He smiled and took the coat of arms and put it in the pocket of his shirt.

"It's a perfect rhetoric, I can't bear to refuse. Well, let's look forward to the goddess' reward."

After all, he walked forward along the dirt path without looking back.

In the center of the darkness, the girl Athena curled up, closed her eyes, and stayed quietly.

Let your concubine take a closer look at your weight... Can you kill the last steel... End this absurd death that lasts for thousands of years...


The mountain trail is boring and boring.

After walking for nearly fifteen minutes, the water entangled with Luo Pei was cut through thorns and thorns, and abruptly opened up a wider road in the luxuriant woods.

But so far, he has not seen any living creatures.

No matter the birds or beasts, or the sounds of insects that should have existed in the grass, there were none.

As if the whole world was left with his footsteps, it was so quiet that it was chilling.

At this time, the cumulonimbus cloud on the horizon became more gloomy, and the signs of the storm had already revealed its fangs.

"It's not a way to go on like this..."

Rope stopped.

He should have brought Ena who is most familiar with this place.

But considering that the **** he was going to kill was the one called "Grandpa" by the black long straight girl. In order not to hurt his woman's heart, Luo Pei lied to Hui Na to go out to relax and secretly came to You Shi with Athena.

Sure enough, he was lost.

It is not an easy task to accurately find the original description of "a hut built by the river" in a huge mountain forest.

In that case, it would be easier for Susanoo to find him in turn.

Rope closed his eyes, knelt down behind him and stroked the wet land.

"There is plenty of water, so you should be able to make beautiful waves..."

Speaking of which, except for the battle against Tony in Sardinia, he has not used the tsunami ability of "Sigh of the Shallow Sea" again.

I am ashamed of my title.

He chanted the spirit of words.

"——Oceans, lakes, rivers, obey me! Destroy the enemy in front of me with the power of Wantao! Deprive it of life!"

Soil, air, rivers, all the water was extracted and gathered at Rope's feet, forming a huge lake in the blink of an eye.

The water level rose higher and higher, and mixed with the soil into a mudslide.

Rope manipulated them to prevent them from escaping, but just gathered, raising the water level higher and higher.

The rushing current resembled a manic wild horse, restless at Rope's feet, almost ready to take off the reins and destroy everything in front of him.

——The goal is the mountains and bedrock.

Rope wanted to see, his lair was flooded, can Susano still sit as he did for a hundred years?

PS: Three more complete...

PS: I forgot during the update two days ago. Regarding the "Evil Body" in the book review area, I have a look at the problem that my novel is similar to "Game of Different Dimensions". At the beginning of the volume "Chapter 9 Cruel Battlefield (2, there are more or less "learning" parts from me in the back.

I put it on the shelves on July 31, 2016, and the chapter I started to learn from was updated on December 27, 2016. It is self-evident who is the same and who is the same.

Well, just to explain... I have chased his "Wandering Two Dimensions" before... The mood is complicated...


Chapter 238 Tianyu Yu is cut out of the sheath, Rope's eighth prey

The water is roaring.

The huge flood that loses its power is like a wild beast, rushing across the mountains.

Whether it was trees or rocks that blocked it, they were destroyed by the mighty force of nature.

With Rope as the center, the tsunami is spreading wildly around.

In front of the door of a hut not far from the mountain, Susanoo sat on the steps and touched his beard. He looked at the wonderful scenery above the earth and the water and the sky, and said without turning his head behind him.

"Princess, you really got it right, that kid really came here."

"——Is the royal husband going to fight?"

The princess with twelve orders held on to the door frame, her delicate face still calm.

Just by looking at it, you can understand how powerful the young monarch is. With her aptitude, the breath of no less than six gods shines like a light in her perception.

"Forgive my concubine, it is better for the royal husband to retreat temporarily. The power of the young master is as strong as the sky, and you have not held a long sword for a hundred years. If there is a battle, I am afraid that it will be more fortunate."

As a "steel", Susano really has some strength, but where can Luo Pei the **** of killing be worse than him? Rather, almost all the gods who were defeated by him have a deeper roots than the little-known "hero of steel" in the Far East.

The winning percentage is only 20%, which is almost after considering all the stupid mistakes Rope made in the battle.

"What the princess sees is very true."

The black-robed mage walked out of the door and stood in the same position as Princess Liulitong.

"That little baby is so young and her strength is really scary. I'll wait to avoid her edge first, isn't it better to think of a countermeasure slowly?"

After all, several people are considered to be local snakes, and there are as many methods as they need to play insidious tricks.

But Susanoo rejected the black-clad master who had always shared a common language.

"You return to your home first."

The rough man stood up.

I don't know when, his cane has become like a blade.

The slender hilt, with a white brocade on the end, is not so much a Japanese sword, but looks a little more like a long sword in ancient China.

Tianyu Yuzhan, also known as the Ten Fist Sword, was the sword of Izanaki, the father of the Japanese gods, who once killed the "Vulcan" Kagutu. After being inherited by Susanoo, he killed the turbulent monster Yaki Orochi. Like Kusanaru sword, it is the key to helping him become a "steel".

There are even more rumors that the ten-fist sword is the ancestor of the swords in the world. Of course, whether this is the official history of myths or the gossip of various biographies is unknown.

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