand upwards, muttering words in his mouth.

"Long! Long! Long! Long! Long!"

For the Buddha who broke the barrier, the difficulty is its nectar. The sweetness of the drink makes the more brave as he fights!

"Look at how you chant that annoying bird's words when you go down with this stick!"

Luo Pei raised his head, the shadow hovering in the sky, and Monkey King's golden cudgel turned into a huge Dinghai Shenzhen.

Crashed down!

PS: Three points are true and seven points are false. It’s too true to test the party, and Qiao Ji’s search for classics is really exhausting...

Chapter 211 The King Kong Fu Demon. Three Heads and Eight Arms!

There is iron in the East China Sea, named "Shenzhen".

It is rumored that Monkey King’s Ruyi Golden Cudgel was made by the Chinese Taoist **** Taishang Laojun. It was later borrowed by Dayu to control the water and set the river and sea shallow and deep, so it became known as the "Dinghai Shenzhen".

It can be big and small, long and short-as the only magic weapon of Monkey King, this weapon can be described as a waste of a lot of pen and ink in "Journey to the West".

Luo Pei squinted his eyes and looked at the golden hoop that was smashed head-on, as if returning to the scene of the battle with Basatan a year ago in a daze.

Compared to the river crab **** who covered the sky, this stick seems not enough?

‘Don’t remove the sword domain, Monkey King’s "Lingshan" is still being activated. ’

"I know."

After activating the "Golden Sword", the already used "Banteng" can no longer be used, otherwise Rope would really want to try the feeling of using his bare hands on something that cannot be resisted by manpower.

He temporarily stopped Xingyanling's offensive, holding the hilt with his right hand upside down, and a gleam of dark blue light in the air with his left hand, calling for his most determined "ally."

"——Oceans, lakes, rivers, obey me! Turn the water and the sky into an unbreakable solid barrier to stop me from all harm!"

What about neutralizing the water of death?

Usurping the power of the "lord of crabs" Basatan, Rope is the monarch of the waters and the ruler of the oceans and rivers in the world. Even in the more outer "Elemental World. Water", the group of ancient demigod water elemental lords who existed in the world from the beginning will recognize him as a "high nobleman".

Because of the rain, the air is rich in the essence of water. These essences were mobilized by Rope and turned into a huge current, floating in mid-air out of thin air, surging continuously on the line, blocking the track dropped by the golden cudgel.

The meaning of water is related to "protection" and "flow". Monkey King's "Spirit Mountain" can only contain changes, but cannot stop "flow".

That is already the basic rule of a world, and a **** of disobedience has not yet reached the point where it affects the most basic rule - of course, except for Loki, the "God of Existence".

The water flow touched the golden cudgel, and it made a huge sound like a heavy object falling on the water. No, it was more than ten times exaggerated than this, and the bang slammed those who were tossed by the storm and were about to die. Roots of straw, the entire fertile peach garden of the West Sky was destroyed by the godslayers and the gods of disobedience.

I'm a little used to eating abalone and sea cucumber, and I look down on the feeling of a roadside meal. Compared to Basatan and Asazil, Monkey King's power is still too light in Rope's eyes, and he doesn't even need to use the "white gospel" to evade.

Luo Pei did not retreat with a backhand, and the water flow wrapped around it like a dragon and snake, and pressed towards Monkey King at the other end of the golden cudgel.

On the other side, the spirit sword moves again!

"The highest good teacher, sincere to all Asura ghosts, gods and Buddhas. Fighters, do not fight the sky, do not fight the ground, do not fight people, only fight for themselves. The victor, the undefeated, never fails. Fighting defeats the Tathagata! You! It is the defender of the rules, exercises change, but hates change, and hates all evil as deep as the sea. In the final analysis, in the temple of Buddha Kalan, your essence is "conquest of all bad qualities of oneself." God of Steel! "

The light spreads and converges, and countless golden swords rise from the earth, piercing the shackles of the false "Spirit Mountain", and point to the source of "Fighting and Conquering Buddha" Sun Wukong!

The blade of the Sealed Godhead, after being sharpened, is the venomous blade against the **** of disobedience. Before Monkey King, Asazil had already grasped the horror.

Welles Rana may not be the strongest **** of disobedience, but his title of "God of Killing" is definitely well-deserved. The wisdom of mankind from birth to modern times, the **** of disobedience from history is powerless to resist. .

Even the "Holy King" Rama can't.

"Moving mountains and seas, swords cutting gods and Buddhas-like Bo Xun, the Demon King is really hard to deal with."

Monkey King's expression became very distressed, as if he regretted giving Luo Pei the opportunity to use the "Golden Sword."

Facing the two-sided attack, it shook its wrist holding the golden hoop, shaking away the interference of the water flow that had been faltering, and the somersault cloud under its feet shifted and changed its position, and it opened the sword blade attack between a few breaths. distance.

This is not to evade, but to save for a stronger attack.

Fighting and defeating the Tathagata did not shrink from the eyes. In the face of the Buddha's enemies, the devil, and those who ravage the world, even if the Monkey King's nature is stubborn and rebellious, he will not make mistakes in the principles of the Buddha...

-Fu Mo! Maintain the inheritance of Dhamma!

It is not the Great Sage Monkey King, it is a sadly bound god, but there is no doubt that this is the peak state of Monkey King.

Swinging away the golden sword, the divinity that came into contact with it didn't care at all, Monkey King called out loudly here.

"——Compassionate! Give my grandson the power to retreat from the devil! In order to protect the oppressed, fighting and defeating the Buddha will once again follow his mission and exercise the duty of fighting!"

In Luopei's magical eyes, beside the Monkey King, the curse that had been suppressed by "Lingshan" began to riot.

This kind of "riot", he clearly felt the emotion contained in it-"anger".

"Buddha's "Vajra and Devil's Aspect", has it been taken out so early? I thought I had to do a few more tricks. "

Monkey King was born with a madness of reluctance to admit defeat. It is not a ‘Wen’ Bodhisattva like the Medicine Master Tathagata, who would use the fighting stance of the Buddha had long been expected by Luo Pei.

‘It’s going to be chopped off by you if it doesn’t show off its true ability. ’

"It has to be positive again, the mage can't live without melee..."

Looking at the blade in his hand at the corner of his eye, Rope drew a revolver from his shirt like a magic trick.

In the next battle, I might not give myself time to recite the spells leisurely. It would save a little time for the operation.

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