"No, I know this man."

Saber shook his head firmly and said. "Ari, you heard it too, this is a challenge. I am the king, and he is also the king. If you want to divide the high and low on the wine table, it is tantamount to a bloodless ‘fight’."

Perhaps after hearing Saber's words, the Conquer King smiled and nodded.

"Hehe, it's good to understand. Since you can't face each other with swords, let's use wine to decide the victory or defeat. Knight King, I won't let you off tonight, so be prepared."

Indeed, if you can’t face your kingly way, you can’t beat you...

Thinking of the magnificent sight of the king and his ministers being together, Saber's eyes hurt, but it was only for a moment, after which the blonde girl exuded a bitter fighting spirit as if on the battlefield.

After that, Rider took the bottle to the atrium, and the two Servants sat down and confronted each other leisurely.

Alice Phil and Webber sat side by side, guessing the development of the situation, while Rope was very strange, leaning against the castle wall far away from them.

Seeing him with his eyes closed, if his posture is not quite standard, I am afraid that others would think he has fallen asleep, right?

On the contrary, behind the seemingly laid-back side, Rope is constructing a great magic—the true secret technique from Cthulhu.

The Desperate Prison of the Humble (Ahumblepersonsdespair)

In the myth of Cthulhu, humans are usually hunting targets of those alien races, and humans who have no resistance will be hunted and swallowed by monsters.

This enchantment magic was created in accordance with this concept. The concept of philosophizing as a "monster" is strengthened, and other people who are enveloped in the enchantment will automatically be weakened by the concept of "prey", and as a "prey" 'The party will not be able to leave this enchantment. After completing the above procedures, the caster will also know the location of all living creatures in this enchantment, no matter how hidden they will be perceived by Rope.

In addition, this enhancement and weakening will not be noticed by others. This also means that even if a martial arts master is weakened to the point of a child, he will not notice the abnormality before he does it.

A secret technique with outstanding concealment.

-Although it is only effective for humans.

After the spell was cast, a vague wave spread out along Rope's heart, eventually replacing the enchantment originally made by Alice Phil.

In the enchantment, Rope felt that his five senses had become more keen than he had imagined, and his physical strength was constantly fermenting and increasing. Not only that, he also saw a lot of "people" hidden in the dark

The spiritualized Gilgamesh, the assassins hiding in the outermost periphery, and the balconies watching the situation with a sniper rifle Weimiya Kiritugu and Mizo, oh no, it's Kuu Maiya.

"The secret technique is really powerful..."

A satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Rope opened his eyes and looked at the king's argument that had already begun over there.

The King of Conquer smashed the lid of the barrel with his fist, and the mellow red wine smell immediately filled the air in the atrium.

"Although the shape is strange, this is a unique wine vessel in this country."

As Rider said, he slapped the wine with a bamboo handle triumphantly.

He drank the wine in the spoon first, and then spoke.

"I heard that only qualified people can get the Holy Grail. And the ritual to choose that qualified person is this war in Fuyuki-but if you just watch, you don't need to shed blood. Both are heroic spirits, if they can agree with each other. I don’t need to talk about the opponent’s ability in the future."


Saber did not hesitate to take the ladle that Rider handed him, and also scooped a spoonful of wine.

Saber's thin body always makes people worry about whether she can really drink. But looking at her boldness in drinking, she is not inferior to the giant Rider at all. Rider uttered a pleasant compliment when he saw it.

"It's really nostalgic... Rider, you don't need to explain your ‘King of the Holy Grail’ rhetoric, I have fully understood it." Saber put down the handle and looked at the strong man in front of him.

"Haha, sure enough you are also a fellow Saber."

Rider smiled mischievously. Then he said again as if talking to himself.

"Ah, speaking of which there is another person here who claims to be the ‘king’. I wanted that guy to be my car at the time. Who would have thought that he would leave by himself. He should be there now if he thinks about it?"

"—The joke ends here, bastard."

It seemed to be responding to Rider's unclear words. Gilgamesh flashed in front of everyone in a dazzling golden light.

The sound and the light made the bodies of Webber and Alice Phil immediately stiff. For the two mortals, Gilgamesh's aura was too large.

"Is Archer coming..."

Saber was not surprised, but looked at Gilgamesh dangerously and didn't say anything.

Chapter 47 The King's Feast (3)

"It's really a shame that you chose such a shabby place for the banquet. You should have this taste. Why do you apologize for making me come here?"

"Don't say that, come on, have a drink first."

Rider smiled boldly and handed Gilgamesh the spoon full of wine.

And as he had done originally, he took the ‘wine glass’ which was very inferior no matter how he looked at it, and drank it with his head up.

"—What kind of bad wine is this, you actually use this kind of wine to fight between heroes?"

Gilgamesh said with a look of disgust.

"Really? I got it from the market here, good wine."

"I think so because you don't know wine at all, you bastard."

A void whirlpool appeared beside the scornful King of Gold. This is the precursor to the strange phenomenon that can call out treasures, and Weber and Alice Phil just felt a bit of chills on their bodies.

—But what appeared next to Archer tonight was not a weapon, but a series of wine utensils inlaid with dazzling gems. The heavy gold bottle was filled with colorless and clear liquid.

"Look at it, this is the'King's Wine'."

"Oh, so touched."

Rider didn't mind the other party's arrogant tone, happily poured the new wine into three glasses, and handed one to Saber.

She looked at the wine in the golden bottle with some complexity, but still took the wine glass that was handed over.

"Oh, delicious!"

Iskandall took a sip and immediately widened his eyes in praise.

"It's great, isn't this kind of wine made by humans? It's the wine that the gods drink!"

"Of course, whether it's wine or sword, there is only the best thing in my treasure house-this is the king's taste."

"It's really a tyrant's behavior to boast about the treasures he has arbitrarily levied, Archer."

Because he had already drunk it once, Saber was no longer surprised by the mellowness of the wine, but he still expressed deep disgust with Gilgamesh's attitude.

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