
  Chapter 256 Completing One of the Last Wish of the Forefathers (6000)

One after another is entangled with red energy , Human beings exuding extreme hatred and anger walked into the city of steel, giving equal destruction to everything inside, and giving the most gentle death to the enemy.

The sky full of energy beams splashed around, accompanied by the wailing of the collectors, blood and metal fragments flying in the air. In the face of human incomparable power, all resistance seems so ridiculous.

The 800,000 collectors are being reduced at an extremely fast rate. Every time human beings attack, there will be a large number of ruins, and every charge will cause tens of thousands of collectors to die. Faced with the charge of thousands of Demigods, everything seemed so small, whether it was a steel city wall shield or a large armor/mecha, it was like a frangible bubble.

On a ruin, the werewolf boss opened his eyes with difficulty. At this time, his body was covered with scars, and his left hand was completely broken due to the attack on humans.

The werewolf boss glanced at the energy beam flying around in the sky and the mechanical soldiers flying all over the sky, and then looked down at the metal box that the right hand was holding tightly, showing a miserable smile.

"Don't talk about crossing the central area now. It's a luxury to live a few more minutes."

This situation is not so much a battle as it is a human being. Unilateral slaughter. The various high tech weapons of the sanctuary are like a pile of broken copper and iron in front of human fists, and they have no effect at all.

In just two minutes, the collector has been slaughtered for more than half, and all his little brothers have died. The werewolf bosses had actually vaguely guessed when the mechanical soldiers ordered them to retreat to the central area. The Erd civilization did not want them to resist humans, but wanted to use them to delay time.

At this time, a black shadow fell beside the werewolf boss, the energy of scarlet, scarlet pupils full of hatred and destruction, this is a human.

Stared at by those scarlet pupils, the werewolf boss felt that his heartbeat was about to stop. Forcibly resisting the fear in their hearts, the wolf and the boss opened the metal box in their hands and took out a blue Earth medal and handed it tremblingly to the human.

"Can this buy my life? In terms of genes, I am actually an Earth creature."

All collectors are made with Earth creature genes In order to ensure sufficient intelligence and as close to humans as possible based on the structure of Earth creatures, most of the collectors are similar in physical form to humans. The only difference is that the size is two or three times that of humans, there are no reproductive organs, and some of the characteristics of the original genetic organisms are retained.

The werewolf boss looked at this human quietly. This is the second time he has come into such close contact with humans. He survived because of a Republican flag, and now he is not sure whether this highest medal of honor can buy his life.

The human glanced at the Earth Medal, reached out and took the Medal in the hands of the werewolf, and then the figure disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the werewolf boss finally sighed in relief. This time he made a right bet, and once again survived in human hands. Then the werewolf boss was suddenly shrouded in a huge shadow, and he looked up and saw a piece of incomparable gigantic metal shards flying towards him.


The armor fragments on this war machine accurately hit the werewolf boss and killed the werewolf boss who had been hit hard on the spot.

On the battlefield, there is not only a threat to humans. The flying fighters are constantly being shattered by humans, and the falling fighter fragments are also a deadly danger.

The unmanned interstellar fighter aircraft controlled by AI is constantly flying in the sky like locusts, and hundreds of thousands of multi-legged robots on the ground are pouring out like ants. In the sky, the interstellar fighter continuously fired extremely penetrating lasers. The near guard cannon on the multi-legged robot poured out special armor-piercing projectiles at a speed of several hundred rounds per second.

The air force and the ground force are as a whole under the control of AI. The control center is an ultra-large quantum computer that predicts what will happen next through data on various battlefields. Such an army can be said to be perfect. It is basically impossible to have command errors, and every force has been used to the extreme.

However, even if the mechanical army exerts its own battle strength to the extreme, it is futile in the face of the absolute power of mankind. They can't even penetrate the human skin. No matter how good they are, they are of no use. It is only a matter of time before they are defeated.

The number gap between humans and mechanical armies is extremely wide, and the same gap in strength between the two sides is as wide as the gap in number, but the positions of the two sides have changed. Millions of mechanical armies are retreating under the attack of thousands of humans. In the face of the incomparable physical power of humans, the number of mechanical armies has been depleted by 70%.

Just when the mechanical army was about to be completely defeated by humans, an inexplicable wave instantly swept across the entire piece of Heaven and Earth, completely blocking Space. Then 5~6 spaceships of thousands of meters long appeared out of thin air. They were forcibly squeezed out during the Space transition at an altitude of several kilometers, just like some time ago.

[Warning! Due to unknown reasons, Space transition failed! 】

With the continuous flashing of emergency lights in the spaceship, the AIs quickly made a judgment within 0.5 seconds and activated the high particle engine to fly away like Earth’s atmosphere, wanting to escape Earth in this way.

[Warning that Space is detected to be abnormal, please escape from the Space location immediately]

If you encounter this situation in normal times, AIs have already started Space jump to escape this dangerous zone, But now they are in a place where the Space jump cannot be carried out due to unknown reasons.

All the energy transportation in the sky surrounding the spaceship began to become distorted, and then the spaceship undergoes a strange change, becoming more and more flat. In the end it became a super large 2D painting, and then the painting shrank and became smaller, and then disappeared into the air.

Half an hour later, at this time there were no living creatures in the entire sanctuary, not even the mechanical artifacts of Erd’s civilization. If it weren't for Great Xia, which required all kinds of interstellar civilization's machinery and technology, even the buildings might have been trampled down.

Countless humans are standing on the ruins of blood and wreckage. The eyes of the scarlet have lost the excitement and comfort of the killing, only a void.

Even if all civilizations are destroyed and all non-human genocides are wiped out, those who have left will never come back. The human beings they wanted to protect have disappeared, and at this time they just used killing and destruction to escape the demise of civilization.

Perhaps when they level all civilizations and vent their hatred and anger, they will wake up, maybe they will never wake up.

Hate makes people mad, hatred makes people twisted. When the hatred is vented, it is not the joy of revenge or the liberation of revenge that greets mankind, but the sorrow of waking up and losing everything.

The broken city gate, a girl in blue and white sportswear looked at the ruins of blood and wreckage before her eyes. This is the scene she wants to see until now, and this is what she has always wanted to do. Depressed for hundreds of years,

But I don’t know why, the invigoration and joy in my imagination have not come.

At this moment, there was a strange and familiar voice in my ear, and the scene in front of me was a little trance.

[Koro, mother does not expect you to revive mankind and become a hero of mankind. Mother only hopes that you can live happily, and your father should think so too. 】

The painter's expression was stunned, and the strange colic came from his heart again. Then a terrifying imposing manner rose from the girl's body, dispelling the inexplicable feeling in her heart.

"The original meaning of existence was to ignite hope for mankind, to become the tenacious shield of mankind, and to isolate the flames of war from human civilization."

The painter raised his hand and appeared in his hand. A paintbrush drew a circle against the ruins in front, and then a huge wormhole appeared on the ruins. This is a wormhole channel built by her with her own power and laws. Although the distance cannot be compared with the interstellar civilization, the speed of her wormhole construction is 100,000 times that of the interstellar civilization.

"The mission continues, annihilate all non-human intelligent creatures." The painter ice cold voice spread throughout the ruins.

All the original human beings got into the wormhole at an extremely fast speed.


The western mainland administrative region of the Old Republic Republic

At this time, there has been war in the sky, millions of armor/mecha flying in the sky countless interstellar The fighter hovered in the air, constantly attacking humans. Various energy beams fly around, and a huge mushroom cloud rises from time to time on the ground.

Compared with the energy gathering place of the eastern mainland, the energy that absorbs the continent is a bit thin, and the sovereign and the original humans are also relatively small. Among them are the reasons for the scarcity of energy. Of course, the most important thing is that the population density itself is not as high as the eastern mainland. Therefore, the number of shelters here is very large, twice that of the eastern mainland, and the power of the interstellar civilization here is ten times that of the eastern mainland.

But even so, there are still nearly thirty sovereigns, 20 primitive humans. Twenty True Gods, 20 Demigod, this force is enough to destroy an interstellar civilization in a raid battle.

Even if the military power of the interstellar civilization on the western mainland is ten times that of the eastern mainland and several times that of other continents, it still cannot change the situation where they are thrown on the ground by humans and rubbed. Various interstellar civilizations continue to increase their forces here, not to destroy any human city, but to guard against the shelters of other interstellar civilizations, or to attack other shelters.

Western mainland has many places where shelters can be established, which also means that the competition here is extremely fierce, and a large number of civilizations are gathered here. In areas where humans are not active, everyday all is staged a chaos, and the collectors of various civilizations attack each other. Almost every year there are shelters, which are broken and occupied by other civilizations, and after a period of support, they are broken by another civilization.

Repeatedly, various civilizations are sending more and more troops here. However, since all interstellar civilizations have reached an agreement at this time and temporarily formed an alliance, this chaotic continent has entered a brief peace.

However, this peace did not last long, and was soon crushed by humans. Twenty humans came out of the city and attacked the shelters built by the interstellar civilization one after another. In the face of a sudden human attack, the overwhelming majority sanctuary was completely destroyed before resistance, and all intelligent life in the sanctuary was slaughtered.

In less than half a day, the shelters on the western mainland have been drastically reduced by more than half, and these surviving shelters have been on the verge of collapse.

One after another silhouette shuttles among these armor/mecha groups, and everything it passes, whether it is armor/mecha or fighter, has become countless fragments. A huge flame erupted continuously behind the path that the black eyes traversed. The flame was accompanied by countless metal fragments, blooming like flowers.

The armor/mecha and the rising energy shield of fighter planes are like paper in front of mankind, and they will break when touched.

An interstellar fighter drags a blue streamer through the air. The fighter's pilot is a skeletal person with pale skin.

The bone-faced people control the fighter, and constantly launch attacks on humans in the distance. At the same time, they cautiously avoid the punching of human beings. Just punching is also fatal to them.

The bone-faced people looked at the flying fighter planes and the wreckage of the fighter planes that were constantly falling, and said with horror: "How come there are so many humans attacking the sanctuary? Could it be that those high-ranking officials are convulsed again, and from Where did a few humans come back?"

"Or the lunatics in the research institute started the human cloning plan again?!"

In the past hundred years, ordinary person The class basically won't leave the city, and most of those who attack the shelter are sovereign. However, there are two situations that will cause the humans in the city to come out of the Pingping Sanctuary. One is that humans are arrested. Most of this situation is taken by the sovereign. Of course, there are also cases of humans from the Qing Dynasty. They are only relatively speaking. very few.

The Eryou Institute conducts human cloning experiments. In order to collect Earth energy in cities without being attacked by humans, some civilizations directly conducted human cloning experiments at the beginning. These civilized suffering untold hardships obtained hair or blood from the ordinary person class, and then conducted genetic cloning experiments.

The process of the experiment went very smoothly. Each interstellar civilization used its own technology to clone humans one after another. However, strange things happened. The cloning experiment was obviously very successful, but these humans are like vegetative people and will not wake up no matter what kind of stimulation they are given. Even if some research institutes are cultivating completely according to the developmental time of human beings, the babies finally cloned are also vegetative.

Although the human cloning plan failed, the various interstellar civilizations did not stop the plan, but planned to conduct a lot of research and stack up the road to success. But it didn't take long for these institutes to be trampled down by humans, and the bases where the institutes were located were completely destroyed by humans.

Even if this research institute is outside the solar system, humans can still use these cloned humans as coordinates to make Space jumps. After discovering this, various interstellar civilizations stopped their cloning experiments on humans, and at the same time, they dispelled the idea of ​​moving research projects back to mother planet.

At this time, the fighter channel sounded again.

[This is 336-11platoon, encountering a large number of human attacks, the defense line is lost, request support, request support! ]

[The first line of defense is out of defense, the first battallion requests to retreat! 】

Hearing the successive messages of loss of defense, the Guyan people raised their heads and looked to the east. At this time, a large number of fighters were withdrawing here, and at the same time, there were a large number of humans behind him. .

"The waste of the first line of defense not only caused a large number of humans to break through the line of defense, but now that the humans who passed through have not been resolved, they have completely collapsed!" The bone-yan tribe driver’s face is very ugly, if you can , He wants to turn his head and run away now, but when the command headquarters does not issue a retreat order, all retreat behaviors will be reported to the command headquarters by artificial intelligence, and then his driving rights will be restricted.

The Boneyan pilots couldn’t control so much, they quickly connected to the command’s communications, saying: “This is the second line of defense, the n335interstellar fighter, because the first line of defense has completely collapsed. Humans flock to the second line of defense. Your current situation simply can't hold the telephone line of defense. Please request to retreat!"

[Soldiers, please continue to fight, it is not time to retreat. 】

Although the Boneyan pilot wanted to swear, but in the end he endured it and continued to intercept the humans.


An energy beam with a width of one hundred meters shot out from the sanctuary, sweeping across the entire battlefield, one after another mushroom cloud swept across the energy beam The place rises.


The terrifying energy exploded and engulfed the entire battlefield, the only remaining armor/mecha, war machine, interstellar fighter planes, all completely perished under this saturation attack .

Ten seconds later, the mushroom cloud disappeared, and the front of the shelter was filled with huge pits with a diameter not less than several hundred meters, and the battlefield that had spread for hundreds of kilometers was swept away. The entire land was scorched black under the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius, and on this scorched land lay one after another human beings.

the next moment These humans lying on the ground slowly stood up, and the imposing manner full of hatred and anger broke out again.

However, there are still some human beings at the center of the attack have not risen, and their bodies have been blown to pieces. Of course they didn't die, they just entered a state of suspended animation, and after a few months of sleep, they became a hero again.

The human beings who have not entered the suspended animation state charge again, approaching the shelter in front at the speed of breakthrough sound.

The armor/mecha in the sanctuary took off again, and hundreds of thousands of interstellar fighters took off to intercept these humans.

Although the sanctuary sent more troops than before, the actual battle strength that can be exerted is not as strong as the previous Legion. Because humans will never give them the opportunity to set up their formations, the assault battle in the face of human press forward will generally evolve into a melee.

In Guyan Wenming No. 11 Shelter, Central Region, the control center.

[The special energy attack on humans successfully hit all humans]

[A total of 120 humans entered a state of suspended animation, with 1,232 humans remaining. ]

[The special energy cannon for humans enters the cooling, there are five minutes left before the next launch]

Hearing the artificial intelligence statistics the battle situation, Guyan Civilization No. 11 Sanctuary Highest Commander clenched his fists, and said with an ugly face: "It cost a lot of money to research this thing!? Although it can defeat the special energy field of human beings, it can only put the human being at the center of the attack into a state of suspended animation."

"That's fine, but the preparation time actually takes five minutes, not five minutes, only two minutes. Those humans will hit the city gate!"

Actually, this is not to blame. The research institute, from scratch in a few decades, has successfully developed some weapons that can target the special energy position of human beings, which is already the utmost they can do. And this kind of research can only be done through remote observation of human energy position without any experimental data.

Highest Commander calmed down and got up and ordered: "Starting to evacuate the spaceship."

Tone barely fell, the huge virtual screen in front suddenly jumped out of a red box, tight Then the red light kept flickering.

[Warning of humans invading the central building. 】


At this time, the humans outside have not hit the city wall, the shield is not broken, and the Space solidification device is not abnormal. How could there be humans in the shelter, let alone the most central building.

At the next moment, the heavy alloy door of the control room was kicked open, and the door directly pierced the wall of the control room in front.

A Blood Originator wearing a special black armor, looking at the group of aliens in front of him, spit out a word coldly.


Ten seconds later, all the bone-yan clan seniors in the Command Center were torn into countless pieces by Blood Originator, and green blood spilled over the entire Command Center. . At the same time, the control System was quickly raid here by the Blood Origin Force, physically shut down, and the entire frontline instantly became a leaderless state.

Losing the overall planning of the Command Center, the army, which was already at an absolute disadvantage, became more passive and completely collapsed in just a few minutes.

Ten minutes later, Guyan Civilization No. 11 Sanctuary, like Erd Civilization’s sanctuary on the eastern mainland, was completely crushed by humans as the human sanctuary, and all the intelligent life in the sanctuary Was slaughtered to death.

At this moment, the entire Earth is ignited everywhere, countless shelters have been trampled by humans, and even most of the interstellar civilization transport spaceship has no chance to leave Earth. The major interstellar civilized fleets outside of the solar system have also received a distress signal from Earth, and it is clear that all shelters in Earth now cannot escape death.

Faced with the distress signal sent by them, the major civilized fleets did not produce any actual actions. Because they can't do anything in the face of this situation, they won't be forced to force breakthrough Earth's stars orbits and atmosphere to support them! ?

If you really do that on second day, he will become a general without an army, and their civilization will suffer as a result. At that time, they will most likely be kicked out of the solar system by other civilizations. .

Although the major interstellar civilizations are not clear about the sudden launch of attacks for the who class, is it because they have discovered their premeditated, but the major interstellar civilizations, this war has been unavoidable, between humans and them The battle started again.

However, when all civilizations thought that all the shelters on Earth were completely destroyed by humans, there were a dozen shelters that had not been attacked by humans, or that there were none at the moment.

The start of school is very busy, wait for me to adjust it

(End of this chapter)

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