‘Instinct, instinct. "Acelia said carelessly.

‘Human males are like this. While pitying and appreciating purity, they have the urge to ravage them...so males. ’

"Hey, it has suddenly risen to the level of a human being. I am now a Nephele."

‘What’s the difference, your mind is still human, right? ……probably. ’

Speaking of the back, Acelia suddenly lacked confidence.

This guy's clone has been eaten raw. If the mental heterogeneity in Rope's mind becomes more serious, Xema's yesterday will be Rope's tomorrow.

"...The next three words are really harsh."

Unable to refute, Rope drank the hot milk in his hand in one gulp.

Putting down the cup, he rubbed his face, turned and picked up the black coat from the hanger.

It's still early to visit Wutiao Wuhui. He intends to drive his car and take a stroll - as for things like a driver's license, Rope is confident that he is talented and doesn't need it at all.

Ignite, start, control the steering wheel.

After driving a considerable distance, the "accident" naturally happened to him, a novice.


Luo Pei stared blankly at the steering wheel that he pulled up with a little effort.

The surrounding area was similar to a mountain road, and there seemed to be houses in front of him, but Rope didn't intend to disturb others about this little thing, so he threw his car there and walked forward.

‘Ape, don’t drive anymore in the future. ’

"Well, I think so too."

Walking aimlessly, the snow dyed this empty road into a pure white world.

But unlike the desperate and delightful white color in the "White Gospel", Rope also appropriately stopped by the highway and looked down at the city below.



People's voice came in my ears.

The shout, with a tired gasp.

Turning his head slightly, Luo Pei followed where the sound came from.

Excellent eyesight penetrated Shirayuki's obstacles, and a young boy with short hair was running breathlessly. He was wearing very plain black clothes, and he looked like he was going somewhere when he was carrying his bag.

"please wait a while!!!"

Rope just stood there, waiting for the arrival of the boy.

When the teenager ran to him, he didn't speak for the first time, but leaned on his knees to breathe in the snow. It seemed that running consumed a lot of his energy.

"You are……?"

Rope looked at the boy's face, feeling a bit familiar.

Obviously, junior high school has been promoted to the grade of high school. The only thing that can be remembered under the ordinary appearance is the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose.

The boy seemed to feel better, he stretched out his hand and handed something.

Brown leather, Rope's wallet.

"Sir, your things have fallen."

Touching the pocket of his shirt, Rope found that his wallet was indeed missing.

It should have been dropped when getting off the car, right? It's really a shame that this young man can run such a long way along his own footsteps... This cold wind blows on the faces of ordinary people, but it is a kind of torment.

Rope felt more and more familiar with him, and a sense of intimacy emerged spontaneously.

Taking the wallet, Rope didn't bother to look at his money after opening it, but took out the resident card from it, smiled and returned the wallet that had stored nearly 200,000 yen.

"Thank you, give. This is a reward for you to return this thing to me."

"Ah, no need." The black-haired boy seemed a little surprised, and quickly waved his hand, showing a shy smile.

"I just think you should be very upset if you lose this thing, sir, and don't intend to be paid."

"But you are still working hard, there is not a lot of money in it? Are you sure you don't want it?"

"Yeah." The boy shook his head. "It's okay, then I will leave first."

"and many more."

Luo Pei yelled at the boy who turned and was about to leave, and asked.

"If you don't want to be paid, at least let me know your name, right?"

"It's rude. Heitong, Heitonggan is my name."

The boy said a name that seemed like a poet in Japanese.

Luo Pei pinched his eyebrows, and said in a damned heart.

No wonder I feel familiar. Isn't this what the protagonist of "The Realm of the Sky" looked like when he was a child.

Hei Tong Ganya, the word "Google", the name "Baidu Jushi". The cloth-watchers had the ability to match the head of state’s secret force "Gestapo" when they were young. After another trial, Fang Chengdaqi became the most powerful character among the three major male protagonists of Xingyue. The achievement that all magicians dream of—"Access to the Root".

His own character is also the most pleasing, more expensive than coyotes and murderers, I don't know where it is higher. Even the fellow male protagonists whose conscience was eaten by dogs in their previous lives have not the heart to deal with this good old man.

Therefore, Hei Tong Qian is also known as "the winner of life among the winners of life."

And now, this male protagonist with ordinary as his motto is standing in front of him, looking at him with an unclear face.

"...Hei Tong Jun, really a good name."

Luo Pei didn't intend to embarrass the actor, he was indeed a very good person.

"It looks like your home is not here, why would you take such a remote road?"

Hei Tong Qian also seemed to hesitate to chat with strangers.

Rope's appearance is excellent, at least he doesn't look like a bad guy. He thought for a moment, and it didn't matter anyway, he replied with a smile.

"I'm going to high school in April. I went to my relatives to get something..."

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