"It seems that pleasant chat can only go to here."

Rama felt the rising heat in the air, turned and followed Rope to leave.

Deliver the battlefield here to the two queens.


Riding the waves for seven or eight nautical miles, except for the sea or the sea, I can't see the edge at a glance.

In the direction of travel, the shore has turned into a row of small black lines. Apart from the occasional hum of lightning and death colliding with each other, it is very quiet here.

"How about such a venue?" Rope asked.

"I'm not picky. I can fight as usual on land, sea, sky, and even in the sky. It is already very good to be able to avoid affecting the people here."

The Cang-fa brave drew out a hundred-centimeter, white-gold magic sword around his waist.

"The greetings between the warriors have already been done, and the rest of the exchanges let us participate in the fight, it must be a happy thing."

Rama's whole body began to release golden brilliance, and at the same time the curse power hidden in his body began to be revealed, suddenly increasing in Rope's perception.

"Tsk..." Feeling this power, Rope's expression became heavy.

The power of the last king will increase with the increase in the number of godslayers. This is the most basic common sense.

But now there is only Rope and Campione in front of him, and Rama's power is still huge and surprising.

If the magic power of the normal **** of disobedience is represented by ten, then Lope, who does not extract the essence of the ocean, is fifty. And what Rama Chandra showed at this moment was eighty, ninety, or even one hundred horror.

At that time, if he was shameless and broke the Holy Grail, would there be so much trouble... Rope couldn't help thinking to himself.

Although his thinking is split, his hand moves very quickly.

As Rama improved his strength, he raised his arm and used his first power.

Usurp to Mekar-"Master of the Sky".

The clouds that were originally cloudy became even more pitch black, and several thunder snakes darted through the clouds, and then fell with a loud noise and hit Rama's head.

Of course, there is no effect.

The Cang-fat brave swung a knife and took away the thunder that could destroy a building. The violent electric current entangled his magic sword like a docile sheep, neighed for a while and disappeared.

Sure enough, this guy is not afraid of Thunder...

The tentative attack got the expected result, and Rope did not regret it. It would be incredible if the brave of the strongest steel was injured by thunder.

It is basically certain that when facing this guy, the "ruler of the sky" and "goat" powers are ineffective.

"That is the power of the Canaanite **** king, dragon hunter, right?"

Although Rama was asking a question, he was very sure.

"It came up to reveal the power taken away from the extraordinary existence. It seems that Lancelot's words are very correct. You really have the power that deserves the name."

"It's just an appetizer."

No big words, for Rope's rich power, the power to lose thunder and lightning is nothing but a drop in the bucket.

Perhaps not to be outdone, Rama also started his first attack.

The Cangfa brave didn't use any fancy powers. He held a knife in his right hand and ran towards Luo Pei in a straight line.

In terms of gods, they are all very fast stamina, but they can't escape Rope's fast-tested eyes.

The attack came from the top left, and the robes cut.

Rope stepped back and placed his right arm on the trajectory of the magic sword swing.


The air shook violently, and the "Steel Body" and "Guardian Oath" played their effects perfectly, resisting Rama's attack.

No, it's not over yet.

The platinum magic knife stuck and retreated, and another sweep struck Rope's abdomen.

It was a fierce sword skill that did not humiliate the name of a hero. The speed was at least three times faster than the first strike, and a thin layer of thunder and lightning was placed on the knife, which increased the sharpness of the magic sword.

"--I am the strongest person who holds all victories in his hand. Whether man or devil--face all enemies who thwart their hostility, I will defeat any enemy who stands in the way! Who has the shining golden horn Cow, give me help!"

Rope's voice was blurred with super-high-speed chanting.

When the blade cut a small opening in the abdomen, Rope's powerful fist of the "Bantau" hit the brave man's face severely, knocking it out.

The sea water spread up from his leg, repairing the wound.

After only one face-to-face meeting, Rope knew that he was not an opponent of this heroic **** in martial arts.

The Naffili people are proficient in weapons, but they can only confront the enemy when compared with the gods. It is wishful thinking to say that they are superior. In the battle in the Xitian Palace, if it weren't for Monkey King who chose the mid-to-long range battle, I am afraid that Luo Pei would have to endure some hardships before he could defeat the fight against the Tathagata.

"This one is "Steel" and then "Juli"...No, this is the power of the incarnation. The **** of change, Indra of the East. Terrible guy, has even the God of Victory been defeated by your hands..."

Rama who was knocked into the air sighed as if he had encountered some trouble.

Not to mention being hurt, the place he was hit didn't even turn red a little. The superb toughness of steel is vividly displayed in his body, and he has a touch of Tony's power "protected by steel".

But Rope knows that being thick is not the most prominent ability of the brave, it's just "tiny details".

Luo Pei knew that such unpretentious battles could only say that Rama was tempting him, just like all the warrior gods he had encountered before.

The fight has just begun.

PS: Two more flowers

Chapter 266 The Divine Sword of Salvation Unfolds

Rama is a very difficult opponent.

In this regard, before Rama was summoned, Rope had already made psychological preparations-taking Asazli as an example, Rope would have to raise his danger to the Cang-Fat Brave by two levels.

But even so, he still felt that he underestimated Rama.


Turning into a bird, Rope soared in the sky, looking angrily at the huge vortex created by the aftermath of the wave in the ocean below.

The tsunami created by Quan Neng devastated the surrounding areas of the Kagoshima coast. The docked fishing boats were washed ashore. Even though the screams of people were so far away, they could be heard by Lopez's ears.

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