Rope murmured, a fever on his face.

Because at the end of the envelope, Mei Lian, who learned about her relationship with Faloth from Elquito, asked cryptically whether it was a big move by the Lord God, and he would try his best to stop the burial agency from chasing Faloth. If not, ask him to stop Faloth's crazy behavior a little bit.

What big moves can Rope do.

Speaking of big moves, the world of "God Killer" has long been done. Every action can be carefully studied under the microscope by various forces, and it can add strange speculations to you.

However, he casually said that for the current "disaster", Rope did have some responsibility in it.

But it's more pride.

After all, Faloth was just like his child. He was the first creation to shape his personality with his own hands, and to do things for himself, a little bit more...just a little bit more extraordinary.

Luo Pei took out a piece of paper, picked up a pen, and wrote back to his friend Mei Lian, telling him that the burial agency could stop the operation, and that he would let Faloth completely converge behind the scenes in the near future, without continuing to consume manpower and material resources.

As for the Magic Association, he didn't bother to care about it. If he wanted to die, he would let them die—the "orthodox" magician Rope had never liked it.

This is also the reason why he rejected Lorelei at the time.

After finishing the envelope, Rope took a sip of the cold coffee, stood up and put on his white coat.

The trivial matters are over, it's time to deal with business.

Routine inspection of kimono girls two ceremonies.

PS: If you have a monthly pass, give me a monthly pass, friends (:з」∠)

Chapter 57: Awakening from the Two Ceremonies, Deadly Eyes and Accidents

On the way to the intensive care unit, Rope was already familiar with it. Not only was Wuhui who lived here, but he also ran here for more than two years.

By the time he was promoted to the chief neurologist, the routine check-up every three days had almost become a daily routine.

By the way, because Luo Pei entered the hospital, Zonglian Huang, who was supposed to be the attending doctor, didn't even enter the door of the hospital. This disappointed Luo Pei who was about to ask him about the completion of the Ogawa apartment.

Pushing open the door of the ward, the flower and the long-term residence of the girl mixed together, forming a very comfortable taste for men.

Sleeping beauty in sick clothes, lying on the hospital bed.

It grows finely and lacks trimmed long hair. She breathed evenly, her complexion was ruddy, and she was not at all like a girl who walked around in "death", just falling asleep quietly.

Compared with the immaturity from junior high to high school when I first saw it, the two ceremonies now have undoubtedly begun to exude the unique charm of women.

Luo Pei put the board in his hand on the table, not in a hurry to write those boring, cookie-cutter observation reports, went to the window and opened the thick curtains to let the early summer sun shine in.

Whether it is from a mysterious point of view or from a physical health point of view, it is good to be indoors for a long time and basking in the sun.

In a place like a hospital, which is always inseparable from "yin", the sun after noon is a pretty good thing for both the patient and Rope.

——Although the two rituals have no symptoms.

The trauma is completely healed, and the functions of all parts of the body are stable. Apart from being unable to wake up, it has been different from ordinary people.

"It's time to get up, too? Looking straight at "death" for too long is not a good hobby, two rituals..." the black-haired youth whispered.

The girl who couldn't respond, his words turned into self-talking, dissipating in the silent air of the ward.

Luo Pei shook his head helplessly. If it is an ordinary person, his physical therapy plus soul manipulation will not be too difficult to come back to life. But putting it on the two rituals will not work, unless the girl wakes up naturally, otherwise he dare not act rashly.

It is not only the reason for the high purity of the girl's body, but the "" which is buried in her personality and links the root of it, can't be overstated. Just like the black mud of the Holy Grail back then, he had no brains not to take a shower and bear the malice of six billion humans. The root cause is the same.

Sitting on the side of the hospital bed for the two ceremonies, Rope took out a pen from the pocket of his white coat and began to write today's inspection report.

Within a minute, he completed the exact same text as three days ago, ready to deal with the errand. In this hospital, no one dared to say that he was not.


Looking away from the board, Rope suddenly saw the girl's hand on the quilt outside.

With her pale complexion, she can even easily see the light blue blood vessels under her skin. More importantly, her little finger moved slightly just now.

It was only for a moment, but he was still caught by him.

It's like struggling, throbbing before breaking into a butterfly.

……is it today?

It's late enough.

Luo Pei was not surprised by the signs of awakening from the two rituals. It would be better to say that it was too late to wake up now.

The girl’s hospitalization period due to the injuries caused by Huang Ye Zonglian had been advanced several months, and the natural recovery time should have been several months earlier. Delayed until now, Rope has to worry about whether the souls of the two rituals will be assimilated by "death."

I waited until about 3 pm, during which a nurse came to ask about Rope's condition, but he sent him away on the grounds that "the patient is showing signs of waking up, I will stay in the room for observation." Looking at the nurse's expression, it seemed that the degree of favorability towards Rope had risen somehow.

A sense of responsibility is a plus.

After a few more minutes, when Ropey felt that today might not be the day when the girl awakened and was about to return home after submitting the report, the two ceremonies finally showed some obvious signs of recovery.

Her pretty face, her closed eyes trembled.

Gradually, the girl opened her eyes.

Unlike the usual people who wake up from a deep sleep, there is not much confusion in the black pupils of the two rituals. An unidentified emotion that even Luo Pei can't even speak is brewing in it.

Like loneliness, but also like sadness.

The girl turned her neck slightly, her black hair fell from her forehead, and she saw Rope.

"Good afternoon, Miss Liangyi."

Rope sat there, facing the two ceremonies with a smile.

"A long time, celebrating your return from "death." Of course, if you still have an impression of my face, I will be very happy. "

The girl didn't answer. After her gaze stayed on Rope for a few seconds, she turned to other places.

Simple calendars, curtains moved by the wind, and empty bottles placed on the corners of the table.

The pupils of the two rituals looked sour and uncomfortable with the light, and blinked several times. Only Rope knew that the girl was understanding the "death" of everything she saw.

Gradually, she was no longer satisfied to look only with her eyes.

Maybe they are still questioning things like "dazzling". The two rituals struggled to get up, but after trying hard, they fell heavily on the soft pillow.

The body that has been silent for more than two years is impossible to drive as usual immediately.

Even if the two rituals are not ordinary people, the symptoms of muscle atrophy will have to be relieved for a while. She is now described as "a girl who has no power to bind a chicken".

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