This is tantamount to a great gospel for a country where the world has been closed for centuries.

-The mainstream birthplace of magic, but in Europe!

"What are you doing in a daze? Go ahead."

Seeing Saya Gongxin standing in the same place, Rope frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Although this guy is like a cockroach, but in case of an accident, wouldn't I be a loss? Miss Saya Palace, don't be too slow."


Shaye Gongxin reacted and hurriedly turned and ran down the mountain.

Even if she was scolded, she couldn't hide the smile on her lips.

"Sister Shaye Palace is very strange."

"Follow her."

Rope shrugged indifferently.

This kind of servant's way of thinking doesn't need to know at all. Anyway, he serves him and loves to think and think. Saye Gongxin is a clever girl who doesn't do things that make him ugly.

Without taking care of Tony, Luo Pei and Qingqiuin Ena walked down the mountain.

In the process of walking, in order to prevent his little wife from wandering in the mud, he intimately infiltrated the water along the road to let the land dry again.

"Why did you run home?"

"Grandma ordered me something, which is very annoying... she told me to give birth to your husband quickly and so on."

Holding Rope's arm, Huina complained.

"And those elders are constantly inquiring about your news, and vaguely asking Hui Na if they can also participate in the actions of the Saya Palace... Oh right."

The black long straight girl seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a grinning look at Rope's face.

"My husband is interested in taking another concubine room?"

"...Why are you saying this?"

"It just so happened that the Liancheng family asked me. There are only two Japanese women, Ena and Yuri, beside the king. Yuri has such a non-trivial character. It's a little hard to deal with sister Liliana and Erica... It's called Lianchengdong. Ji Lai, the eldest daughter of the Liancheng family."

It can be seen from the fact that her name is Liliana's "sister" but Erica calls her by her first name. It can be seen that the relationship between the black long straight girl and the Italian Red Rose is still worrying.


Rope's eyes went dark.

Has my Crystal Palace started forming gangs after only five people!

…Fortunately, Athena disdains to communicate with mortals.

Shaking his head, Rope said embarrassedly as he threw the previous life palace battle drama that had been staged in his head out of his head.

"I don't think it's necessary? My eldest has a good future, she has to push it to me. Besides, I'm still a bit busy during this time..."

"Well, in that case, Hui will go and let them postpone the meeting with the king!"

Hui Na said happily, subconsciously filtering out Rope's previous sentence.

never mind…

Rope gave up and continued to discourage.

Anyway, the lustful name can't escape by herself. If there is one more, then there will be one more. The big deal is to put her down like Yuri Wanli.

During the small talk, the two left the messy Yuzi Mountain in this way.

Chapter 254, Lord of the Light Element, the attribution of Southern Europe.

Two days after the incident ended, Rope, who received the news of "Tony Awakens," came to the Japanese-style manor where this idiot was placed alone.

Although Luo Pei said this "take this guy to any hospital," but Sayy Gongxin didn't dare to listen to it seriously.

Facing the Godkiller Salvatore Tony, her king Luope certainly had the confidence to say such things to the capital, she did not. If the King of Sword uttered a word in front of the king casually, with the seemingly good relationship between the two, Saya Gongxin would have to suffer a bit as the person in charge first.

Passing through the corridor of the elegant courtyard, a large, shrine-like building appeared in front of Rope.

The old man who led the way bowed slightly and made a gesture of please.

"Miss Saya Palace and Lord Salvatore are in there. King, if there is any need, just tell us."

"Well, step back."

Pushing the door open, Rope walked in.

This is a "ward" that fits the style of the mysterious side.

Surrounded by grey incomprehensible runes and formations, a few witches prayed in front of the fox idol, and light golden water droplets from the base kept falling in the wine cup in front of the idol.

While the person concerned was lying in the quilt in the middle of the house, his skin had recovered and his expression looked very peaceful.

"Wang, you are here."

Seeing Luo Pei's arrival, Shaye Gongxin quickly put down the things in her hands and came to salute.

"It looks like it's been restored well." Rope asked Saya Gongxin, "Are you ready for the things I want? A work of art with a history of more than two hundred years."


Shaye Gongxin made a color, and the maid next to her immediately took out an antique box.

Open it, and inside is a tea bowl.

"This is Yaobian Inaba Tenmu, which meets your requirements."

She looked at Luo Pei nervously, and when Luo Pei nodded, she settled down and continued.

"Because the demon kings are immune to external spells, we used Inari's spells to pray for the dew, and drank it to Lord Salvatore. The external burns have been healed, but... our left hand is really helpless."

Salvatore Tony's left hand was corroded by Rope's death water. Of course, he didn't expect this group of witches to be able to achieve the miracle of flesh and bones on the godslayer.

Luo Pei picked up the tea bowl and tossed it casually in his hand, and said lightly.

"That's why I'm here, and leave the rest to me. Everyone except you will give me out."

When everyone was gone and Saya Gongxin was the only one left, Luo Pei took the tea bowl and activated his abilities.

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