Kevin pushed the information in front of him to the red-brown haired girl, glanced at Luo Pei, who was beside him, and continued.

"Let a research director of the institute put off busy work and interview for you in person. If this is not cumbersome, then there is nothing cumbersome in the world. In this base, except for the site director, I have the highest rights. At the same time, I am also your next boss, Miss."

It is impossible for him to say, "You have been appointed by the organization, even if you sleep in the dormitory and watch TV today, it will not affect your work."

That is undoubtedly a kind of contempt for young people with real ability.

Having lived for such a long time, his rich life experience makes Kevin very handy in handling everything, including getting along with young people.


Makise Kurisu was taken aback.

"sorry, I……"

She didn't expect that this old man who didn't seem very serious would be one of the top leaders of the institute and her immediate boss. She was in a hurry and didn't know what expression to make.

Although she is a genius, she is a 16-year-old girl who has just left school.

"It doesn't matter, just treat me as an ordinary old man." Kevin smiled kindly.

"Your formal entry and work site will be arranged as soon as possible within three days. Before that, Miss Makise will take a stroll around the island, and take the time to learn about the research you will be responsible for in the future."

The girl quickly pulled out a bound 4A paper from the thick pile of materials, looked at the contents carefully and asked.

"Yes..."Anomalous-023" this containment item? When it comes to the brain, I need a more detailed experimental report..."

"No. That is a project that you need to participate in at least a year later, and Miss Makise's first "research topic" was Mr. Rope. "

Kevin pointed to Rope next to him.

Rope frowned and said helplessly.

"I'm really mad when you say that again, Kevin."

"Ha, don't get angry, adjectives, adjectives...for Wingate's sake."

Kevin smiled and waved.

The banquet of making allies, the SCP-682 incident, the old man has already understood the character of the black-haired youth in front of him, and he can also draw some innocuous jokes to draw closer the relationship between each other.

"Oh? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!"

The interaction between Luo Pei and Kevin made Makise Kurisu who was sitting on the opposite side look confused.

The SCP Foundation is an organization that studies the existence and events of anomalies. The girl already knows this very well, and even secretly prepared to step into the anomaly after reading the information.

But she did not expect that her first research topic turned out to be a handsome young man.

......Difficult, difficult is a human experiment! ?

Inhumane scientific research, living body analysis, drug testing, brain observation... etc., the unique association of the scientific researcher instantly appeared in Makise Kurisu's mind, causing the girl's shoulders to tremble slightly.


Luo Pei obviously saw this situation too, he coughed slightly to interrupt Makise Kurisu's cranky thoughts, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Belated self-introduction. Hello, Miss Makise, I am Rope, currently serving as the site director consultant. As for the remaining identity and the "research topic" that Dr. Kevin said... Ms. Makise will be with me in the future You will gradually know when you get along. In short, the SCP Foundation welcomes you. "

He didn't plan to say it all at once.

The establishment of trust requires a process, and Makise Kurisu also needs time to adapt to the inner world. If you have a one-time support, it will be bad if you have indigestion.

As an indispensable part of the black-haired youth trial plan, he valued Makise Kurisu very much.

Hearing this, Makise Hong Lisu didn't care to continue thinking, nodded and replied in a low voice.


Research director, site director consultant, neither of these two positions could be imagined by her newly recruited little researcher. At this time, it is right to listen and remember more honestly.

——Victor Condoria University's short research career has given Makise Kurisu more mature thinking.

When Kevin saw Rope and the girl talk to each other, he stood up wisely and prepared to leave.

"There are other things over there for me to worry about, so I won't disturb the two of them getting to know each other."

"Try not to worry about that lizard. Tomorrow I will handle the remaining containment procedures, and you will be completely liberated in the days after that."

"I really look forward to it." Kevin exclaimed.

Since the arrival of SCP-682, he, the research director, has not slept peacefully, which is completely different from Wingate Pisri, who spends all day fishing and drinking coffee.

Being able to relax is a great comfort to this very old man.

"Also, Kevin, you can send someone to help me arrange a place to live here." Rope said again. "I plan to stay here in the short term-until Wingate's new "friend" landed. "

"Your words will definitely make Wingate fly happily."

"Aren't you happy?"

"I'm already flying."

As he said, Kevin also made wings with his hands, making Makise Kurisu who was next to him couldn't help but laugh.

A serious old man wearing glasses makes such antics, it is hard not to make people laugh.

"It seems that we met fairly well, Miss Makise."

Kevin smiled like a kind old grandfather and pushed his glasses.

"In this hell-like place, please do more later."

"Yes! Dr. Kevin!"

Makise Kurisu's expression was straight.

With the sound of the door closing, Kevin's departure left the entire large conference room with Rope and Makise Kurisu.

The girl looked at the smiling black-haired youth, and suddenly she didn't know how to speak.

Rope took the lead in breaking the deadlock.

"I'm not Ms. Makise's immediate boss, we can get along a little easier."


Makise Kurisu hesitated, wondering if she should ask this question.

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