
  Chapter 282 Tatsumi: I got up, and then I was beaten by a trick.

Below the bottomless huge pit is a deep and gloomy Underground World. The deep to the extreme darkness always covers this world and the sunlight that symbolizes life. Just shining into this world, it was immediately swallowed by the deep darkness. , Can't afford a ripple.

There is a strong smell of blood in the air, and there is a kind of madness in this smell of blood.

The tide of Kaiju came to this Space through the passage of large and small, and launched a fierce fight. A lot of blood flowed on the ground, and the entire Space was dyed red. Killing is the eternal theme here. All living things follow the most basic laws of nature, weak are prey to the strong.

Suddenly all the creatures stopped their movements, looked up to the sky, and saw a star, a star emitting white light. The rays of light of this star are very faint. As soon as it entered this Space, it was immediately engulfed by endless darkness. But in this dark world, even if it's just a bit by bit, the light is as dazzling as the sun.

the next moment All monsters rushed towards the star in unison, just as they followed the instinct of killing before, this time they are going to tear the star that is out of line with the world.

Tatsumi stood in the air, the sacred white light wrapped around his body, and those pure white eyes looked down without joy or sadness.


The extremely cold voice resounded throughout the Space, and then the stars in the sky emitted a strong white light, and a star instantly transformed into a A sun.

The sacred white light spreads the endless darkness of the Chaser to all around, trying to illuminate this dark world, but was soon pressed back by the deep darkness.

A new fight unfolds again, this time is no longer a mutual devouring between monsters.

The dazzling white light turns into a ten thousand zhang giant blade. Thousands of monsters are harvested. The sacred white light melts away together with their souls and bodies.


Above, five Dao Protectors of god making plan, through their own power, quietly observe the battle below. Once something unexpected happens, they will immediately interrupt the ceremony and fish out Tatsumi.

As for how to interrupt? This is very simple, just shoot all the monsters below to death. Once there are no creatures in the trial field and no Class 6 powerhouse is born, the ceremony will be judged as a failure.

Supreme God stroked the familiar golden balance in his hand and said: "It's not bad. There is indeed the aptitude of becoming God. Now the only obstacle is those Evil God."

In terms of the situation, Tatsumi has absolute suppression of underground monsters by virtue of its own sacred Attribute Power. Without any external interference, this ceremony Tatsumi can be completed with a high probability.

The biggest change now is Dice of Destiny, but with world consciousness, he should not be able to use too much power on reality. As for those Evil Gods, to the warrior regaining their strength, they are nothing but a group of stinky fish and shrimps.

And there is Hero here. Fighting those Evil Gods with Hero's terrifying battle strength, such as cutting melons and vegetables, a kid with a single knife.

"It's so boring!" Roxi threw the holy sword on the ground, and then sat down on it.

"It's been four hours, why is it still too weak? Tatsumi is too weak. It doesn't take four hours at all for me. Give me four seconds was enough."

holy sword trembled slightly and protested. How can it be said that it is also a Divine Item, how can it be used as a bench, he doesn't want face?

However, the protest was invalid, and Roxi ignored Holy Sword's protest at all. Not to mention using holy sword as a bench, she has tried holy sword to make teppanyaki.

Mother Earth Goddess said with a smile: "Little Roxi, Tatsumi is only Class 5, even if half of your foot has entered Class 6, and if I guess correctly, you have already reached the threshold of the seventh rank ."

"For you, killing the monster below is like trampling on an ant, and Tatsumi can't kill those powerful monsters so easily."

Roxi Asked: "Then how long will he play? It won't be a few days?"

Roxi realized a very serious problem, that is, judging from the current situation, this trial is very It may last for a few days. This also means that he has to sit here like a fool for a few days, can't see anything, staring at Tatsumi below, like a babysitter to prevent him from accidents.

At the same time, this also means that she will not be able to continue the liver game in the next period of time, the daily sign-in rewards are gone, the activity rewards are gone, and there is no way to immediately watch the updates of her favorite anime.

Mother Earth Goddess shook her head with a gentle smile on her face and said, "No, I won't fight for a few days."

"That's good." Roxi sighed in relief, stretched out his hand patted his own tablet.

Mother Earth Goddess continued: "The birth of a Gods generally takes tens of millions of years to conceive. Even with the help of ceremony now, it will take several months at least."

" What?!" Roxi, who was sighed in relief just now, looked dazed, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

"Master Mother Goddess, how long do you say?"

Mother Earth Goddess said with a gentle smile on his face: "It will take at least a few months for the ceremony to be completed, and it may be one or Two years."

"No way, can Tatsumi survive a few months of continuous high-intensity fighting? If it's one or two years, he won't even have ashes left." Roxi was stunned. She felt that Mother Earth Goddess was teasing him. How could a ceremony take so long? When she really became a Hero, she didn't have so much trouble.

It's good to get up after a nap, but now it takes a few months or even one or two years for the Demon Lord. Let’s not talk about this time. It’s just a few months of high-intensity fighting, even she will feel tired. Tatsumi, who doesn’t even reach Class 6, is fine if she crashes without a mind. And how to calculate energy consumption? After fighting for so long, the energy has long been exhausted.

A few months have been too much, and one or two years have passed. Doesn’t it take so long to give birth to a child? !

Goddess of Transactions, who was playing with a mysterious gold coin at this time, explained: "Little Roxi, the ceremony will be shrouded by a special rule. This special rule allows the killer to be hit. Most of the killer’s soul, power, and energy are used to increase their own strength."

"And Class 5 powerhouse actually no longer needs to eat like an inferior lifeform to maintain life, as long as the energy is sufficient, Class 5 The powerhouse doesn’t need to eat at all. As for the mind, it’s okay to have the soul of the killed."

"But the only thing to worry about is that the killer is easily overwhelmed by the soul of the dead. , And thus go crazy."

Roxi did not listen to the explanation of Goddess of Transactions, because she had fallen into the bottom of her life.

Roxi lies on the holy sword, Both eyes are spiritless, like a dead salted fish being dried.

"I feel that life has lost hope."


One month later, Roxi said: "I feel like I have become a savage."

Three months later, Roxi sat on the holy sword, closed his hands and closed his eyes. On his delicate face, he said unemotional: "Color is emptiness, emptiness is color. Anime, games, food, everything. , It’s just futile, I...enlighten it."

Four Goddesses glanced at Roxi with a weird expression. Isn’t it just being here for three months? Is it such an exaggeration?

For them, even if this ceremony lasts for hundreds of years, it doesn't seem to be long. After all, according to their time concept, let alone a few months, even several decades, it is only a matter of seconds.

In the sixth month, Roxi lay flat on the holy sword, eyes closed, motionless like a dead body, just a circle of white flowers around her.

And beside her was written a very neat line of words, "Dead, something is burning paper. 】

At this moment Roxi opened his eyes suddenly and got up to look at the huge pit not far away, while the other four Goddesses also opened their eyes. Everyone felt that the law of the huge pit below was slowly fading, and an extremely powerful breath was emitted from below.

Supreme God said: "It seems that the ceremony succeeded, but there was a little accident."

In the past six months, four Goddesses have been using Godhead to guard Tatsumi’s soul all the time. Prevent Evil God body possession. During this period, Evil God wanted to invade Tatsumi's soul and seize the fleshy body that already had Gods power, but they were all blocked by them.

However, in the end they still underestimated the viciousness and cunning of Dice of Destiny. Although Tatsumi was not possessed by the body, he was still affected by Evil God. Dice of Destiny found that the previous methods didn't work, and sent Evil God directly to the trial site. In order to bring Evil God into reality, Dice of Destiny defeated Evil God, reduced the strength to Class 5, and successfully sent more than a dozen Evil Gods to the trial site. If it weren't for world consciousness interference in the middle, the number of Evil Gods might have doubled.

Facing the siege of more than a dozen Evil Gods, Tatsumi almost died on the spot at first, but fortunately, five Dao Protectors helped him and gradually stabilized him. In the end, a dozen Evil Gods were killed by Tatsumi when the Goddess kept firing black guns.

After absorbing the power of more than a dozen Evil God, Tatsumi finally broke through the tipping point and boarded Class 6. But once again, it appeared at this stage, and the fundamental reason was the power of the dozen or so Evil Gods.

The law of the ceremony means that the killer can obtain most of the power of the killed, among which is included soul, and Tatsumi who has absorbed more than a dozen Evil God powers......

A black shadow sprang out from the huge pit. Tatsumi stood high in the sky, looking down at the five Dao Protectors below.

At this time, his body is still entwined with white light, his appearance has not changed at all from before, and there is no sign of mutation at all. But it makes people feel that Tatsumi has undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

If Tatsumi used to give people a sense of sacredness and justice like a legendary angel, now there is only the coldness that penetrates into the soul, as if it symbolizes pale death.

The four Goddesses glanced at each other, and then mobilized the power of the whole body, bursting out a strong sacred light. As long as the order is issued from above, they will remove the failed product.

Facing the hostility of these four same-class existences, Tatsumi was not afraid, but smiled, saying, "Is this the power of God? It's really powerful. Compared to Class 5, it's just as. different as heaven and earth."

"It's so powerful! hahaha!" Tatsumi let out a frantic laugh, which was completely different from before.

However, before he finished laughing, a fiery-red silhouette came to him in an instant.

So fast!

Tatsumi's pupils shrank slightly, and the power of the whole body was subconsciously circulated, and the bright white light burst out in an instant.

"You laughed a shit, you grind underneath for so long, and now I am embarrassed to laugh!" Roxi clenched his right fist and shook it at Tatsumi.

"Look at my personality correction punch!"

Punched out, the force of terror instantly set off Category 12 typhoon, and the white light on Tatsumi's body was instantly shattered. The fist hit Tatsumi's face hard, and the handsome face was completely distorted.


With a loud noise, Tatsumi's figure instantly turned into a dark night, flew out at a very fast speed, and hit the ground several kilometers away.


The black shadow hit the ground heavily, setting off a lot of smoke and dust, the ground trembled slightly, one after another huge crack spreading all around.

The smoke dissipated, and a huge pit of several hundred meters long was formed. Tatsumi's body was set in the ground, unable to move even a little bit.

Roxi came to Tatsumi's side, squatted down and stretched out his hand in front of his eyes, and swayed several times and asked: "Hey~ can you hear it? How do you feel? If it still doesn't work, I will make a few more punches. I promise not to kill you."

Tatsumi's difficult replied: "I...I'm...much better."

I don’t know why, Hero’s punch just now directly put Evil in his soul. God's remaining will was swept away, making him sober a lot.

At the same time, Tatsumi also realized one thing, God and God’s physique are different, even if he and Hero are at the same First Rank level, Hero can still kill him in seconds. The biggest change to become Class 6 is just another punch.

I’m too busy, and at the same time I’m at the Super God Academy. I promise to update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)


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