Then Alquette left with a puffed face.

Listening to the sound of the small high-heeled shoes in the corridor getting farther and farther, Luo Pei put down the teacup, showing a helpless smile.

——Such a simple character is also a kind of cuteness of Her Royal Highness.

The sun outside the window is a bit hot, and there is a nice weather in Sansaki City today, which is suitable for traveling.

It's almost a month since I came out, it's time to go home.

They have never been away for such a long time, maybe the two girls in the family are already in a hurry.

"Oh, right."

Rope nodded his head and began to make a "spiritual call" in another sense.

To his servant Falos.

Elquette is going to Europe to fight with his sister Elteluci. There are not many problems in strength, but the number of subordinates and the number are still too tight. Baiji has to do almost everything by herself. Actually, she has to do it herself. May Lian, who is the master of the month, is unlikely to help Alquette with her own housework.

The relationship between the two is already at this level, and Rope will help from the side.


'Oh! My Lord Creator! How are you recently! Your servant Falos pays you the highest respect! ’

As soon as it was connected, Faloth's crazy voice came into Rope's mind.

Not only that, because the servant was undefended to Rope's consciousness, not only his voice, but Rope's eyes and ears were also connected to Faros in Europe, and he read what he was seeing and hearing.

So Rope saw something quite unappetizing.

It seemed that it was time to eat, and in front of Falos, there were a few priests and nuns who seemed to have once dressed well.

Blood, meat, screams, pain, and fear have become a pot of "food" that is quite delicious for Faloth, and the alien beast is not unexpectedly eating it.

‘...Is the church? ’

'certainly! My master! ’

Faloth's voice was a little excited, after all, it was the Creator's long-lost initiative to connect with him.

Several threads like mycelium lifted up a woman, seemingly to make Rope see more clearly, and pulled it to his own eyes.

‘Originally, because of your order, I was looking for subordinates and believers in Europe who were willing to convert to the gospel. But somehow, these church lunatics came to hinder your plan. Of course I won't just sit back and watch, it's all solved. Anyone who hinders your order is my enemy of Falos! ’

The monster calls the monks of the church lunatics, which is a bit ironic.

Rope rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, cut off the link between sight and hearing, and the picture returned to his room.

‘How did you provoke the executioner of the church. ’

'have no idea. ’Faloth said simply: ‘I will act in a low-key manner according to your instructions, and be isolated from the world except for eating...Oh! I remembered. Two weeks ago, my appetite might have become a little bit hungry. It should be that time. ’

‘Big appetite? ’

‘Your servant is not as great as you. He still needs nutrients from the living body. When I first arrived in Europe, I ate a small town or so. Yeah, I didn't expect the church to go all out because of this kind of trivial matter. There are so many humans, it doesn't matter if you eat a little bit. ’


Hello! Really do whatever you want!

There may not be as many conventional towns in Europe as China, but there are also a population of about 5,000 to 10,000. This guy didn't even think about it. He ate it all when he was hungry. It's strange that the church, whose mission is to hunt foreign races and deal with abnormal situations, doesn't work **** such a big matter.

How should I put it... As expected of Cthulhu's collection of evil things.

Luo Pei was embarrassed for a moment. He used the names of "Demon King", "occultist", and "Cthulhu". As a result, the servant created by himself was far ahead of the evil value-he did bad things in the godslayer and changed his vest. Woolen cloth.

‘They also gave me the name "The Beast of the City Eater", it’s messy, it doesn’t have your taste at all...Falos, new life! Ah, every time I say this name...’

‘You stop first. ’

Rope interrupted Faloth's endless praise and asked him.

‘How is the formation of your power there? ’

‘...Ashamed. ’

Faloth's excitement dropped significantly.

'Thirty-nine basic apprentices, 13 religious believers, and two persons with superficial occultist qualifications... Human beings are too fragile and too stupid. They cannot understand the great doctrines of the Cthulhu divine system and are one person. The sublime dedication of the great occultist. I will try my best to speed up, please rest assured...’

Ropey could almost smell the blood behind the numbers reported by his servants apologetically.

The recruitment of occultists and believers is not something that can be solved by touching a crystal ball to test their aptitude, or asking whether they have faith-people who fail the judgment of Faloth, I am afraid that most of them have already entered its stomach.

‘In such a short period of time, Falos, you have done a great job. "Rope comforted.

‘It seems to have begun to take shape, then I have a task for you to do now. ’

‘Please tell me! ’

‘Hmm...My girlfriend Alquette Brenstad went to Europe for some things, and there might be a shortage of manpower. Fallows, you help her while recruiting subordinates, and temporarily put aside the conflicts for me, except for letting you commit suicide, to obey all the arrangements of Elquette, there is no problem, right? ’

With the help of the former deceased twenty-seventh ancestor and the current monster, Alquette should be a lot easier-he solves the black and white knight beside Alteluci.

‘...If it’s your order, Faloth will obey it. ’

Fallows's tone was a little depressed.

Even if it is the residual emotion, if you don't like it, you don't like it, but the Creator's order cannot be violated, and the monster pinched his nose to recognize it.

‘That’s it. "Rope said: "I won't bother you, Fallows, remember to clean up the wreckage after your meal like a gentleman, don't cause further panic. ’

'learn! ’

Hanging up the "spiritual call", the arranged Rope is also ready to go home.

Chapter 54: Accidents Man-made Early

People come and go at the station in Guanbuzi.

Luo Pei, who came back by bus, saw the Wutiao mist painting standing on the opposite side of the road all the way after getting off the bus.

He had called before he came back, but he didn't expect that she would come directly to pick him up.

Because of the increasingly hot weather, the girl put on a long white dress and a sun hat, smiling at him across the road and waving her hand, adding a beautiful color to the busy street like a bouquet of lilies.

When the green light was on, Rope crossed the street and came to Wu Tiao Wuhui's side. The girl naturally took off his shoulder bag for him.

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