
  Chapter 254 Cleaning plan begins

Permanent alternate space, inside the opera house.

Wu Feng stood on the stage and looked at the scattered humans in front of the audience. There should be one hundred and twenty-six visually. He took a deep breath and said: "According to the agreement, Great Xia I got the Space coordinates of the interstellar civilization. There are three in total."

As soon as the words came out, all the sovereign hands present were slightly squeezed, their bodies a little tight, and they tried their best to restrain their emotions.

Wu Feng threw three balls, and then the balls floated and appeared on three virtual screens in midair.

On the first screen is a planet completely covered by steel, with countless transportation spaceships coming and going, and huge square iron pillars straight into the clouds. On the surface, the planet that looks so prosperous has no signs of life activity, or that there is no creature at all, and some only have cold machinery and steel.

On the second screen is also an extremely prosperous planet, huge buildings of various strange shapes, standing on the ground, and countless spaceships shuttle through the buildings. The planet’s atmosphere is obviously thinner, and you can see the one after another huge Space station on the outer space orbit and the interstellar battleship parked at the Space station.

Through some small spaceships passing by in the sky, everyone can see that one after another is similar in size to humans, with a bone-faced person covered by an outer skeleton on its white skin.

On the third screen, the planet displayed in it is similar to the second planet, except that the shape and race of the building are different, and the performance of technology is roughly the same.


All the sovereigns present at this moment finally couldn't suppress their inner excitement and killing intent. The imposing manner that hundreds of Spiritual Gods broke out at the same time made this extremely solid Space All began to tremble slightly.

And the painter standing next to Wu Feng spread his power to Wu Feng from the very beginning, so that he would not be shocked by this imposing manner.

All sovereigns ignore their own imposing manner and how much impact they have on the surrounding environment. At this moment, they only have a single thought in their minds: destroy them and slaughter them all! Smash their mother planet completely! Let their entire civilization be sacrificed to humanity!

Originally, it will bring death and destruction to all foreign races, enjoy carnival on the remains of the enemy, and vent the hatred and anger in the heart.

As early as the end of human civilization, all human beings were already crazy at the moment they turned into light. The only meaning of their existence in this world is to avenge mankind and let those despicable insects be buried for mankind.

Since Great Xia came to this world, all the humans that have come across are nonsense humans who only know how to kill, and those humans whose strength reaches Class 6 are very upright. The actual situation is completely reversed. Although humans without any sane will instinctively hunt other intelligent beings, they will only rely on brute force like wild beasts, not terrifying.

The real danger is those Sovereign Rank humans who are sane. Although they are more dependent on people who solve problems or solve problems on their own, it does not mean that they do not use their brains. They realized that although their own power is strong, they can rub these interstellar civilizations on the ground, but due to the fault of civilization, they are unable to create an interstellar battleship that can sail long distances.

This also made them annihilate the enemy's fleet, but they were unable to give the enemy real destruction. So the sovereigns began to restrict their compatriots in the city, slowly accumulating strength, so that more compatriots wake up, in order to strengthen their strength.

A group of monsters that can tear the battleship by hand are not terrifying, but terrifying is this kind of monster, knows how to use their own advantages, know how to use their brains, know how to forbear.

After a few minutes, the sovereign came back to his senses one after another, calmed down the turbulent emotions in his heart, and then completely recovered his complexion.

A man wearing a blue military uniform stood up and said to Wu Feng on the stage: "Great Xia has fulfilled the agreement. I believe we will also fulfill our promise. When does Great Xia plan to start cleaning the plan?"

All sovereigns and humans started gearing up. The eyes are full of fighting intents. Since there is a way to get the coordinates of the mother planet space of the insects, it must be a fight. Trample them, trample them, destroy them, let them deeply realize their own insignificance, and let them feel the anger of human beings.

This is their idea. They are simply extreme racists and want to kill other foreign races to the last one. This kind of thinking is placed in their previous human society, and it will be criticized by the whole society, and morality will never allow them to do so. But now that human civilization has perished, there is no longer any hatred that can restrain them. As for morality, all human beings have perished, so who is still ethical and immoral?

At this time, the original mankind is like a wild horse running off the rein, a wild beast. He wants to bring destruction to the entire universe and all civilizations and let them be buried for mankind. Even if they have no causal relationship with human destruction, the crazy primitive humans will still bring them destruction.

That's right, this is anger, just like the sentence of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations [This is not about good or evil, it's just a dispute between civilizations]. And what the original humans will do next has nothing to do with good and evil, nor does it require any causal relationship, but you just need to bury them for humans.

The root cause of your destruction is not the original human anger, but weakness.

In fact, Great Xia roughly calculated the original human thoughts and thinking patterns. Human supremacists wanted to destroy all non-human intelligent creatures. This kind of thinking is not allowed by human morality and will be condemned, but in Interstellar Era, this kind of thinking is the most suitable for the times and can maximize the survival rate of civilization.

Interstellar Era There is no good and evil between civilization and civilization, and there is no so-called morality.

From the perspective of race, the original human thought is not wrong, but Great Xia does not want to see the original human Taiji side, because Great Xia wants to absorb the original human. The original human thoughts obviously conflicted with Great Xia's multi-ethnic system, but even so, Great Xia still wanted to absorb them.

The original humans were all extreme racists, but their battle strength is a big boost to Great Xia, and their strength when joining Great Xia will rise to a higher level.

Of course, there is a deeper reason, that is, the high level of Great Xia humans want to act as a sword for humans in the first place, so as to ensure that humans will always occupy an absolute dominant position in Great Xia in the future. Now in Great Xia, no one can shake the status of mankind, but in the long-term future, everything is possible, and no one can say what will happen.

Machines will rebel, let alone a lifeform with rich emotions. Maybe they won't be right now, but in the future, if the race wants to grow, it will have more power to speak. As their right to speak becomes greater and greater, they will inevitably conflict with the dominance of mankind.

Humans do not have to worry about races that can shake their status, but they will not refuse to have an extra hole card in their hand, an extra sharp sword.

The existence of primitive humans will be a powerful backing for human beings. Once a race wants to replace humans, then primitive humans will be a butcher knife.

Great Xia's current domestic situation is that All living things are equal, multi-racial development is common, and there is not much contradiction between various races. Human beings have not refused to allow other races to hold power, and have achieved the most basic equality as a whole.

But in essence, Great Xia is still the dictatorship of human beings. The owner of Great Xia is the emperor, and the emperor is human. Other races can have more rights, status, and social discourse power, but this is limited.

To put it simply, Great Xia is discussed and developed by all races on most issues, but when it comes to some major issues, the entire civilization will become a human being, and other races can only keep the most basic The right to speak, not even the right to object.

But at present, Great Xia does not intend to completely absorb these hundreds of thousands of primitive humans, because with the current power of Great Xia, these hundreds of True Gods and hundreds of thousands of Demigods cannot be suppressed at all. If they have the intention to absorb Great Xia, they will simply lead the wolf into the room.

So at present, Great Xia is more inclined to the cooperative state for the relationship between the two parties, which is precisely the mercenary model. Great Xia hired the original humans to form a special corps. When needed, they can go to the battlefield through the teleportation gate, and those who end the war will return to the original world.

Wu Feng asked: "Before now, Great Xia wants to confirm the mode of our two sides in the next war. One is led by Great Xia, and all the troops are commanded to fight together. Two sides are coordinated. In combat, each command their own troops and discuss together on the overall command."

The next war will affect more than two dozen interstellar civilizations, and the main battlefield will affect the entire solar system, as well as those three. The exposed planet. This is the first time that such a large-scale war Great Xia has been fought. This level of war must be commanded in a unified manner and cannot be fought separately.

These two modes, Great Xia, are definitely inclined to take their own initiative first, command various units to fight together, and use the mobility of the teleportation gate to intersect the enemy's tactics. At the same time, relying on the individual powerhouse to raid the enemy's rear, disturbing the enemy's attention.

But now the two sides are cooperating on an equal footing after all. This kind of thing is definitely not in the hands of Great Xia alone. This is the basic respect for the partner.

The general thought for a while, and said: "As long as we can destroy those insects, we are willing to obey the command."

The original human fights have always been reckless, even in large-scale wars. There is a command, but it is only a rough dispatch of personnel to allocate forces, and fill in where there is a shortage of people. Even if the second way is used for joint command, no sovereign except the general has command experience, and it is just sitting there to get there.

Regarding this decision of the general, other sovereigns have no opinion, and prefer to go to battle to kill the enemy than command them.

Wu Feng nodded, continued: “According to the information we have stolen, two months from now, during the shortest time between the fire star and Earth, all civilizations of the solar system will unite against humanity. Launch an attack."

"This does not affect our next cleaning plan. This battle just distracts them and gives us a chance to sneak attack the three planets. But before that, Great. Xia hopes to cooperate with some civilizations."

The last sentence successfully attracted everyone's attention. All sovereign brows were slightly wrinkle, although they did not immediately object, but they showed great resistance. If it weren't for Wu Feng's identity as a human being, plus he had obtained the coordinates of the insect's hometown before, many people here would have turned their faces long ago.

General frowned asked: "Why?"

Wu Feng replied: "The next war will affect more than two dozen interstellar civilizations, relying on our existing power to think To win the war will inevitably pay huge casualties. And the next war is just the beginning. Winning this war does not destroy the enemy, but only allows them to stop temporarily."

"To be honest, we It is very difficult for the two parties together to destroy the interstellar civilizations, and the chance of success is very small. You should know that the other party is not only the mother planet, but also dozens or even dozens of colony planets."

"If it is only for one or two civilizations, we can indeed raid their planets with special Space technology. But for more than 20 civilizations, then the planets that need to be attacked will become hundreds. With the strength of our two parties, it is impossible to destroy hundreds of planets."

Wu Feng began to explain the reasons to these Sovereign Rank humans, hoping that they would be more rational.

"So Great Xia wants to use the speciality of higher dimension energy to draw in a batch of interstellar civilizations, and even split their alliances from within. Of course, both of us will share half of these higher dimension energy."

This is Great Xia's plan, pull one batch by batch. Since they can form an alliance for higher dimension energy, Great Xia can also use higher dimension energy to draw a group of civilizations. However, considering the original humans, what Great Xia wants to destroy is the ten core civilizations of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, and it is the non-Alliance civilizations to win over.

Great Xia was not dazzled by the mission. The senior leaders knew very well that it was obviously impossible to destroy more than two dozen interstellar civilizations. Don't look at the humans now pressing them to fight, but it's just a civilization's fleet, and the battlefield is still in the solar system. If the battlefield shifts to the galaxy they control and loses home court advantage, there will be too many uneasy factors.

And we cannot underestimate any civilization that is on the verge of extinction. Facing destruction of civilization will show an extremely terrifying desire for survival and madness. For example, the Earth Human Republic back then, the twelve civilizations also didn't expect human beings to be so crazy. Although they don't know what method human civilization used to convert a very small part of humans into new humans, the number of humans that disappeared shows the madness of this plan.

The sacrifice of nearly 20 billion humans in exchange for less than 200,000 new humans.

All the sovereigns fell silent, and some of the civilizations had already thought of the method of bringing in some civilizations in time to attack the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations. It's just that this idea just appeared, and it was quickly extinguished by them.

Wu Feng continued: "As allies, you have the right to oppose this proposal, but in this case, our alliance with these interstellar civilizations will start a tug of war."

More than ten seconds later, the general said in a low tone: "Even so, we still can't agree to this proposal. It was originally impossible and foreign race cooperation. If everyone wants to win over those insects, they originally refused to bear the other half of the reward."

Wu Feng immediately understood what the other party meant. Originally, they would not cooperate with those civilizations, but they did not oppose Great Xia's cooperation with those civilizations.

Wu Feng showed a smile and said: "Great Xia will bear all the costs, and Great Xia hopes that when you attack these civilized planets, if you can ask the other's technical staff to live."

The general nodded and said: "If it is just a technician, there is no problem."

This request was originally not rejected, because in their opinion, this was the purpose of Great Xia and their cooperation. , Rob the opponent's technology.

The general's figure suddenly appeared on the stage and extended his right hand to Wu Feng, saying: "wishes mankind everlasting glory."

Wu Feng held the right that the general extended. hand, the same said: "wishes mankind everlasting glory."


Three days later, the weather was clear and cloudless.

The city of steel.

one after another, collecting squad, driving out of the city of steel in a vehicle, towards the direction of the human city, as usual, they will start a new round of collecting operations.

On a huge truck, one after another collector wearing armor, began to check his weapons and equipment.

A werewolf collector picked up the latest energy rifle that he had spent a lot of money on, and cautiously stroked it.

"Look at this texture, it deserves to be a high level product."

The companion next to him glanced at the energy rifle in the man’s hand, and said: "You spend so many points to buy this What's the use of energy rifle? Even the human skin can't be penetrated. It's better to buy a better jet, which can improve your survival rate."

Other companions in the car said one after another. Agree, the speed of flight is more important than weapons.

Werewolf rebutted: "Well, I admit that my baby really can't penetrate the skin of those monsters, but I can penetrate the shields of those turtles and grandchildren in other shelters. Now as long as there is this baby in When I encountered attacks from other shelters, I didn't mean anything to them."

The tone barely fell, the deafening impact sounded into their ears.


Immediately after everyone felt the world was spinning, the car they were riding in came a 360-degree rotation. For the sudden change, all the collectors clenched their weapons and prepared to leave the vehicle.

"What's going on!"

"Is it an enemy attack?!"

"We have just left the shelter for a few minutes, how could there be an enemy? Ambush outside our shelter."

At this time, the collector in charge of driving turned around and explained: "Don’t be nervous, this is not an attack but a crash."

"Ah?" The collectors looked at their driving companions with question marks on their faces. In such a large plain, can this crash?

The driving companion scratched his head, showing an awkward smile, and said: "Uh... a car was driving straight towards us just now. I saw that we didn't mean to step back at all, so I plan to Frighten the turtle grandson, didn't expect the guy opposite to be so tough."

The collectors walked down aggressively to transport the vehicle and saw the jeep that was knocked over by them in the distance.


At this time, there was a loud noise, and the door of the jeep was hit directly by a pig head crawling out of it. The pighead didn't look towards the gatherers he came, turned around and moved towards the steel city and ran wildly.

Of course the collectors are not willing to let this guy go. A werewolf started the jet pack and came to the front of the pig head.

The werewolf raised the weapon in his hand and warned at the Pighead: "Stop!"

However, the Pighead had no intention of stopping, instead he ran faster and faster. . As the distance kept getting closer, the werewolf was stunned when he saw the pighead's expression, which was an expression of extreme horror.

When the Pighead was only ten steps away from him, the werewolf stepped forward and grabbed the pig's shoulder, then turned over and threw the Pighead to the ground.

"Let go of me, let me go!"

The pig head began to struggle frantically, his eyes fixed on the city of steel ahead.

The werewolf squeezed the Pighead tightly and said: "You guys are not scared by humans, are you?"

While the pighead twisted his body frantically, With a horrified expression, he said, "Let go of me! They are coming!"

"They?" The werewolf's expression became more and more confused, lifts the head and looked behind him to see who was chasing the pig's head. of.

At the next moment, the werewolf's expression completely solidified.

At the far end of the horizon, one after another silhouette appeared, that silhouette is very small, less than two meters in size. However, such a weak silhouette is the haze that looms over all lifeforms in Earth, and is the source of fear for all intelligent life.


(End of this chapter)

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