
  Chapter 277 Dad Belkevin (two more)

Neo-Human Project This thing is quite troublesome The big one, coupled with the high level of its own plan, almost occupies the resources of the entire highest biological research institute. So Xia Xuan also got a general understanding of the whole story. Belkevin was not really wrong in this matter. The only thing he was wrong was being too soft-hearted.

According to the National Security Bureau’s investigation, the Neo-Human Project did not have any illegal operations. The newcomer’s baby was just an accident in the simulation experiment. If you insist, the only mistake of Neo-Human Project is that it didn't deal with the baby. Allow the baby to gradually develop from the fertilized egg.

At first, the Neo-Human Project research team planned to destroy this miraculous embryo, but it was saved by Belkevin. If something goes wrong, Belkevin should be responsible for it.

This matter is not a serious matter from the procedural point of view, and even Belkevin protects this special baby and records precious data can be regarded as useful.

But the fault lies in the neo-Human Project experiment where the main baby grew up. Belkevin was too soft-hearted and even stubbornly reported the complete experiment process without any concealment. The fundamental mistake is to let the baby grow up, and it is still nurtured by the machine.

The growth of the baby did provide the experimental group with very valuable data, but it also put the experimental group into a dilemma. If the babies are not dealt with, they will be condemned by the whole society immediately after the plan is reported.

And when the babies are dealt with, not only do they have a conscience, but after the incident is exposed, they will still be condemned by the whole society.

Anyway, no matter what you do, as long as the baby is born, it will immediately attract the attention of the artificial intelligence system. When the time comes is another wave of National Security Bureau interrogations. In the end, the highest Chief Belkevin resigned and retired, and then the plan settled down steadily.

Xia Xuan originally planned to deal with this matter coldly. First, Belkevin was suspended for a period of time. After the storm passed, he slowly returned to his original position again. After all, the Internet has no memory. After a period of time, why Kevin became the director of Great Xia's highest biological research institute again, and it would not cause much disturbance.

However, Belkevin finally stubbornly resigned and quit the academic world, the reason is that the academic community was very surprised. Because he obtained the custody of Little Ming and the environment of the research institute is not suitable for children to grow up, he resigned.

The big academics who originally wanted to discourage them didn't know what to say for a while. You dignified a peak leader in academia, Class 4 is extraordinary, you want to be a daddy? !

Xia Xuan asked: "Although Belkevin resigned and retired, there are no restrictions on when he wants to return to academia. Why not find him yourself?"

Although Belkevin’s punishment seemed very serious, it was directly changed from an academic peak protagonist back to an ordinary person. But he was not punished similar to the deprivation of political power, so he wanted to return to academia, in fact, it was all his wishes.

An Pingyi replied: "As far as I know about that guy, he will never agree to come back if I go directly, at least until Little Ming is sixteen years old. So I hope to get Your Majesty Xia Xuan's hand letter, so I can be sure to let him come back."

Xia Xuan right hand tapped the tip of the index finger lightly on the solid wood table, thinking, and said: "There is Goddess on the original organ plan. Of Knowledge, Belkevin is not necessary, but it is just this opportunity to get him back to the research institute."

Belkevin is also a cream of the crop scientific research expert, from the perspective of national interest , It is too wasteful to let this kind of talent bring a baby. The country has invested so many resources to train him, but it is not for him to bring a baby.

Moreover, the research institute does not prohibit bringing children. Although it is a bit strange to carry out scientific research while bringing a baby, it does not conflict. As for children’s schooling, at worst uses a small spaceship to pick them up.

A few minutes later, An Pingyi left the room with a blank sheet of paper.

Xia Xuan looked up, and then time said to the silver-haired girl floating on her head: "On the second, let’s have lunch."

silver-haired girl Slightly nodded, said: "en."

Then Xia Xuan remembered Goddess of Knowledge again and asked: "Number two, ask Goddess if I can come back for dinner."

" en. "silver-haired girl nodded, then replied in a flat tone: "No."

Xia Xuan stroked her chin and said: "I always feel that this guy is a bit strange recently."

I don't know why, Goddess of Knowledge is a bit strange recently, always blushing in a daze of unfathomable mystery, asking her what's wrong, her expression becomes very flustered again. I haven't returned to Imperial Palace abnormally in the past six months, but I have been in the research institute, looking like neglect sleep and forget about food.

Xia Xuan shook his head, and said: "It may be my illusion, but these guys suddenly became so busy, not being noisy in the Imperial Palace, I feel a little uncomfortable."

In the past, the Imperial Palace used to be a mess every day, and the imperial concubines either fought or developed various new magics. They had to hire someone to repair it almost every few months.

Goddess of Knowledge Imperial Palace The chief culprit of the imperial palace.

One, Esdeath battle maniac, pulling other imperial concubines to fight every day, and she is responsible for the damage to the Imperial Palace.

Akame monster chef, Danger Beast, who never knows where he caught every day, cooks all kinds of strange dishes, and he also hangs some inedible parts on the wall as decorations.

Elena, the queen of brain supplements, likes to watch palace dramas that are obviously problematic every day. In the beginning, she used learning experience as an excuse, but later Xia Xuan found out that this product was purely like this.

Succubus Queen Stephenie, originally Xia Xuan thought she should be the most normal one, but she didn't expect her to be the most abnormal one. In a learning conference, Xia Xuan accidentally discovered Stephenie's habit, and then thought of Succubus's sexual orientation basically the same sex... He was not well.

Incidentally, this time Stephenie left the Imperial Palace mainly for the major event of the Succubus clan. One thing that can make up for racial defects is to practice martial arts.

With the continuous research on higher dimension energy, Great Xia has achieved great results in the martial arts field, and has developed a set of techniques that can strengthen the body with energy. However, this technique requires strong muscle control, and the stronger the control over the body, the better the effect.

The Succubus family has a strong control over the body, can change their appearance, and can also make subtle adjustments to their body. Xia Xuan has a deep understanding of this...

Actually, they can't be blamed. This is the current status of the lives of high class individuals. High class individuals live more casually, have a lower desire for power and material, and basically pay little attention to formal things.

If the position is not linked to the extraordinary resources obtained, except for the military, most high-level powerhouses seldom take the initiative to assume important positions.

For example, Hero has been a police officer for several decades, and now he is only a police officer Battallion Captain. This position is seriously inconsistent with his strength. It's not that she can't be promoted. If she wants to use her current strength and qualifications, she can sit directly as the director of the National Security Bureau. But people just like to be a policeman and they like to patrol.

At this time, a cold mechanical sound rang in Xia Xuan's mind.

[Host, do you want to select the imperial concubine again? 】

Feeling the emotion of Host, the smart System immediately understood what he was going to do.

[This time System has done a very detailed survey and statistics for Host to ensure that Host is satisfied, but because the original human body is too strong, System has been temporarily excluded. ]

[However, Host does not need to regret, as long as the strength of Host reaches Class 6, then System will rejoin the original humans. 】

Xia Xuan twitched the corner of her mouth speechless saying: "No, these guys at home have already made the Imperial Palace jump, so I don’t have to live here anymore."

Host likes a quiet opposite sex.

The clever System immediately captured an important piece of information from the sentence just now, and then began a new round of screening.


Outside the Imperial Palace, the bustling Imperial Capital, a high-end community, a community kindergarten.

A blond man who looks 30-40 years old, with good features and a bit of vicissitudes of face, is talking and laughing with the kindergarten teachers.

"teacher, did Little Ming trouble you again today."

"No no no." The woman waved her hand again and again: "Little Ming is such a cute and cute child, It didn't bother me at all."

The two adults were greeting each other, and the two children were watching quietly on the seesaw in the distance.

Wearing white dresses, some little girls with fat babies looked at two adults, some doubtfully said: "Little Ming, elder sister, why did you lie? Obviously you made the teacher angry again today."


The little boy sitting across from the seesaw was replied: "Because he is greedy for my father's body."

"Gluttonous?" The little girl tilted her head, and the flesh was awkward. Doubt was written on his face.

The little boy explained: "I just want to marry my father."

Now the little girl suddenly realized: "Oh! The elder sister wants to walk into that with your father. The lovely grave you said."

The little boy corrected: "It’s the grave of love, and based on my personal observations of father, I don’t mind your elder sister marrying my father, father is not A good man."

The little girl said: "But when you are at home, the elder sister has been boasting about your father."

The little boy said: "That's just a scumbag disguise, I Tell you one thing and you will understand. Yesterday weekend, my homework was not finished. At that time, I called the smelly father to help me write it, but the guy refused me without the slightest hesitation."

"Huh? Shouldn't the homework be written by yourself?" The little girl's round eyes were full of doubts.

The little boy folded his hands and said, "Don't care about the details. From here, you can see that father is not a man who can share adversity. Even my son is not willing to spend time with me when he is in trouble. "

"Anyway, you will tell you elder sister when you go back, that guy is not a good man, he is a bad man who is in a disaster."

Although Little Ming is saying something to himself If you don’t understand, the little girl is still nodded and said: "Oh, I'll tell the elder sister right away when I go back."

"There is..." The little boy wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to do with his big hands. Shi has been placed on his head.

Belkevin squinted his eyes and said, "What else? Smelly brat talks bad about your dad behind his back all day, and I will shut down your game permissions when I go back."

The boy blankly stretched out his hand and pointed up at Belkay, and continued: "Look, I used such a vicious method to deal with my six-year-old child. From this we can see how vicious this man is in his heart. Maybe he likes children. It's a pervert, but someone who doesn't like children is definitely not an ideal marriage partner."

„Oh!" Although the little girl does not understand, she is still nodded as usual. Soon after, the little girl saw the elder sister who had come next to her, her big round eyes shined, she couldn't wait to tell her what Little Ming taught her today.

"elder sister, Little Ming said that Mr. Bell is not a good man, he has no way of co-morbidity, and he doesn't like children, so he is not an ideal marriage partner."

Xiao The boy corrected again: "It is suffering together."

"Yes, suffering together!"

The expression of the little girl's elder sister instantly turned red, didn't expect this death The girl was so unabashed that she told him what he liked about Mr. Bell.

The woman blushed and quickly apologized to Belkevin: "Mr. Bell, I'm very sorry, the child doesn't talk nonsense."

Belkevin waved his hand, said with a smile: "It's okay. children's words carry no harm."

Seeing Belkevin's smile, the woman looked dazed, and then quickly lowered her head.

The little boy said blankly: "teacher, hold on, don’t think about it, fall in love with a bad man who can’t share troubles together."

Said that the woman's face became redder, and she had the urge to find a hole to get in.

A few minutes later, Belkevin took the little boy out of the kindergarten.

"Little Ming, see you tomorrow!" The little girl kept jumping up, waving those little hands, and saying goodbye to the little boy as usual.

Little Ming is the same as usual, just nodded, with a very cold look. Belkevin, who is looking next to him, said kindly and funny: "You are still pretending to be tall at a young age. Be careful tomorrow. The little girl ignores you."

The little boy said indifferently: "Geniuses are always lonely."

Father and son hold hands as usual Back to my own home, a double-layer black and white modern minimalist style villa.

It's just a man wearing a white coat standing at the entrance of the villa with a cold face, looking 30-40 years old.

The man turned around and looked towards Bei and Kevin. After looking up and down, he said: "It has changed a lot without seeing you in a few years."

Belkevin saw the man laughed, Said: “I haven’t seen you in a few years, it’s still the same as before.”

An Pingyi said: “Our city’s extraordinary lifespan is at least 300 years old. It’s hard to make our appearance in just six years. Obvious change."

Belkevin shook his head and said, "No, I'm talking about temperament. Forget it, don't worry about it, what's the matter if you came to me today? It won't be a special one. I’m reminiscing about the past, right?"

An Pingyi said with a serious expression: "You have rested for six years, it is time to come back, Great Xia nurtures you, but it is not for you to bring a baby."

(End of this chapter)

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