
  Chapter 270 People are supreme, everyone is equal

In the dim Conference Hall, civilized representatives holographic The blue silhouette from the projection began to sway slightly, and some places were constantly changing between blurry and real, as if to confirm their inner shock.

Those short three notes, translated by a simultaneous interpreter, are no less than a supernova explosion for them. Becoming a human being, these three sounds shocked them more than anything that has happened in the past two years.

The representative of Mochizuki Civilization asked with a slightly trembling voice: "What does this mean?"

Shentu replied: "Literally, Renlian invited Milky Way Galaxy all Civilizations join the alliance and build a world that belongs only to humans."

The representative of Mochizuki Civilization continued to ask: "But we are not humans. According to Your Excellency, the Alliance of People should belong to the race of humans only. Alliance. At the same time, what you said to become a human being, how do you become?"

From the name, Renlian can hear that it is an alliance of all human civilizations. At this time, according to the current intelligence, at least in the universe There are two human civilizations hidden. All civilizations find this speculation very absurd, but all the facts are in front of them, and they can't help but believe it.

Why the human civilization that has long been determined to die out reappears, and it can be seen from the two huge fleets that are engaged in war that they belong to the same civilization. Coupled with the title of the People’s Federation, it has basically established more than one human civilization.

"No." Shentu shook his head and said: "Renlian is not an alliance that belongs to humans alone. As I said before, literally, the alliance belongs to people."

People ?

This time the representatives of all civilizations are all dumbfounded. They feel that the human representative in front of them is playing with them.

You have said that Renlian is not an alliance that belongs to humans alone, but you also said that Renlian belongs to humans? ! Is not this contradictory?

Seeing everyone's slightly bewildered expressions, Shentu asked, "Everyone, do you know how a person is defined? Or do you know what a person is?"

People Definition? Isn't human being human? Humans are not carbon-based organisms. They use body fluids to exchange energy by eating organic matter. The adult height is generally 140 cm to 200 cm...

Over the past few hundred years, the various Milky Way Galaxy Civilization has long conducted extremely detailed studies on all aspects of mankind. Although there is a huge difference between the new humans and the old humans, it can even be said that the two are not the same species at all, but each civilization still conducts various studies on the social structure of human civilizations and individuals.

With the continuous research on human beings, the more and more civilizations fail to understand the human race. The vast majority of human beings are total egoists, who are always personal in nature, but at a certain moment they will act against their nature. Obviously, every one after another body has a dark side, but on the whole it miraculously pursues justice.

Humans are extremely complex individuals with strong desires and self-destructive tendencies. Easily affected by emotions, sensibility will always overwhelm rationality, and it is not suitable for survival in the universe.

This is how each civilization evaluates the human race, and it is also their understanding of the human race. Then the representatives of civilization did not take this evaluation as an answer to answer the questions of the human representatives, because this sentence obviously does not conform to human diplomatic etiquette.

As for why they have to abide by human diplomatic etiquette? Because they are weaker than humans, the weak should abide by the powerhouse law, which is also the eternal truth of the universe.

But they have not fallen into absolute weakness yet, and they don't need to be fully accustomed to human beings, but it's okay to abide by the other party's superficial rules, referred to as giving face.

The representative of Mochizuki civilization shook his head and said: "Please speak for the human representative."

In the past, civilizations sneered at the hypocrisy of mankind, but now they have learned the hypocrisy of mankind. The etiquette of human diplomacy. This is the beauty of power, the savage creation of etiquette.

Shentu said: "Humans refer specifically to us, but humans are not Yes. Humans are defined as beings that can use language, have complex social organizations and technological development. The most notable manifestation is the ability to build Groups and institutions, to achieve the purpose of mutual support and assistance, this is human."

A character "person" appeared in front of everyone. Looking at this hieroglyph, all civilizations means that the face is finally stretched. Living. Through the definition of human being spoken by human representatives just now, everyone has more or less realized what human beings want to do.

Shentu ignored their expressions and continued: "People do not specifically refer to a certain race. People are a symbol. They are a collective term for all the wisdom lifeforms that can learn, communicate, and restrain their nature."

"Humans are all wise spirits, all sentimental spirits, humans are supreme, and everyone is equal."


The representatives of all civilizations looked at human representatives in disbelief. They didn't expect human beings to be so arrogant and so tolerant. Human beings are arrogantly defining all intelligent life in the universe by their own name. This is a kind of arrogance, a kind of overestimate one's capabilities.

Human beings are tolerant of being willing to treat a race completely different from themselves as the same kind, not taking the life form as the race, but only taking the idea as the compatriots.

No matter what the human representative said has several points of authenticity, but the human civilization alone dared to shout this slogan, which shows its courage and ambition.

If placed in the past, they would definitely scold the arrogance of human beings, even wanting to define their own existence. In human terms, why don't you go find a key, and ask if you are worthy?

However, humans are so powerful now that they can't refute this sentence with the strength that humans currently exhibit. Once they refute what the humans said just now, it means that they do not want to get along with humans, and only regard humans as dangerous foreign races.

Although they really think so in their hearts, human beings are a group of monsters, a bomb that may explode at any time. But now this sentence can't be put on the surface, just think about it in my heart, and it will be them who will explode in the next second.

After the scene was silent for dozens of seconds, the representative of Mochizuki Civilization came back to his senses, opened the mouth and said: "Excuse me, what kind of system is the People's Federation running and the exchanges of civilizations within the alliance What is the depth and how do you decide when you encounter problems?"

"The Renlian is an alliance that promotes equality for all. Every civilization that joins the alliance is equal, so the decision-making is based on a minority Most." Shentu replied.

"At the same time, in order to promote the harmonious development of various civilizations, each civilization should actively carry out trade and technical exchanges, make up for each other's shortcomings, develop together, and make progress together."

Shentu's communication model sounds very good, develop together and make up for each other's shortcomings. But in essence, it only provides a platform and a bridge for Great Xia to infiltrate other civilizations with soft power.

For the next half an hour, Shentu continued to give pictures of pies to various civilizations based on the manuscripts he had prepared. The painting is exquisite, reasonable and well-founded, and a beautiful Milky Way Galaxy coexisting in harmony slowly unfolds in front of the representatives of all civilizations. However, these representatives of civilization are not fools, but they will not be fooled by humans, and they will truly believe in human nonsense.

In the end, the representatives of various civilizations did not agree to join the People's Federation, but they did not directly refuse, obviously wanting to delay the time.

The representative of Mochizuki Civilization said apologetically: “I’m sorry, Renlian is indeed a great organization. I believe he can lead the Milky Way Galaxy’s all civilizations to prosperity. But I can’t do this myself. Call the shots, so please give us some time."

Shentu nodded, replied: "Of course it’s okay. This is a major event that concerns the entire civilization. It really requires careful consideration."

Shentu was not surprised by these civilized answers. I just couldn't help but sigh. As expected, there are two states of power and powerlessness. Even these alien civilizations have begun to learn from humans to fight Taiji.

All civilizations means that people have sighed in relief after hearing such empathetic words from human beings. What they fear most is that human beings go mad as before, do not seek any profit, and slaughter all intelligent life for no reason.

In the past, even if human beings behaved crazy, they were not too scared, after all, it was difficult for the opponent to beat themselves. I can't beat humans at worst and don't go to the solar system, but now human civilization has not died out, and when there is a large fleet, the situation is different.

However, the next sentence of mankind once again made everyone's expressions look astonished.

Shentu showed a kind smile on his face, saying: "You can go back and consider carefully. As for those who oppose the peaceful coexistence of all intelligent life in Milky Way Galaxy and want to launch a cosmic war, please give up Let us humans handle it."

After finishing speaking, Shentu directly hung up the meeting.

As the human representatives disconnected from this virtual meeting, everyone fell into deep silence.

The friendly attitude that human beings showed for the first time, letting go of their hatred, and wanting to get along with them in peace. It didn't make them feel at ease, on the contrary, the fear of people became stronger and stronger, and they wanted to fear evolution.

If they can hope that mankind will change back to what it used to be, even if they will not have any room for negotiation with mankind, war cannot be avoided.

Thinking of revenge all over my head is a danger to all human beings who are slaughtered indiscriminately by intelligent life. It is a time bomb of all civilizations.

And let go of hatred, and want to create a Milky Way Galaxy where all civilizations coexist peacefully, is a monster! A monster who wants to swallow everything!

The human idea makes everyone feel cold. This is a very beautiful idea, and it is also an extremely terrifying idea.

If other civilizations put forward this idea, everyone will only regard him as a fool, a stupid race of overestimate one's capabilities. To survive in this dark and cruel universe with the so-called peaceful coexistence will only end in the end.

Proposing for the who category scared all civilizations, because human beings have the ability and determination to do so. Even the hatred of the demise of civilization can be put down, and there is nothing this group of lunatics can do.

What frightens civilization the most is not the huge fleet, not advanced technology, not absolute power, but thought.


The meeting ended peacefully, but the impact it brought was not peaceful. The name of Renlian and the definition of people spread out in the Milky Way Galaxy, and the whole Milky Way Galaxy suddenly became more dark and turbulent.

After all civilizations knows the human thoughts, the first reaction is not to feel at ease, nor to express kindness to humans, but to destroy him and destroy this dangerous thought! The idea of ​​destroying mankind at this time is stronger than when the original mankind appeared before, even the Mochizuki civilization, which tends to live in peace with mankind.

However, with the continuous advancement of Precursor civilization and the fleet of the Earth Federation, the sky full of steel torrent and Kaiju waves, along with the abyss descended on one civilization after another.

Great Xia’s soul extinguishing weapon turned one planet after another into death stars, the Earth Federation’s weapons of planetary grade destroyed one after another, and the Star Burner of Precursor civilization burned countless stars. Glass ball.

All civilizations suddenly woke up, they wanted to destroy mankind, and mankind is now destroying them.


Earth, in a desolate city.

In the unknown park, two men and two women are standing by the lake of jade green.

A man has a handsome appearance and a calm temperament, but he feels carefully with a majesty that makes people afraid to look directly at him.

Another man has a delicate and pretty face, wearing a white robe, his hair tied up with a bamboo hairpin, and his whole body is full of scroll-like temperament, just like an ancient scholar.

The two women have long silver white hair, and their facial features give people a perfect feeling, as if they are not what they should be in the world.

It is self-evident who this three man team is, and they came here today to explore the secrets of this world. Why does Earth suddenly emit so much higher dimension energy? Why only Earth has it and not elsewhere?

A will that is like the source of all knowledge and all truth in the world has come to this world and analyzes this world.

Ten minutes later, this undetectable will slowly faded, and the silver-haired girl floating in the air opened her eyes and slowly shook the head.

Seeing Goddess of Knowledge No. 2 shaking his head, Xia Xuan sighed said: "Isn't it possible here?"

Since two months ago, they started on Earth Investigate and search along the lines of energy. I wanted to find the source of energy with this, but in the end I didn't find the source, and only found the nine nodes with the strongest energy. These nodes all have an extremely powerful sovereign. These sovereigns have not prevented their exploration, but have provided some help.

The man dressed as a scholar suggested: "Brother Xia, this place is not good. You don't need to be discouraged, you can ask the writer."

For Xia Xuan entire group, the scholar has great ideas. Favor, not only because Great Xia helped them get revenge, but also because Great Xia stopped those compatriots who only knew revenge.

Due to the original plan, the number of humans has become extremely scarce, and the number of humans with the mind is even rarer. For those sovereign almost death-like actions, scholars from the very beginning are extremely opposed, or sane people.

As the sovereign who guards the nine major nodes, each of them is a sane person, only slightly inferior to the general. Had it not been for most of their power to rely on Earth, they would have taken the lead in the charge.

Xia Xuan shook his head and said: "We have already asked the writer before, and he doesn't know where the energy comes from."

There are currently on Earth. Of the nine energy nodes, most of the higher dimension energy is gathered in these nine nodes, and then flows out from these nine nodes. All the energy on the entire Earth is like a complete cycle system.

But so far no one knows where the source of these energy is, only that energy will flow slowly around these nine nodes.

At this time, Xia Xuan felt that someone was pulling the corners of her clothes, and turned her head to see Goddess of Knowledge with glowing eyes and blushing face.

"Xia Xuan, try your trick."

Xia Xuan doubtfully said: "Which trick?"

Goddess of Knowledge said with a smile: "It's the move that can cause miracles."

Hearing what was said, Xia Xuan's face turned black for an instant, and she categorically refused: "No."

【 Not Everyday Life] A Xia Xuan swears that if he uses it again, he will be a stupid skill.

(End of this chapter)

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