
  Chapter 272 I am not malicious.

From entering this world, whether it is a combatant or a researcher , Even Xia Xuan, Goddess of Knowledge, Hero subconsciously don’t think about the world consciousness of this world.

It is not that they have forgotten world consciousness, nor that they have overlooked the question of whether this world gave birth to world consciousness. When Xia Xuan and Goddess of Knowledge first came in, they also discussed world consciousness, but they just had a brief chat.

In these short sentences, the two of them put the reason that this world has no world consciousness on the fact that the higher dimension energy appeared too short.

According to Goddess of Knowledge's research on world consciousness, world consciousness is divided into two types, one is the consciousness produced by Heaven and Earth Nurtured, and the other is the consciousness nurtured by sentient beings. Heaven and Earth Nurtured's consciousness does not have any emotions, self-awareness, or subjective consciousness. Everything takes the development of the world itself as the top priority. This kind of existence can greatly enhance the stability of the world, have absolute control over the laws, and it is not impossible to directly transform the material world.

But this kind of consciousness from Heaven and Earth Nurtured has a fatal flaw, that is, it is too easy to be deceived and does not consider the complexity of living things. For example, the early Goblin Slayer World was like this, and there were no restrictions on the growth and behavior of Gods. He didn't take actions until Sun God and Death God took action against him.

However, due to the erosion of the spirits of Sun God and Death God, although Goblin Slayer's world consciousness has survived, it is no longer pure Heaven and Earth consciousness. Have a certain degree of autonomy, be able to distinguish hazards in advance, and limit them.

The second consciousness of sentient beings is still the consciousness of Heaven and Earth Nurtured on the main body, but it is covered with the will of sentient beings, similar to the Heavenly Dao in Chinese mythology.

The biggest advantage is that it loves to take care of things and interferes with the material world to a certain extent. At the same time, it is also vulnerable to the influence of sentient beings, and is biased towards sentient beings in terms of subjective thinking. For example, merit is born like this.

The biggest drawback is also being in charge of things. Once the energy is exhausted, it will consciously destroy those living things that consume too much energy. To explain it with Chinese mythology, it is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

The above two world consciousnesses, no matter which one they are, need to be gestated with unimaginable higher dimension energy, and the gestation time is extremely long, which can take hundreds of millions of years. The Earth of the original world has only appeared for a few hundred years. Unless there are special circumstances, it is impossible to give birth to world consciousness.

But Xia Xuan didn't think she would be so sloppy. Based on this alone, she decided to have no world consciousness. And in just a few sentences, there was not the slightest discussion and exploration.

Xia Xuan looked around all around, wondering if it was her own illusion, the originally peaceful and peaceful atmosphere became a little weird.

[Is anyone in System spying on us? ]

[There are no peeping in sight, perception, light, etc. so far, but Host’s Sixth Sense is warning, and System recommends that Host leave this world first. 】

In order to ensure the safety of the Host’s life, in fact, no matter where or what time period, System is scanning indiscriminately. Collect all the data around the Host and continuously perform deductions to ensure nothing is lost.

However, although Host’s Sixth Sense is currently wary, System does not detect any prying eyes. This vigilance is more like an illusion to scare yourself. Of course, it may also be that it has not completely penetrated into the law of this world. You can only be wary of the danger of Host’s radius and cannot monitor the world from the law.

Xia Xuan took a fancy to Goddess of Knowledge and asked: "Goddess, what do you think of the generals and writers who are known as the strongest human beings, how strong are the sovereigns who guard the nodes?"

The overall strength of the powerhouse does not represent the upper limit of a world, just like the overall strength of the Goblin Slayer world is at two extremes. The overall strength of the forest is generally only two levels, and the powerhouse at the top is so strong that it has the ability to destroy the world. However, the overall strength can reflect the level of the world to a certain extent. After all, a Class 5 world can never produce a Class 6 powerhouse, because the energy is not enough.

Goddess of Knowledge replied: "I have never seen a general, but according to various video materials, it should have reached the seventh rank, but only the physical aspect has reached the seventh rank. There is no such manipulation as Dice of Destiny The law, the power to distort the additional concepts of matter." From the very beginning, Goddess of Knowledge was very interested in primitive humans. After all, this kind of knowledge can create hundreds of people in just a few hundred years. Who is not curious about the technology of True God. And once the technology is successfully mastered, Great Xia may be able to mass-produce Demigod. When the time comes, it means that the hammer will be hammered.

However, Goddess of Knowledge was a little disappointed by the final research results. In the past few months of research and observation, she has not figured out the original, but basically knows the original human strength system.

The reason why the original human beings are so powerful is mainly because they used the huge higher dimension energy to forcibly transform the body, turning every cell of the body into a power furnace that can burn the higher dimension energy. The advantage of this method is that it can obtain extremely powerful physical strength. Although it cannot kill the enemy in a higher class, it is no problem to hit ten in the same rank.

However, the shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, the energy utilization rate and success rate are too low. The first is the success rate. The various intelligence collected from the solar system in the past few months, Great Xia, finally figured out the total population of the Earth Human Republic when the plan was implemented at the beginning of the year.

The Earth Human Republic that entered the interstellar civilization is not eager to get out of the solar system due to higher dimension energy. But it also successfully transformed the moon and fire star to make these two celestial bodies suitable for human habitation. After a rough calculation, the total human population is at least about 25 billion.

In an interstellar society with peak productivity, 25 billion people are not many for an interstellar civilization. Even for those civilizations that do not intend to go into racial mechanization, it is a bit small. After all, whether it is interstellar exploration, interstellar fleet, planet transformation, scientific research, social production and other fields, a large population is needed, especially interstellar exploration and planet transformation.

Fully automatic mechanization can indeed increase productivity to the extreme, even supreme super artificial intelligence can replace scientific research, warfare, and exploration. But for a carbon-based civilization, it is good for the important AI to have high intelligence, and other similar military scientific research fields should be operated by themselves.

Either abandon mechanization, or complete mechanization. If you want to be semi-mechanized, let robots replace people in social production, the final result will be machine civilization. For example, the Oerd civilization is the best example. As long as it is an intelligent creature with emotions, it will have greed and inertia.

Earth Human Republic is a typical civilization that completely abandons mechanized civilization. Machines are always tools, and humans will not endow them with equivalent intelligence. The meaning of the existence of tools is to make humans more convenient, not to replace them.

And of these 25 billion people, only a few hundred thousand human beings have successfully converted into the original, and the low success rate is horrifying.

The other is the utilization rate of energy. The energy required to cultivate an ordinary primitive human is five times that of the same level. Of course, the power of the original human being can be one dozen ten in the same level, but considering the sane problem, it is only one dozen five at most.

No matter from which aspect the original technology is not suitable for Great Xia, the heinous success rate is simply prohibitive.

"The strength of other people should only be matched by Class 6 Peak. Their extremely powerful physical strength may overflow a little, but they have not reached the true seventh rank."

From Class 5 In the beginning, every rise to a level is like climbing a mountain, and every promotion is a leap of life. Class 5 is a beast that walks on the ground, Class 6 is an eagle that soars thousands of miles away, and the seventh rank is a Holy Spirit that flies in the stars.

Xia Xuan continued to ask: "Then Goddess, a world without world awareness, can give birth to a seventh rank? Or that Life Level only needs enough energy and enough innate talent to keep climbing?"

Goddess of Knowledge shook his head and said: "The strength of the seventh rank is beyond everyone's imagination. It is as difficult to reach this level as a mortal who wants to jump into God."

"If you can get enough to reach the seventh rank, then those two guys will not be so crazy. At present, the only thing I can confirm is that the secret to the seventh rank is related to world consciousness."

Xia Xuan was not surprised to hear Goddess of Knowledge tell him about the secret of seventh rank. Goddess of Knowledge told him a few years ago. This is why Goddess of Knowledge is so obsessed with the Genesis plan, because it is an opportunity for her to spy on the seventh rank.

She withdrew from the plan of Sun God and Death God halfway through that year, and did not get a way to become the seventh rank. However, in the current situation, the method of Sun God and Death God becoming the seventh rank has great drawbacks, and it is not the seventh rank she is pursuing.

The main reason why Xia Xuan asked again was to confirm that the seventh rank is related to world consciousness, and this world is no exception. At this time, the strongest general has a seventh rank. Although it is not a complete seventh rank, it has at least some power.

And this kind of world that can nurture the seventh rank has no world consciousness. This is no longer a matter of time. Without world consciousness, the entire world is like a muddy pool, and the world is in chaos and basically impossible becoming God. However, this world not only has the Class 6 powerhouse, but also more than one.

There is a problem with this world, and it seems that I can only retreat temporarily.

However, before Xia Xuan proposed a retreat, our great Goddess of Knowledge, the pious Truth Seeker, who is destined to master the truth, took the lead in proposing a tactical retreat.

Goddess of Knowledge said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, it’s time for lunch, let’s go home for dinner."

This is definitely not a fear, let alone a counseling. , I was simply hungry and wanted to go home for dinner. As for the truth of the world, wait until she is full. Her Goddess of Knowledge acted entirely by her own mind, even if the truth of the world is now before her eyes, she would not take another look.

In her Goddess of Knowledge dictionary, there are no such words as fear, counsel, and escape. She can live from the cruel era of the Ancient Times to the present day by do as one pleases.

Xia Xuan nodded, said: "Okay."

Tone barely fell, the scene around the three people instantly changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The jewel-like blue water lake and the surrounding barren buildings disappeared, replaced by a gorgeous starry sky.

Xia Xuan three people quickly reacted from consternation, and the three people moved closer together, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Faced with this situation, Goddess of Knowledge smiled and said: "Your Majesty looks a bit bad at this posture."

Xia Xuan glanced at Goddess of Knowledge, said: "You can still laugh."

Xia Xuan feels that his teleportation gate is not restricted, but his Sixth Sense told him that as long as he dares to open the teleportation gate, the next one will be on the spot Passed away.

Goddess of Knowledge said with a smile "hehe, optimism is the advantage of this Goddess."

the next moment, Goddess of Knowledge appeared with countless white lights, those white lights It is like knowledge, full of understanding of everything in the world. An incomparable imposing manner slowly rises, and the imposing manner continues to climb, from Class 5 to Class 6 in an instant, and finally reaching the seventh rank.

"Your Majesty, wait a minute, I will burn all my strength to send you and No. 2 out of here."

Goddess of Knowledge is obviously also aware of the weirdness of this space and the location of Xia Xuan. The situation facing.

"Goddess ……" Xia Xuan didn't expect Goddess of Knowledge unexpectedly, without the slightest hesitation, she wanted to use her own life to send them out.

Although after several decades of getting along, the relationship between the two parties did come into contact with the desperate situation for each other. Goddess of Knowledge's determination surprised him.

"This Goddess has a back hand and won't really die here. But you two mortals are not great Gods like this Goddess. If they die, they will really be over." Goddess of The words Knowledge instantly halved Xia Xuan's touch.

Xia Xuan said quietly: "Goddess, if you don't say this, I might leave you a few tears."

"Huh?" Goddess of Knowledge's expression stayed for a while, then his expression instantly became serious, looking at Xia Xuan with a tragic face, and said: "Your Majesty, Great Xia can't live without you, it doesn't matter if I die, but you must survive."

Xia Xuan took a deep look at Goddess of Knowledge and also said with a smile: "Goddess, since you are so loyal, then I too lied to you. In fact, even if I die here, my soul is also I will wear it back."

Xia Xuan and Goddess of Knowledge looked at each other and smiled.

"Your Majesty, return my touch."

"With each other."

At this time Goddess of Knowledge's imposing manner finally climbed to Peak , Successfully entered the seventh rank.

the next moment, this starry sky began to show waves of waves, and then Xia Xuan saw the secret mastermind that affected them, an object that was constantly changing between a circle and a plane, and the body exuded various waves. This kind of strange rays of light makes it impossible for ordinary people to see it.

[I am not malicious]

Once the will appears directly in the mind of the three people, this will is not any language, but it allows people to clearly understand its meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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