As for the remaining ecological problems, let the "formal editing committee" solve them. After tearing his face, Rope didn't have to be a good man hypocritically, and went to help with the aftermath.

"Go down the mountain to find Athena, and by the way check how the holy goddess is recovering."

‘Dead lo*ic*n. ’

Kicked off the rock, Rope walked down the mountain with his hands in his pockets.

When the old immortal Susano was killed in Youshi, the curtain call of this world would be completely opened.

Rope is looking forward to it.


When Rope ended the battle and walked down the mountain, both Erica and Liliana were almost drained of energy.

Confronting the **** of disobedience, even if the opponent is a demigod, the difference in strength is still in front of the two Ji knights after all.

They are human.

Humans have limits.

The protection of the "boy" is Rope's own divine power plus the possibility of hiding the blesser. The increase in strength is not too exaggerated. It is not a matter of saying that with the protection, immediately kill the gods and destroy the Buddha. This is obviously unrealistic.

"Erica, can you still hold it?"

"It's okay. Tsk, it's still a bit idiotic to achieve a great cause..."

Liliana's longbow aimed at the opposite side, daring not to relax a little bit.

The fair-haired knight Ji was exposed to several times higher danger than Liliana because of the short-term encounter with the Sky Cong Yunjian. The small stab wounds on her body were proof of the battle in this short period of time.

Want to use "Golgotha's Spirit"? Erica bit her lip.

Luo Pei's order is "Don't hurt Qingqiuyuan Ena." If desperate words are used, the execution of this order will immediately drop by countless percentage points. Erica Browntree couldn't use that power enough to stab the gods, and it was bound to cause immeasurable damage to Qingqiuin Keina.

And the possessed **** must have nothing to do, this is definitely not what Rope wants to see.

"Devil's waiter, isn't this going to work?"

The black-haired girl had no gods in her eyes, and her posture being manipulated by the sword was still full of flaws, but Erica would no longer be naive to seek a breakthrough in martial arts.

The swordsmanship of this demigod is out of specification.

"Although I still want to continue fighting with you, but the shrine maiden's body seems to be unable to bear it." Tian Congyun said regretfully.

It pointed its sword straight at Erica and Liliana, and issued a solemn declaration.

"Entrust everything to the next blow. I will kill you with all my strength in my current state. The demon king's waiter should fall under the sword of God."

With the killing intent, Erica made up her mind.

"Lily, go all out, we might really die if this continues."

"But what is the king's order?"

"I will ask the king for sin and take responsibility. Even if I am disgusted and abandoned by Rope, it is at least better than both of us dying here."

Erica lowered her body, keeping her stabbing start position.

The magical power and the divine power merged with each other, and the crimson fluorescence filled Erica's body.

"——My bones are all decayed and broken, my heart is turned into waxstone, and my body is dissolved in it. Please abandon me in the dust of death. Dogs surround me, and I will be abused by..."

"Don't be so impulsive, Erica."


Yan Ling was interrupted bluntly, a white hand grasped the handle of the spear, and Erica turned her head in surprise.

Her lord, her husband, Rope the Godslayer was standing beside her with a smile, and gently lowered her spear that was ready to fire.

"I really like this realization, but things have not yet evolved to the point where they need to see blood, have they? Just replace me."

He looked at the location of Ena in Qingqiuyuan, and to be precise, it was a magic sword named "Tian Cong Yun Sword."

"You and your master, I really hate you very much."

"The Demon King Who Killed God..."

Tian Cong Yunjian clenched the magic sword tightly, and his heart sank suddenly.

A monster born by a miracle, even if it is in its complete state, it dare not say that it can take over Rope's tricks. Now this kind of reliance that is not in the secluded world will definitely not be able to defeat the person in front of it.

"Remember that you just told my knights to solve them in the next blow? I will return them to you as they were."

Rope said lightly, and water vapor filled his body.

"——For the trauma that my lovely girl suffered under your hands, in the next blow, I will definitely break your beast into two pieces!"

The strong killing intent caused the three people in Japan to shudder while watching the battle from a distance.

Wang is really angry--

PS: I am particularly puzzled. In the Cthulhu mythology of the master of craftsmanship, "old ruler" means "previous ruler", which can also be called "old god", and then there is a group of obviously not The "old god" of a species...

So, what is the difference between the old gods and the ancient gods? (Embarrassed scratching his head)

Chapter 224 The Heavenly Cloud Cloud Sword Broken From It

Luo Pei did not expect that a mere sky cloud sword made his two Ji knights embarrassed.

Once this is not a secluded world, the support of the Tiancong Yunjian will definitely be weakened a little. Secondly, the two "big knights" who have won the "young" blessings with the spirit of speech don't think they are not opponents of a demigod, right?

A sword blade that doesn't match the owner is like garbage. Even if Tian Congyun, who recognized Kusanagodou as the master in the later period, has the alias of "Black Hole Sword", it is now Luo Pei even disdains it in his eyes.

Vishimo, Mekar, Velesrana, Asazil, Loki-all the gods he faced were not the existence of great names, compared with the myth of a small Far Eastern country. What kind of subordinate God is it? Also worthy to stand on the opposite side of him?

Therefore, when he heard the presumptuous declaration of Tiancong Yunjian, his anger suddenly rose.

"Sorry, I was negligent."

Rope sighed and placed his palm on Erica's shoulder. As he did before, the water essence with a "healing" effect poured into Erica's body, repairing her wounds.

"The prolonged battle with the gods of disobedience made me ignore the gap between humans and them... Even if it is a demigod, is it too reluctant for you to deal with..."

"Wang, I..." Erica's expression changed when she heard this, she was eager to explain something, but was stopped by Rope's finger.

"I'm not blaming you, I'm just blaming myself for my own judgment. It is fundamentally my mistake to stand my subordinates and my lover in a dangerous place, and I have given such a messy order..."

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