
  Chapter 243 Live happily

The original world, Yunhua Academy, Art Room.

A beautiful girl in blue and white sportswear appeared out of thin air. The silver armor/mecha who was observing various paintings on the wall turned around and looked towards the girl who appeared suddenly.

The painter did not sell the gates either, and straight to the point said: "We can help, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you can confirm the planet positions of those civilizations, especially the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations. "

Tatsumi nodded, replied: "Great Xia cannot guarantee to find the planet of all civilizations, but there is no problem finding the mother planet of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations."

Although just grab it The technicians or Commander of this civilization, Great Xia can extract their souls to search memory, and it is extremely possible to obtain the position of the other's mother planet. However, the negotiating team does not intend to speak too much, because there is still a small probability that they will not be able to find the other party. If the bullshit is too big, when the time comes, it will not end well.

And not all civilizations have their own fixed planet. Some civilizations have abandoned their planet for some reason, built an extremely large space city, and became a wandering civilization. Will not stay in a fixed place for too long, unless this place has the materials they need.

This civilization has an advantage that other civilizations do not have, that is, it is difficult for other civilizations to lock the main body of the civilization, which means that it is difficult for all kinds of ultra-long-distance weapons to attack planetary grade weapons. civilization.

Although Great Xia can travel through the world, and its real war ability is stronger than the general Level 2 civilization, it is still only a Level 1 civilization. Whether it is in technology, military, material reserves, etc., it is not as good as these Level 2 civilizations that control one or several star systems.

If you don't rely on sneak attack and face meet force with force, Great Xia will definitely be hammered into a younger brother by these Level 2 civilizations. But if you use the mobility of the teleportation gate you can't guard against it, Great Xia can hammer all Level 2 civilizations into a younger brother.

As long as you know the location of your hometown, Great Xia can throw weapons of mass destruction at your hometown anytime and anywhere, and you may not be able to prevent it. Simply throwing a bald-headed Hero in, can rub all Level 2 civilizations on the ground, unless this is the Level 2 civilization ruthlessly embarking on an orbital bombardment of its mother planet.

The girl quietly looked at the armor/mecha in front of her. Those pure and beautiful eyes like Obsidian stone seemed to be able to clearly understand everything.

A few seconds later, the girl nodded said: "Everyone was willing to help at the beginning. If Great Xia can find the mother planet of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, I am willing to charge forward."

In the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, the broad and quiet temperament of the girl disappeared, replaced by a touch of coldness. Those eyes were as calm as an ancient well, and there was a touch of madness in the depths.

A Class 6 True God unabashedly released his hatred, which is the ultimate hatred, full of madness and destruction. At this time, the beautiful girl who was originally quiet seemed to have become a lunatic.

Revenge is the meaning of their original human existence. If they could bring destruction and death to the mother planet of the twelve civilizations, they were originally willing to give everything. Although the legacy of the previous generations of mankind clearly tells them not to be blinded by hatred, it is the original mission to revive civilization.

But from the moment they became the original, the hatred has penetrated into their in the depth of one's soul, or their soul itself is a collection of hatred.

The change of the painter's breath gave this school building, which was originally full of scholarly flavor, a touch of hysterical madness and hatred that destroys everything.

Facing this imposing manner, Tatsumi's heart tensed, and then he asked: "Are you okay?"

When asked this way, the girl also noticed that she had some lost self. -Control quickly put away the imposing manner on his body, and said: "Sorry, some lost self-control."

Then he asked: "When do you plan to start acting?"

Tatsumi replied: "We need to figure out the location of all shelters on Earth before we start preparing. It is expected to take at least a few months. We will notify you when the time comes."

"I have the location here." The girl picked up the paintbrush and lightly tapped in the center of the drawing board, and then a world map of Earth appeared on the drawing board. Each place on the map has one after another red dots. These red dots are shelters established by alien civilization in Earth.

The girl stretched out her hand to tear off the map and handed it to Tatsumi, saying: "These are the coordinates of all shelters on Earth. This should save you a lot of preparation time."

Tatsumi took the map, scanned the map and transmitted it back to the base, while saying: "If the place marked on this map is correct? We only need one day's preparation time."

The next two People continue to discuss how to drive away alien forces and Great Xia to ensure that they are really capable of finding the mother planet of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations.

Great Xia will get the Space coordinates of one of the civilizations within three months. If the Space coordinates are successfully obtained and confirmed to be true, then the entire performance must help Great Xia deal with those interstellar civilizations.

After the two sides reached a consensus, Tatsumi picked up the two paintings the artist had given him and left the art room, and walked all the way out of the school.

The negotiation this time was smoother than Great Xia had imagined. The original human beings were indeed relatively simple, as expected by the negotiating team. As long as they can find the space coordinates of other civilizations, this group of primitive humans will charge for themselves.

Of course, even if Great Xia did not ask the original humans for help, as long as the space coordinates of those civilizations are given to the original humans, the original humans will eagerly launch an attack on this civilization.

To give other civilizations a thousand-year kill, chrysanthemums set electric drills and let them spiral into the sky.

As night falls, for all intelligent beings except human beings, the entire Earth becomes extremely dangerous at this time. At night, the ferocity of humans will erupt completely, and they will slaughter all the creatures around them.

Night is the most offensive time period for humans. This is what all civilizations know about humans. Their cognition is correct. Night is the most offensive time for human beings, and it is also the most vulnerable time for human beings.

In the art room, a beautiful girl in blue and white sportswear is still holding her paintbrush and painting on the drawing board.

As the paintbrush continues to fall on the drawing board, a picture-like picture is quickly formed. In the story, a young couple is celebrating the birthday of a girl in a white dress. Three people with bright smiles on their faces are looking at the cake that says Happy Birthday for 16 years old.

As the last stroke fell, the painter realized that he was already in tears, his heart felt pain for some reason, and even breathing was a little difficult.

"It's this strange feeling again."

The girl put down the paintbrush, slowly squatted down on the ground, double wristband hugged her knees and buried her head in it.

Sometimes this kind of strange feeling of twisting is always the appearance of unfathomable mystery, and the best way to deal with this abnormal state is to let yourself fall asleep.

Others of the same kind also have this symptom, and they also use sleep to make themselves less painful. But the side effect is that every time I wake up, I feel empty inside, as if I have forgotten something. At the same time, the killing intent of alien lifeform will become more intense, and sometimes even make you lose your mind.

Soon the girl fell into a deep sleep, and she vaguely saw a picture, a picture that she felt very familiar but seemed to have never seen before.


"Mother, why haven't I connected yet?" A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl in a pale green dress looked impatiently at the virtual screen in front of her Asked.

The young woman sitting beside the girl smiled and consoled: "Your father should have been delayed, we will wait patiently for a while."

This woman is obviously the girl’s mother Because of the special energy that suddenly appeared several decades ago, the lifespan of all human beings has improved a lot, even if the age has reached thirty-five years old, women still look like their twenties.

"But we have been waiting for more than an hour, did father forget?" the girl muttered dissatisfiedly.

Tone barely fell, the virtual screen in front of the two appeared, a man wearing a blue military uniform.

"I'm sorry, because some things have been delayed for a long time, so you have to wait a long time." The man in military uniform asked with a smile: "Do you mother and daughter miss me?"

"Yes!" The girl replied with her hands up, "father, when will you be back? Next month is my birthday."

The man in military uniform heard that next month is his daughter's birthday. , Her eyes were a little dim, and then said with a smile: "I'll be back at the end of the month."

"Really? That's very good, you must buy me a three floors big cake!" The girl first revealed He gave a big smile, and then looked at father suspiciously.

"Wait, stinky father, you said the same thing last year, are you fooling me again this time?"

The girl actually knows that father is a soldier It is difficult to return to Earth in this special period, but he still hopes that father can come back and celebrate her sixteenth birthday.

"Uh..." Father showed an awkward smile, raised his right hand, and said: "I swear I will never break my promise this time."

"Father in two days Go and beat those aliens away, and then come back with a big 10th layer cake to celebrate your birthday."

When this was said, the mother who had been watching with a smile on her face had a smile on her face. It suddenly became a little reluctant.

Next, the girl took out her proud work, a portrait of her family of three celebrating their sixteenth birthday, and showed them to the father in outer space.

"How? I plan to take this painting to the competition at the end of the year. When the time comes, you two must make time to go with me."

In the virtual screen The man's mouth opened slightly. When he just wanted to blurt out, he got stuck in his throat and couldn't say anything.

At this time, the mother sitting next to the girl said with a smile: "Koro, what place do you plan to take?"

The girl said with a smug with her hands on her hips: "Of course it is the first place!"

The man on the screen also came back to his senses, said with a laugh: "As expected of my daughter, father believes you will be the first."

At this time, a mechanical sound sounded: [Hello, the vegetables you ordered have been delivered downstairs, please come down to get it. 】

Mother said: "Koro, now you go downstairs and help me get the vegetables up."

"Okay." The girl got up with a reluctant expression and just left for two. Turning his head and looking towards the father on the screen, he said: "Father, remember to wait for me to come back. Don't leave."

Father said with a petting smile: "Father, I will always be by your side. How could it be possible to leave."

Received the father's promise, the girl hurriedly ran out of the house.

After the daughter left, the smile on the woman's face disappeared, replaced by sadness.

"Are you going to go to war?"

The man was nodded, with a firm expression and said: "The alien fleet is only one light-year away from the solar system. Once they enter the solar system, they will be at any time It is possible to use Space to jump to raid Earth orbit, so we must keep them out of the solar system."

The woman asked: "Is there no other way? Is there only war? Can’t you stay behind?”

The woman actually knew that this was an inevitable war. When the government of the Earth Republic asked all mankind to make a choice, she was also the one who chose to fight. But when the war really came, she hoped that her husband would not be on the battlefield. This kind of thinking even the woman felt a bit too selfish.

The man shook the head, replied: "My dear, this is an obligation to be a soldier and an obligation to be a human being."

The woman covered her mouth and cried, saying "But... but my dear, you will die. What will Koro and I do after you die? Koro is looking forward to your coming back to celebrate his birthday with him."

Looking at his crying wife, The man wanted to hug his wife, but at this time he was already on his way to the battlefield.

"Sorry, I am not a qualified husband and father, but I have to do this. Although the universe is big, I have nowhere to go, and I must not go back because behind Earth is the homeland , It's you.

"I may never go back, but at least I can give you mother and daughter hope of living. I promise to keep the enemy out of the solar system and leave you with a peaceful solar system. "

The woman asked in a choked voice: "Then can you guarantee that you will come back alive?" "

Faced with his wife’s problem, the man opened his mouth slightly, then closed his mouth again, his eyes became very dim. The chance of him surviving this war can be said to be one in 100 million. He is now In fact, he is already a dying person.

After ten seconds of silence, the man replied: "My dear, I'm sorry, but I may not be able to continue walking with you mother and daughter in the future. But my pension should allow you mother and daughter to live forever, when the time comes If you feel lonely, you can find a good family to remarry, don't worry about me. "

The woman said: "Why? Why do you not even want to leave me a lie, even a trace of fantasy! "

"My dear, please tell me you will come back now, let me wait for you." "

"I..." The man moved his lips a few times, and then slowly spit out two words: "Sorry. "

1 month later, the girl’s birthday.

The girl raised her head and looked at the mother who hugged herself tightly, and asked: "Mother, are we defeated?" , Father can't come back, isn't it? "

The mother stretched out her hand and gently stroked the girl's hair, and said softly: "Koro, father has always been by Koro's side, and mother will always be by Koro's side." "

The next moment, the voice of the highest leader of the Republic sounded again.

[Hearing this voice, it means that I should have died in the war, but humanity has not lost yet. The plan is on, you are born and die for people.]

"Huh? "The girl’s expression was a bit dull and confused, but before she could respond to the announcement, her mother had already hugged her tightly.

The girl felt her mother’s body tremble slightly, as if she was afraid What, the choking voice of the next moment mother came into her ears.

"Koro, if you can live and become the original, you don't have to think about revenge, protect yourself, and have a good time was enough. Mother doesn't expect you to be able to revive mankind and become a hero of mankind. I just hope that you can live and live happily. Your father should think so too. "

"Mother what are you talking about?" "The girl asked in a slightly frightened voice. She felt as if her mother was saying goodbye to herself.

The next moment, the mother turned into countless light particles, floating in the air, followed by another The voice came to the girl's ears.

"Father mother has always been by Koro's side. "

Before the girl had time to grieve, the terrifying higher dimension energy carried her mother's soul fragments into her body, and then the girl fell to the ground with a bang, unconscious.

At this time, the candlelight of the sixteen-year-old cake on the table is still lit.


(End of this chapter)

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