‘This world will be the fief given to you by the multiverse after completing the trial, so what’s the time to stand still? ’

"Alright alright……"

Luo Pei said helplessly.

"I'm not worried that my cuties will be gone when I come back. Wouldn't it be a big loss... I'm a bit reluctant to bear them."

Keeping cats and dogs for a long time still has feelings, let alone the woman she loves. After leaving them suddenly, Rope was still a little uncomfortable, which is why he still wanted to stay for enough time even if he was bored.

‘Then dear, you have to work hard to complete the trial, wait until you have your own kingdom after being crowned, and it’s very simple to pull in some existence and grant immortality. "Acelia said.

‘This time "Campione" is a relatively difficult task, and the next trial is expected to be easier. ’

Difficulty and easy follow, too much pressure is not good for growth. The great existence of the creative system at the time knew this truth well, so it would balance the difficulty of the trial so that the nerves of the caller were not too tight.

"...Daily world?"

‘Think beautiful! "Acelia's voice increased: "With your current strength, let you go to the daily world to play love and develop?" Then do I have to change my name to "Friendship System"! ? ’

"It's you who said that there is a daily world...what's so fierce?"

How good the affection system is, I don’t mind...

Luo Pei muttered in his heart, of course, he didn't dare to say this to Acelia, otherwise he might lose his temper.

‘Oh, those are all options for Ape to relax in the future, and now I just finished the second one, what are you anxious about? ’

"Yes, I listen to Master Acelia."

Luo Pei stood up, stretched his waist, and regardless of the day, he planned to go to Qingqiuyuan Huina to explore the mystery of the human body.

"Last two days, let me have fun and think about the next thing later."

'whatever. ’

Two days, forty-eight hours.

After seeing all of his girls, Luo Pei pressed the "return" button in the season when the green leaves were just dry.

As in the first world, no one knew of his departure.

When he returns next time, Rope will surely bring the crown to attract and dedicate the people around him.


Outside the world, the endless void of the multiverse.

The evil god, feared by the gods and mortals, and dubbed "Chaos", is meeting another existence no less than her.

She is still shown as a girl with silver hair and wearing short skirts and stockings. The ever-changing messenger seems to have fallen in love with this form, and has hardly changed it recently.

In front of Nyarlatotepu, this is a deity composed of countless brilliant bubbles. Each bubble seems to contain the ultimate "wisdom", enough to make any mortal thing that looks at it burst its head.

—— "All Things Are One" Yogg Sotos.

In the void, time is meaningless. After not knowing how long, the silver-haired girl uttered a strange language that can spread in the void without air.

"Yog, Little Rope completed his second trial."

"...I know."

A bubble floated in front of Nyarlatotep, and the image presented in it was the moment when Rope completed the task.

Nyarlatotep glanced, but stopped watching.

"You have to act." She said: "That world is Rope's future back garden in accordance with the rules set by the stupid snake. The ancient gods are not qualified to intervene, and the surveillance is estimated to be withdrawn. We can rest assured and boldly plant. The traces of entering the old days have become the first step for me to wait for recovery."

"..." Yug Sotos was silent, waiting for his compatriots to follow.

Nyarlatotep continued.

"Little Rope has not yet broken away from human thinking. It is unrealistic to turn that world into a country of lunatics and rule chaos. It will make him rebellious. Moreover, the world has frozen the "future" now, and we need to start from the "past". "Come and start. "

"... Implanting the preacher and our beliefs and dependents, and using the unsolidified past time to make subtle changes, how do you feel?"

"That's what I think."

Nyarlatotep nodded, her beautiful face full of seriousness.

"Gherros (Voice of the Celestial Body) has already attracted the attention of the gangsters. We have recently gotten a little safer. If the guy in charge of the "secret" knows it, there will be no good fruit to eat. This is why I ask you. "

"...I understand."

Yug Sotos is the greatest being among the existing surviving deities, and both "time" and "space" are its toys. If this great **** has the heart to do something, no trace can be found.

When the bubble disappeared into the darkness, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, there was something wrong with this guy..." she complained.

"All Things One", although Yog Sotos is the same as her three-pillar god, his power is far better than her and Sab. Nicholas. She has always been able to miss the big bubble, and only consider it when there is no other way.

The girl cast her emerald-like eyes into the endless darkness, whispering in her mouth.

"Little Rope, grow up quickly...we are all waiting for you."

She has heard the sound of chaos and crowning, shredding the order, stepping on the soles of her feet, and her wish for countless years is being realized bit by bit.



That was after the conversation between the two great evil gods.

A silhouette traveling through time, in the midsummer of 1890, an ordinary baby boy was born quietly in Providence, the United States.

——This is a person who didn't exist in the world of "God Killer".

The curly-haired woman sitting on the bed, her tired cheeks could not conceal the mother's natural love for the child, gently teasing her infant son.

"Winfield, what are you going to name this kid?"

"Well, let me think about it. How about Howard?"

The man in the top hat said with a smile.

"Howard Philip Lovecraft. He will definitely grow up healthy."

The woman readily accepted and continued to take care of her newborn child.

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