
  Chapter 228 Want to escape (first update)

Both sides emit energy beam, blue regardless of consumption The red meteors collided with each other, and energy even more terrifying than the nuclear warhead exploded in the air, and the shock wave shattered the clouds within a thousand miles.

As the battleship on the other side of the orbit continues to shrink and join the battlefield, the firepower of the First Space Fleet is getting stronger and stronger, and the loss of Precursor civilization's fleet is getting bigger and bigger, even the extremely powerful Sapphire master battleship. Also suffered a certain degree of damage.

Gradually, the Precursor civilization fleet suddenly found that something was wrong. After the wormhole was erected for so long, the number of their fleets has not increased, but has decreased.

This time their fleet has reached a thousand ships just because of battleships, but now only less than a hundred ships have joined the battle. Where did the rest of the fleet go? !

The sapphire master battleship turned the observer to the location of the wormhole. All the Precursors on the master battleship were stupid. They didn’t expect that the enemy’s Space technology could still be used in this way. ? !

At this time, a black crack is tightly attached to the wormhole. Once a biological spaceship passes through the wormhole, it will be sucked away by the black crack immediately.

After knowing the reason why the follow-up troops did not join the battlefield, the Precursor civilization fleet missile did not solve the doubts in the fun, but became more confused.

The original Space technology can still play like this?

Inside the sapphire master battleship, the Archbishop Precursor, who is in charge of the command, watched this scene furiously.

"Why is this? Is the space technology of this human civilization already so advanced?! It is possible to make two space-like things so close, and there will be no Space confusion!"

Other Precursors were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, this Space crack is too weird, it does not conform to the Space law they know so far!

First put aside why the impulse is so close to this Space crack, it will not cause Space disturbance and cause the two to collapse. The silent opening of this Space teleportation gate made them feel very incredible.

Is the wormhole that dare to love you humans a door? Turn on or turn off if you want? !

A Precursor engineer asked: "Bishop Your Excellency, we now have only 26 ships left in our fleet, and the enemy's fleet is still full of the orbit. If this continues, we will soon The entire army will be annihilated."

Although the Precursor fleet on the surface is comparable to the Great Xia First Space Fleet, it can even continue to counterattack and destroy the interstellar battleship after another. But in fact, in the absence of subsequent reinforcements, they will undoubtedly lose. The reason why they have not been completely suppressed now is mainly due to the strength of the Sapphire master battleship.

Without the powerful energy shield protection of the sapphire master battleship, the rest of the battleship would have been wiped out under this intensive plasma bombardment.

War Archbishop ordered: "Split a fort and try to attack. Can the black crack try to break it."

As long as the black crack can be solved, let The subsequent army enters this colony planet, then they have the hope of victory. If this black crack cannot be resolved, then the only thing waiting for them is to be besieged to death.

From a purely technical level, the biological battleship of Precursor civilization is generally higher than the interstellar battleship of Great Xia. But two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention that now they only have more than 20 battleships fighting against this army with thousands of battleships.


The turret on the sapphire master battleship quickly adjusted its direction to aim, and the stinky shameless clung to the black crack in their wormhole.


The red beam flew out and hit the black crack directly, the next moment beam directly entered the black crack, throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, there is not even a sound.

War Archbishop clenched the teeth, ordered: "Unlock all the restrictions of the remaining battleships and let them use their firepower."

As soon as this word came out, all the bioengineers were stunned. However, if these restrictions on the biological spaceship are removed, all the Precursors inside are likely to die on the spot and be completely digested by the biological spaceship.

"But War Archbishop Your Excellency, if the engineers on the battleship do not make any preparations, the biological restrictions are lifted. Not only will these spaceships be completely runaway, and they will no longer be under our control, but also above Engineers will also be digested on the spot by the biological spaceship."

War Archbishop said in a hoarse voice: "Obey the order, now immediately remove all the biological restrictions of the remaining battleship!"

Rich The experienced war master knows that now the entire fleet has fallen into a dead end, and they have stood on the edge of the cliff on the verge of collapse. Not to mention giving them time to prepare, even now the time for thinking is almost running out.

The only way to survive right now is to set up a wormhole and escape here temporarily. It also takes time to erect a wormhole, and this time will be won by the rest of the spaceship.

"Yes! Biological restrictions are fully lifted!"

At the next moment, all the battleship attacks of Precursor civilization suddenly stopped, even the Sapphire master battleship also stopped their attacks. It maintains the energy shield and resists the constant falling plasma bombardment from above.

In the rest of the biological battleship, all the engineers first tried it for a while, and then quickly began to check what went wrong with the battleship.

The conductor ordered loudly: "What's wrong with the battleship? Why the sudden ceasefire?!"

"Report, checking."

The conductor said : "Hurry up, if you still want to survive, and don't want to be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the enemy's plasma bombardment, please check out the problem and fix it within one minute."

In this rapidly changing situation On the battlefield, even a one-second ceasefire might wipe out their entire army.

In the next lesson, an engineer’s expression suddenly became dull, and his mouth muttered: "Born... the biological restriction! Completely lifted!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone Turning his head suddenly, the eyes were full of horror.

The commander's voice was obviously frightened, and he asked again: "What did you say?!"

"The biological restriction is lifted! We must escape here!"

tone barely fell, all the various instruments and facilities made of flesh and blood around them began to squirm, and then all the equipment turned into a mass of flesh and melted into the biological spaceship, and then all the doors of the Command Center were closed.

A large amount of gastric acid began to be secreted from the four walls, and all the Precursors of the entire spaceship were quickly dissolved under the strong sulfuric acid secreted by the biological spaceship.

The surface of the biological spaceship has also changed. Obvious mutations have appeared in various parts, and huge pieces of flesh and blood have begun to stand out, becoming more and more like a monster.

Faced with this situation, Great Xia, the First Space Fleet, although a little confused, did not stop the attack, but became more violent. Regardless of his changes, let's start with a shot. There is nothing that can't be solved with one shot. If there is one, then one shot will be bigger.

If it still doesn't work, then continue to output with high intensity.

On orbit, the huge master battleship, the huge Plasma Rail Gun began to gather terrifying energy.

[Super Plasma Rail Gun has finished cooling down, start charging. 】

The brilliant blue light converges continuously, the visible energy of naked eye begins to condense, and a dazzling star appears in the electromagnetic rail gun.

[30%…60%…90%…100%, the Super Plasma Rail Gun is fully charged, launch! 】


Thousand-meter-wide plasma light flies out at the speed of light, and like a finger of God, it slowly pushes toward the planet below. The blue meteor breaks through the atmosphere, and a kilometer-long beam of light descends from the sky.


The thousand-meter-wide beam of light blasted heavily on the main battleship built like sapphire. The originally invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable energy shield began to shake, slowly one after another cracks began to appear.


At the moment when the first crack appeared, the entire energy shield was shattered, and the plasma beam continued to move forward with terrifying energy.

The plasma beam hit heavily on the main front of the Precursor civilization fleet. Then, a white light instantly illuminated the entire world, and a huge sun was formed in an instant.

Sun expanded rapidly, from the original thousands of meters to more than 15,000 meters. in the sky The huge sun releases endless light and heat, burning the entire world. This is the closest sun to this planet, only five hundred meters from the ground. (In the 90s, the fireball produced by the Tsar bomb was 4600 meters)

The already extremely desolate planet environment became even worse. The biological cities shrank rapidly under the burning of the sun, even this The last glimmer of life on the planet is also dissipating. Only the central city has not suffered much loss with its powerful shield.

In the dim and barren world, the blazing sun turned out, and the light that symbolized life and destruction burned everything on the planet.

If the end of the world is here, then this should be the end of the world. Because of the doomsday written by mankind, it is just that the one to be destroyed is no longer a mankind.

Ten seconds later, Sun slowly contracted, and then disappeared. At this time the entire land has been scorched to black, the entire world is no different from the end.

At the same time, there is only one sapphire master battleship left in the Precursor civilization fleet in the sky, and other battleships have been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the plasma bombardment just now.

On the sapphire master battleship, War Archbishop's complexion became very ugly. The attack just now exceeded the defense level of the master battleship.

If the originally expected fleet arrives at a complete strategy and connects all the energy shields, this level of attack is nothing at all. Even they can crippled the fleet with one blow through interstellar cannons combined with each other.

But now their fleet can't get through at all. They are completely locked up by the strange Space technology of this group of people. Now he doesn't know whether the part of the fleet that passed through the black crack is still alive.

Dead end! A complete death!

The paws on the four arms of War Archbishop gripped the armrest of the seat tightly, and the tiny mouth kept opening and closing.

Now other battleships are wiped out, leaving only the battleship of the sapphire master battleship. If the enemy had another attack of the same level as before, the sapphire master battleship would be blown to pieces in that terrifying energy explosion. Even if the enemy is unable to launch an attack of that level again, a few rounds of ordinary orbital red and sapphire teams also said that they cannot launch an attack of that level again. There are more rounds of orbital bombardment, and the current energy reserves of the sapphire master battleship simply cannot support it.

At this time, a new round of orbital bombardment came again, but this time the orbital bombardment was not as exaggerated as the previous one. All attacks were intercepted by the recondensed energy shield, and the energy of the sapphire master battleship was only 10% left.

The sapphire main battleship itself can draw energy directly from other backup battleships, and can continue high-intensity battles in a huge fleet. But now their fleet can't get through at all, only the first troops come, and the various logistics creature battleships behind can't get to this planet through the wormhole, which led to the current situation.

At this time, War Archbishop suddenly divine light flashed, and quickly issued an ordered again: "Let the planet central city below open a temporary emergency wormhole near us."

Precursor civilization , There is also the technology of erecting wormholes between Shun, but the wormhole channel erected by this technology is extremely unstable, and it is easy to collapse the channel. Generally, it is only used to transmit emergency information, such as the distress signal sent by this planet before.

At the same time, the tunnel condensed by the emergency wormhole is very small, only ten meters wide at most. Although the emergency impulse channel is very small, their sapphire master battleship has an emergency escape function that can separate the control into a small quick escape spaceship.


The engineers shined and saw the hope of life. Although Archbishop didn't say it clearly, they also guessed what Archbishop wanted to do.

The sapphire master battleship bears the enemy’s orbital bombardment, while crossing the Planet Bishop to directly order City Brain to use all its energy to open an emergency wormhole.


In the central city below, Planet Bishop looked at City Brain in horror, and then angrily asked: "City Brain, do you know what you are doing?! You It's betrayal, stop your behavior immediately."

Without his command, City Brain turned off the energy shield used to save lives, and concentrated all the energy on the wormhole maker. In this case, if the enemy launches a plasma bombardment on the city, then the entire city will be bombed into the sky, and oneself will also be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

[Dear Archbishop, I have not defected, I just obey the higher rank orders. 】

"What is a higher rank command, the highest leader on this planet is me! Now I order you to stop immediately, send energy to the wormhole maker, and re-open the shield!" Planet Bishop flustered and exasperated Said.

[Dear Archbishop, when you sent the highest distress signal to Mother Planet, your highest command has been transferred to War Archbishop, so the order was rejected. 】

When the planet male lead wanted to say something, a golden beam of light rose from the city. Immediately above the sapphire master War General threw a strange crystal, and the golden beam of light accurately shot on the crystal.

At the next moment, the crystal became a golden hole about one meter wide, and then the hole expanded at a very fast rate, turning into a wormhole ten meters wide.

Seeing this scene, the Great Xia First Space Fleet on the orbit immediately realized that the forerunner master battleship was planning to escape. The First Space Fleet will definitely not let this main battleship escape, after all, after fighting for so long, want to run? late!

A more violent plasma orbital bombardment fell from the sky and landed on the energy shield of the sapphire master battleship. Then the energy shield at this time gathered most of the energy of the sapphire master battleship, and its firmness was higher than that at the beginning, and it was not at all pierced by ordinary plasma light speed.

The super plasma cannon on the main battleship of the First Space Fleet is still cooling and temporarily unavailable.

In the sapphire master battleship, War Archbishop saw that the enemy’s firepower could not be crushed. They exhausted the shield condensed by the last 10% of their energy, and they couldn’t help laughing hoarsely: "hahaha, human didn’t 't expect! Although you won this time, our Precursor civilization will come back again!"

"Hurry up and separate the Command Center from the battleship body, we are not sure that this energy shield will last How long."

Tone barely fell, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

"Where are you going?"

Although the Precursors do not understand human language, but the voice alone lets them have one's hair stand on end, because it shows that there is a Humans are very close to them. At this 10,000-meter altitude, only humans with extremely terrifying power in the intelligence should be able to reach.

At several hundred meters above the battleship, a girl with a petite figure and exquisite features has already stood here for some time, looking down at the sapphire master battleship below.

The golden red hair composed of flames, the one after another mysterious pattern engraved on the silver white holy armor emits dark red rays of light, the golden holy sword on the hand is golden red sun Flame entangled.

The girl's body is entangled by golden red flames, and the imposing manner is magnificent, like the sun that gives life to all things, just like the Sun God in the myth.

The second one is also more than four thousand. Now three thousand and five have been written, about half an hour later.

(End of this chapter)

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