
  Chapter 236 Abnormal Humans (two more)

The werewolf immediately turned his head and shouted at the surrounding Beastman Said: "There are humans, quickly turn on the energy shield and prepare to evacuate!"

The Beastman also noticed the human at the end of the road. Once they reached the energy shield, they opened up all the Beastman that enveloped them. At the same time, the other two Beastman began to shut down the collectors, preparing to flee the city.

The expression of the werewolf became very ugly, damn it! Why is luck so unlucky, this kind of small probability thing unexpectedly made me meet!

The exploration squad also noticed this human being, raising the weapon in his hand, watching the human being suddenly appearing behind him vigilantly, and at the same time turning on the energy shield.

According to the performance of these Beastman, the humans in their mouths are obviously extremely dangerous.


With a loud noise, the human figure at the end of the road turned into a black shadow and burst out, leaving a huge pothole

The sound just sounded, the human The figure has come in front of Beastman.

So fast!

Pioneers are more vigilant, simply because the speed just now has broken through the speed of sound, this human being is at least Class 5 in strength.

The mysterious person right hand made a fist and slammed it on the energy shield of the Beastman, and the violent power whizzed out with the wind.


The energy shields of the Beastmans are like paper paste in front of human fists, and they break at the touch of a button. The fist hit the werewolf's chest heavily, and the werewolf's huge body exploded with a terrifying fist and flew everything in front of him. One after another Beastman's body flew out like a cannonball.

Although the Beastman faced a sudden attack and some not knowing what to do, they were not completely panicked. They immediately used the flying device on their bodies to stabilize their bodies and flew to the sky in an attempt to escape from this dangerous place.

The ragged human standing in a pool of blood, watching the Beastman flying in the sky, the next moment the body disappeared out of thin air.


bang! bang!

A sonic boom sounded, and the bodies of the Beastman flying in the air exploded out of thin air, like one after another bright red flowers blooming in the air.

The high tech equipment of the Beastmans is useless in front of this savage human. Whether it is an energy weapon or a floating cannon, it will be completely blown up without the time to react. In other words, the Beastman didn't intend to attack this human at all, but instead wanted to escape.

These Beastman, who are 5~6 meters in size and wear various high tech equipment, are directly shocked when faced with a human being only a few meters away.

"Why! Why are there still humans in the daytime!?" The only remaining deer headed-man slumped on the ground, and a stream of heat flowed out from under his crotch.

The ragged human step by step walks towards this six-meter-high deer headed-man, and the deer headed-man has been completely terrified, his whole body is soft, and he wants to run away but doesn’t listen. Call it yourself.

This is the suppression of the biological chain. No creature can completely resist the imposing manner emitted by the predator from the top of the biological chain.

The ragged human stepped on the deer headed-man, and the black eyes hidden behind the long hair looked at the deer headed-man at the foot like an ant.

Slowly lifted his right foot full of silt, preparing to trample this deer headed-man into mud with one foot like an ant.


Cold light flashed, the ragged human suddenly lifted his right hand, the next moment his right hand was a sharp blade.

Akame saw that his attack was blocked, and did not panic. Instead, he raised his right leg and kicked the mysterious person's belly.


The ragged human figure flew upside down in a heavy state. On a car dozens of meters away, the car that was already extremely decaying all split up and in pieces.

The deer headed-man, who was already in despair, saw this scene, ignited hope, and quickly said: "We must leave this place quickly, and soon other humans will be attracted. Come here. If the attention of those Sovereign Rank humans is attracted, even the fleet may not be able to save us when the time comes."

However, at the next moment, the sonic boom sounded again, and the shadows directly took the deer. headed-man's body.

How can Akame make this mysterious person what he wants, but he still needs to rely on this Beastman for information.

pēng pēng pēng!

In just a few seconds, Akame and the mysterious person met hundreds of moves in an instant, and the huge power set off a gust of wind. After a short battle, Akame discovered that this mysterious person was extremely powerful, and her physical strength alone could crush and beat her.

The most important thing is that he can cut off the alloy blade, but he can't cut the human skin.

the next moment Humans suddenly stopped attacking and took a few steps back. The surrounding trailblazers finally found an opportunity to raise the weapon in their hands, preparing to deal a devastating blow to this mysterious person.

Because the two were too close just now, they were not easy to attack, now the opportunity is here.

"Wait, don't fire." Akame ordered.

And from the battle to the present, no matter how he attacks the mysterious person, he just resists. The most important thing is that the hostility of the mysterious person has always been on the Beastman behind him, always trying to cure Beastman to death. Now the mysterious person is the first to stop the attack. This may be an opportunity for communication.

Upon hearing the order, all the pioneers did not launch an attack, but aimed their weapons at this extremely dangerous human being.

Akame looked at the ragged human like a savage, and asked: "Who are you?"

This powerful human should know more information, such as why This city is so desolate, what happened in this world? Where have all the humans gone?

The ragged human did not answer, but silently stared at Akame. The black eyes hidden behind the messy hair did not have the slightest brilliance, just like a dead person. Two seconds later, he set his sights on the other trailblazers. Repeatedly, staring at all the pioneers.

Then he turned and left, and the pioneers did not stop because of the human being's performance just now.

Pioneers glanced at each other, and then a Blood Originator cautiously placed the tracker on the tattered clothes of this mysterious person. And the mysterious person didn't respond at all even if the tracker was installed by the trailblazer. He still kept moving forward dumbly, like a walking corpse.

Seeing this scene, the deer headed-man, who was already in despair, was completely stunned. What did he see? ! This group of robots was not attacked by humans, and the humans ignored them and left!

Did they really deceive human beings and make them mistakenly think they are their own kind, so they didn't launch an attack! Also, this robot can compete with humans just now, and it is still not falling.

Are these robots bionic robots made with Earth energy? If so, how much energy is needed to nurture them? what.

At this time, the deer headed-man noticed the group of robots, and when he set his eyes on him again, his expression changed and he hurriedly said: "I didn't see anything!"

deer headed-man knows very well that a bionic robot that can dodge human attacks has a value that can make all civilizations peeping at the energy of Earth crazy. This means that they can arbitrarily mine the special energy of Earth, which can continuously promote biological evolution and produce a kind of magical high-dimensional consciousness energy, without fear of human attacks.

You can even go to the realm of the Sovereign Rank humans and gather the energy that is so strong that the naked eye can see it.

And now that he has discovered the truth, he is very likely to be silenced.

A trailblazer walked towards the deer headed-man slowly, his face became more and more ugly, and he stepped back and said in a panic: "I promise, I will never tell this thing. , I didn’t see anything today, you can install nanobot in my mind."

However, the pioneers ignored this deer headed-man, and raised the right hand energy surge in the body, a magic The path is formed instantly.

Seeing that the deer headed-man was fruitless, he turned and pounced on the energy rifle falling on the ground on the right side. However, the next moment the sleeping magic has been formed, and the deer headed-man's eyes are black, that foot The six-meter-high body fell suddenly.

A Luminous Day Mecha came to the side of the deer headed-man, stretched out the right hand, and with no difficulty lifted the deer headed-man weighing several tons.

Akame said: "Temporarily retreat and take this creature back to the base. He should have a lot of useful information."

The things encountered by Akame entire group have already passed the teleportation The small signal transfer station in front of the gate returned No. 0 Base via wired transmission.

At this time, everyone's hearts are full of doubts, a world like apocalypse, a weird city that doesn't even have an insect. The buildings with traces of fighting everywhere are in sharp contrast with the neatly arranged houses.

This is also called Earth, but there is a higher dimension energy, and there is a gravitational environment that is three times higher than Cloud Star and Earth.

A group of Beastman wearing various high tech equipment, why do they speak the Great Xia language, and the various characters in this city are also Xia language.

Why do they fear humans so much? Why do they dare not even stay on the orbit in the interstellar fleet...

All kinds of doubts entangled in the minds of all researchers, and All these doubts will be solved by this deer headed-man.


On the other side, in the suburbs of the city, in front of a gate made of marble.

A three meter tall, all-body silver surrounded by a light white light armor/mecha led several humanoid armor/mecha from a distance, and stopped in front of the gate made of marble.

Tatsumi looked up towards the gate. The gate was engraved with four characters 【Yunhua College 】, and on both sides of the gate was carved a sentence 【Others harbour a jewel sword, I wield a pen like a sword 】.

Then Tatsumi put his gaze into the gate, it was still deserted, but his instinct told him that there was something in it, something extremely dangerous and deadly.

A trailblazer asked: "Captain, the nano drone is ready, are you going to put it in for reconnaissance?"

Tatsumi nodded, said: "For safety, let go first Let’s go in with the nano-reconnaissance robots."

The Luminous Day Mecha driven by the trailblazer flew out of the arm of the Luminous Day Mecha that was undetectable by one after another naked eye. These nanobots crossed the fence and entered the campus.

However, nanobot just entered the campus, an inexplicable wave swept across the campus, and then all nanobots that entered the campus disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Tatsumi eyes slightly narrowed, and then turned to the trailblazer he led and said: "There is an extremely dangerous existence in this school, but from the current situation, it is obvious that it There is no malice. You are too big to enter the building to explore, so you are here on standby."

Tatsumi intends to go in alone to explore the mysterious existence, without any other explorations. By. Although it weakened his power to some extent, it allowed him to escape without any scruples.


Tatsumi turned and walked into this deserted school. On the road paved with marble, green grass grew from the cracks between the marble slabs.

Along the way, all the buildings are covered with vegetation, but unlike the tall buildings outside, these buildings are intact and there is no trace of fighting. There is also no sign of life, not even an insect.

Walking through the student dormitory, laboratory building, gymnasium, football field, exercise square, Tatsumi came to a teaching building with a sixth layer high.

This teaching building is different from all the buildings he has seen since his journey. It is very neat and clean, without a trace of dust, and it is not covered by various vegetation. The entire teaching building is full of a scholarly flavor, an inexplicable sense of dust.

At the same time, Tatsumi felt that the higher dimension energy concentration in this teaching building was significantly higher than the outside, and it should have reached Class 6.

Tatsumi walked into the teaching building. The inside was spotless, and the various items were neatly placed. At the next moment, Tatsumi turned his head and saw a silhouette, coming out from the corner.

This is a childish-looking student wearing a blue and white school uniform. The student carries an iron bucket filled with water in his right hand and a mop in his left hand.

Tatsumi's whole body was tense, and he looked at the students slowly approaching him with a vigilant look. This was the first time he encountered life other than plants after investigating for so long. In such a barren city with no signs of life, the appearance of this human being did not add a touch of life to the city, but it seemed strange.

Class 5.

Tatsumi immediately judged his strength based on the breath of the mysterious person dressed as a student.

The student stopped ten meters away from Tatsumi and looked at him with deadly black eyes that lacked any expression. After staring for a few seconds, the students looked away, put the bucket on the ground, put the mop in the bucket, and began to wipe the spotless ground with the mop.

Seeing the strange behavior of this mysterious person, Tatsumi asked probed: "What are you doing?"

However, the students did not respond to Tatsumi’s question at all, they were still mechanical. Wiping the ground.

Seeing that the students did not answer, Tatsumi did not stay too much and turned to other places. He sensed that there were many human beings in this teaching building, at least a few hundred.

In the next hour, Tatsumi walked all the classrooms in this building and saw all kinds of humans dressed up as students, and of course there were several humans dressed up in classrooms. These humans have different appearances, but they have two things in common.

A powerful terrifying, every human has reached Class 5, which means that every human being is a Demigod Rank powerhouse. The most important thing is that he has encountered a total of 451 human beings, each of which is a Demigod Rank powerhouse.

These are all powerhouses of the same level as him. At present, Great Xia counts only more than 100 Demigods of all races, and there are more than 300 here. In a small school building, there are more Demigod Rank powerhouses than Great Xia, a country with billions of people.

If these Demigod Rank powerhouses wear special armor/mecha power like him, their power can barely reach Class 6. More than 300 Class 6 True Gods, even without the blessing of the law, this is a force comparable to the fleet.

Second, although these humans are all Demigod Rank powerhouses, they seem to have no self-awareness and repeat the same thing all the time, like a walking corpse.

Tatsumi walked to the door of the room at the end of the sixth floor. There was a sign hanging on the upper right of the door, [Art Room]

Pushing in, the room is very spacious and sunny. The three huge windows on the wall entered the room, illuminating the whole room. There are various painting items on the ground, including plastic apples, triangles, and broken-arm statues...

There is a painting stand in the center of the room. In front of the painting stand stands a blue and white sportswear with delicate facial features. A girl who gives people a sense of broad and quiet. The beautiful girl is holding a paintbrush without any paint, and is constantly drawing on the drawing board.

This girl is the mysterious existence that Tatsumi perceives, a Class 6 True God Rank powerhouse.

Tatsumi walked to the girl's side step by step, and saw that the girl hadn't drawn anything, and the drawing board was blank.

The girl put down her paintbrush, turned her head and looked towards the silver armor/mecha beside her, with a smile on her face, and asked in a crisp and pure voice: "Why are you hiding inside?"

(End of this chapter)

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