
  Chapter 285 enters (first update)

Three days later, Goblin Slayer world, No. 0 Base , The Teleportation Gate Area domain.

All the buildings here are completely made of high-density alloys. The energy shield of cyan in the sky, such as the papermaking team, covers this area with tens of thousands of floating cannons and patrols in the air.

This is the safest place in the Goblin Slayer world. It is focused on by the world consciousness. Even the power of Dice of Destiny cannot extend to this area. At the same time, this is also the least free place, because as long as you stand in this area, no matter who you are, is always under the surveillance of world consciousness.

Hundreds of soldiers in black uniforms lined up neatly and orderly, with their heads upright like a sculpture, looking ahead. The expression of each soldier was extremely cold, there was no emotion in his eyes, and an imposing manner of extremely oppression was exuded from his body.

Tatsumi, wearing a black pioneer officer's uniform, looked at the special exploratory force composed of more than 300 peak pioneers in front of him, and said: "Now you are publishing the content of the mission. Your next mission is to explore New World, the information has been transmitted to each of your computer terminals."

A string of data flashed in the eyes of all soldiers. This is their personal computer terminal that transmits the data to their artificial eye mask. Screen.

The New World exploration mission has a top secret level and a very high level of secrecy. Only a few people know about it before the mission begins. Even the pioneers responsible for the implementation of the mission do not know the information until one hour before the mission begins.

Tatsumi continued: "This New World is different from the past. The teleportation gate cannot be opened, and people can only be passed one by one, and the position where everyone enters will change."

"This also means that after each of us enters New World, we will be in a state of isolation and helplessness, so the first mission to enter New World is to rendezvous with other companions. For this, your next equipment It has also been changed to a nano armor/mecha that focuses on detection and has strong concealment, and can be worn at any time."

Nano armor/mecha: a kind of armor/mecha composed of special nanoparticles, characterized by Has a strong concealment. It can be disguised as clothes or even skin at ordinary times, and it only takes a second to transform into a combat form during battle.

The disadvantage of this armor/mecha is that it has insufficient firepower, low defense power, and low speed. It is overall weaker than other armor/mecha in terms of basic attributes. Therefore, this kind of armor/mecha is generally used by pioneers of scouts, and is not suitable for frontal combat.

"In order to make up for the lack of firepower and battery life of the nano armor/mecha, a Dimensional Formation is specially configured on the armor/mecha. However, due to the scarcity of Dimensional Formation, only some people can carry it, so there is no Dimensional Formation people, mission is to gather for pioneers who have Dimensional Formation."

To make up for the lack of firepower and battery life of nano armor/mecha, the only way is to carry more mass destruction. Power weapons, and these weapons require a lot of energy. So the best choice is to carry the Dimensional Formation and put all the energy cubes and weapons in it. However, due to production capacity issues, Great Xia is currently unable to produce more than three hundred Dimensional Formations, and even if there is one, it is impossible to invest all in this exploration plan.

The special exploration squad only got fifty Dimensional Formations, so these fifty Dimensional Formations must be allocated well and must be held by the pioneer with the strongest self-protection ability.

Tatsumi glanced at the time and said: "Okay, the mission instructions are here, and then rest on the spot."

"Yes! !!!" All the pioneers did it at the same time Gave a military salute.

Half an hour later, a man wearing a black officer's uniform without any rank on his shoulders led 5 to 6 people to the special exploratory unit.

Tatsumi saw the leading man straight back and gave a military salute, saying: "Your Majesty, the special exploratory force is ready and ready to go."

Xia Xuan nodded asked : "Major General Tatsumi, who are you going to send in first?"

In Great Xia, as long as the strength reaches Class 6 and is willing to join the army, the army will grant him a position of honorary major general. There is a name and treatment, but there is no real power.

But Tatsumi is a major general in real power, because he himself is the top of the trailblazer Legion.

The situation of New World is a bit special, the teleportation gate cannot be opened, which also means that the pioneers who enter it will temporarily lose contact with Great Xia. In the case of such a limited number of teleportation, generally the stronger the first person to enter, the better.

The best candidate is Hero, not only because Hero is the strongest, but most importantly, most of Hero's power comes from itself. Even when going to the New World, the world law has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Hero can adapt quickly.

But Great Xia is reluctant to let such an important battle strength take the lead. Great Xia does not want to lose a powerhouse that is expected to become a seventh rank due to unexpected circumstances. If Hero died because of the special laws of New World, it would be a big blow to Great Xia.

And the second suitable entry is the overeign who have successfully let go of their hatred, re-experience life, and come to Great Xia and hope to live a normal life. Most of the strength of these primitive humans is derived from the body, which is similar to the situation of Hero. Generally, their strength is not greatly discounted due to the New World law.

But Great Xia cannot order them, nor does it plan to order them, because although these sovereigns have a good impression of Great Xia, they have no sense of belonging. After all, the main purpose of people coming to Great Xia is to live a normal life, not to fight for Great Xia.

Great Xia is attacked. They will take action to protect their daily lives, but they will not be born or die for Great Xia's orders, and they have only joined for a few years.

Even these sovereigns are very likely to accept this mission because of the kindness of Great Xia who helped them before. Great Xia will not let them do this mission. As for why they did it, there is only one very simple reason, that is, mistrust.

Tatsumi replied: "Your Majesty, I am the strongest. I plan to be the first one to enter. Then I will go to Blood Originator with strong self-protection ability. With their fourth-generation blood-related abilities, even There is a vacuum on the other side and it will not die."

Xia Xuan was not surprised by Tatsumi’s decision, and continued to ask: "Then how much has your strength decreased after you left Goblin Slayer world? Fall out of Class 6."

Tatsumi replied: "Can barely stay in Class 6, but the battle strength will be greatly weakened."

"That's good." Xia Xuan nodded, and then continued: "But this is still too dangerous, so I arrange a foreign aid for you."

At the next moment, a petite silhouette came out from behind Xia Xuan. She is less than 1.6m tall and has fiery-red hair. This person Tatsumi is very familiar with her. Tatsumi's face is still aching when she sees her.

This person is the terrifying who has little cultivation, but is strong, playing Class 6 is like playing children's Hero.

Roxi carried a golden holy sword about the same height as her, with a bright smile on her face, and said hello: "Hi, Tatsumi, have you eaten yet."

" Miss Roxi?" Tatsumi's expression was a little puzzled. As far as he knew, Hero should be the main force, conserving strength and store up energy, ready to attack at any time, instead of carrying out this kind of exploration mission.

Xia Xuan said: "The two of you entered the New World as the advance troops and are responsible for receiving the follow-up troops."

Every time the teleportation cools down, System can temporarily sense it. New World, although unable to confirm the situation inside, but confirmed that Tatsumi's life and death are more than enough. As long as Tatsumi is not dead, it means that Roxi will not be in great danger to this New World.


The weather is clear and cloudless, the sun hangs high in the sky, and the scorching sun shines on the steel forest below.

Below is an abandoned factory built of red bricks, or the warehouse of an abandoned factory. However, due to the fact that no one has used and repaired it all the year round, the building appears to be very dilapidated. The walls have fallen off layer after layer of shell, and the red bricks inside are completely exposed. The roof made of metal is completely rusty, and some places have even corroded one after another small hole.

The floor of the warehouse was covered with dust, and the abandoned containers were placed in a mess. And in this warehouse without any anger, there were a dozen tall men gathered here.

A man in a black suit said in fluent English: "What do we need?"

The man in a brown floral shirt on the other side said:" Of course I brought it."

Afterwards, the man turned his head and motioned to his subordinates to turn over his goods. Several burly men turned over two rectangular wooden boxes and placed them in front of the man in the suit, and then opened them. Inside were all kinds of firearms, even heavy-duty body armor with strict control. However, there are no bullets in these guns. This is mainly to prevent the consignee from shooting them with these weapons.

The man in the suit turned his head and looked towards his man, ordered: "Check it."

The man in the suit took two steps forward and started to check the gun inside.

A few minutes later, the man in the suit inspected the guns and said: "Boss, no problem, they are all genuine."

"en." The man in the suit is nodded, Then he asked Xiajiang to pass the money in the three boxes to the other party.

The munitions took three boxes of U.S. dollars and started a quick count.

As they counted, the man in the suit opened the mouth and said: "Whether you can get some more powerful weapons, we will buy it no matter how much it costs."

Taking off his sunglasses, he looked at the man in the suit in surprise: "These weapons are enough for you to rob the bank, and you need stronger ones. Are you going to fight an oil war?"

During this period of time Here, they have sold a large number of guns, ammunition and various equipment to the mafia, including many heavy-duty body armor that is strictly controlled by the federal government. It can even be said that this mafia can evaluate the weapons and equipment that have been continuously received during this period, and form a unit with hundreds of people and equipment no worse than the army.

"You should have better equipment?" The man in the suit did not answer the other party's question.

"Due to the so-called alien, the major military factories of the Federation continued to expand the production of weapons during this period, and a large number of old weapons in the army were replaced."

"With you I believe that even tanks should be available. We can buy more powerful weapons at a price that is twice as high as before."

The shirt man laughed and said: "Friend, It seems that you know a lot. And I’m very curious about what you want to do with so many weapons? If you can’t answer my question, then I can’t continue to provide you with more powerful weapons."

The man in the suit was silent for a few seconds and replied: "We just bought self-protection."

Hearing this, the man in the shirt smiled: "hahaha! Self-protection? Self-protection? Do you have a tank? And buy so many weapons, be careful to be detected by that hater league Superpower User."

The man in the suit said: "Just those Superpower Users are just a group of dolls launched by the government, even if What did they really find out?"

Tone barely fell, a silhouette suddenly appeared between the two parties. This silhouette is wearing a white armor/mecha with a great sense of science fiction, just like coming out of a science fiction movie.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately took out their pistols and aimed them at this silhouette.

"The Superpower User of the League of Haters?"

Two later

(this chapter End)

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