
  Chapter 290 Battle

Over the city of Juxia.

Morgana looked at the scene like apocalypse around him, said with a smile: "What kind of ability is yours, you can cause such a big movement only by mind."

In fact, Morgana can do this kind of movement by herself. It only needs to calculate the data of the surrounding environment a little bit, and then use the Void Engine to mobilize the dark energy to redefine it. But the man in front of him caused this kind of movement. He didn't even mobilize dark energy at all. It was a phenomenon triggered in the form of a mind.

This is very strange. This is the first time Morgana has seen him. Someone can cause such a big movement only by mental force.

"Tatsumi, now I apologize to the queen, I might spare you again."

Tatsumi asked, "Are you Lengbing or Morgana?"

In fact, he has been telling him about the hypocrisy of angels and the benefits of free fall. At that time, when the demon queen Morgana was great, he doubted whether Liangbing would be the demon queen Morgana. After all, from Liang Bing's speech and behavior in the past few hours, no matter from which point of view, it is a proper demon faction.

Coupled with the inadvertent Law Aura revealed by Liang Bing, people have to wonder if he is the queen of demon Morgana. Even if it's not Morgana, it is definitely the top of the demon civilization.

After all, it is always impossible. Any soldier has the ability to master the law, right? If this is the case, Tatsumi feels that this New World doesn't need to be explored, so he can quickly find a way to go home.

Morgana said: "I am indeed Morgana, but I am not Liangbing. Liangbing is the daughter of an angel, an admirer of demon, and I am the queen of demon."

Mind schizophrenia? A powerhouse of at least Class 6, and mind schizophrenia?

"Damn! What is your look!"

Morgana raised her hand and gave Tatsumi a firm grip.


A huge black sharp claw suddenly appeared beside Tatsumi, and five sharp claws spread out and grabbed Tatsumi. This is the hand of Morgana's weapon, demon, belonging to the Demon Slayer. It can drive dark energy to attack the target, is extremely destructive to super-class genes, and can destroy the third generation Divine Physique.

Tatsumi still looks straight ahead, not even looking at the hand of the demon that suddenly appeared. The power in the body is circulated, the white light on the body surface emits dazzling rays of light, and the right hand is raised, and a blade composed of white light is formed in an inverted moment.

The lightsaber carries the dazzling white light and collides with the dark hand of the demon.


Accompanied by the power of horror, the hand of the huge demon was cut and flew away by the lightsaber.

This scene made Morgana dumbfounded, although his demon hand is not a kinetic energy weapon, the main attack method is to rely on driving dark energy to destroy the opponent's super-class genes and Divine Physique. But at any rate, it is also a martial art that kills the gods. The formidable power of a random blow can be as little as tens of thousands of tons, and this guy even bounced the hand of the demon with no difficulty.

The Great Xia's strength system pursues the common sublimation of soul and body. Only a strong soul can withstand more energy, and only a strong body can withstand the tremendous power brought by the soul.

The super-class gene system of this world focuses on the control of law. In theory, as long as the computing power is strong enough, it is not a problem to redefine one's own power and blast a planet with one punch. But this requires a lot of time to prepare, and it does not rely on pure physical power in nature.

If you don't use dark energy, don't rely on the Void Engine, even if it is Morgana's own power, it is actually not too exaggerated. Even without the blessing of the Void Engine, it is a bit stronger than humans in terms of power.

"Damn! What the hell is this! You guys won't be able to hang up, how come you have such a strong physical strength!"

Tone barely fell Morgana was instantly enveloped by white light , The huge light blade of several hundred meters long slashed heavily on Morgana's body, and the huge power made her body fly upside down like a cannonball.

The white light on Tatsumi's body became brighter and brighter, and the whole person turned into a meteor, piercing the gloomy sky.

in the sky The bright white light flickers constantly, one after another several hundred meters long huge blade of light, splits the sky clouds.

Attacks like rainstorm continued to fall on Morgana.

As the battle erupted, everyone in the city below was startled with suspicion and panic. The drastic changes in the weather at the beginning just made people feel inexplicably uneasy, but now this scene is like the end of the world, how can it not make people scared.

in the sky That one after another light blade that pierced the sky and tore through the clouds, shocked everyone. At the same time, Soul Aura, which was revealed during the Class 6 battle, made the legs of these ordinary persons weaker.

"Fuck! Fuck, what the hell is this?!" A truck driver who was waiting for a red light was sitting in the driver's seat with a dull look at the bright stream of Star River in the sky. A huge flashing light.

The white rays of light shined through the windshield on the sluggish face of the driver.

The companion sitting in the passenger seat also looked dull and said: "superpower user?"

In recent years, everyone can feel that Earth is getting more and more. Strange. A hate man alliance formed by superpower users has appeared in North America, and angels have even appeared in Europe, and they also have a male company composed of super-class soldiers...

"This fuck Which is a superpower user? Have you seen a superpower user that is so strong? This is simply Divine Immortal." The driver unfastened his seat belt and vomited. However, because my body is not sure why I feel a little weak, and the seat belt seems to be stuck a bit, I can't untie it.

Companion said: "But I saw Amerika’s alliance of haters, the superpower users there are also very difficult to deal with. For example, the hater Captain, has a special domain, you can Bring your opponent to the same level as his strength, which is called 50%."

"Fart! That's just a bunch of stupids playing tricks, just those 50 cents special effects, superpower! If you can go back alive, I use a computer to make a superpower for you. They are just political facilitators launched by the Amerika government."

The driver finally released his seat belt.

"Finally solved it, now the road is paralyzed, let's just run."


The two were just about to open the door, As soon as the broadcast arrives, it's in their ears.

【Juxia City has entered a state of emergency, and Juxia City has entered a state of emergency. ]

[All citizens, please don’t panic, the People’s Liberation Army will do its best to protect the safety of the people, please cooperate with our evacuation operations. 】

[Please cooperate with our evacuation operations, if there is any disruptor, take responsibility for the consequences. 】

The companion asked: "Old Li, do we have to run the road."

The driver said: "Of course, but not now. Just follow the command of the army at this time. If you run away in a hurry, it will only make the scene more chaotic."

In this situation, following the command is the clearest choice. If everyone slumped and flees like in the movie, it will only make the situation worse, and no one can run out in the end.

However, this phenomenon is not due to the high psychological quality of the people in Juxia City, but because the fighting in the sky, under Tatsumi's intentional control, did not cause any harm to the city below. If a blade of light falls and cuts off a building at this time, everyone will be swallowed by fear, and the entire city will be completely plunged into chaos and fear.

In the face of the fear of death, few people can maintain their sense. This has nothing to do with quality. When a saber sits on your neck, even a strong soldier will feel a little flustered.

With the entry of the army, the city restored the most basic order at an extremely fast speed. Under the command of the army, everyone began to evacuate the city quickly.


[Target attack means successfully resolved]

"Have you beaten enough!" Morgana raised her hand and waved to him. The flying blade inch by inch broke apart, and then disappeared.

What's the matter? ! Why did my attack suddenly disappear?

Seeing the disappearance of his unfathomable mystery, Tatsumi hurriedly stopped chasing and began to retreat, stopping at an altitude of more than a thousand meters away.

"Damn, it really hurts!"

At this moment Morgana looked very embarrassed, and the armor on her body had been cut to pieces. From the beginning of the battle, in just a few minutes, she endured more than a thousand attacks, and the power of each attack was terrifying.

Although Morgana was beaten very embarrassed, she didn't actually suffer much damage. Because after the first attack, she used the Void Engine to set herself immortal.

Otherwise, she would have been chopped into dregs long ago.

"I'll go." Morgana looked at the tattered armor on her body, and said: "Why are your goddamn powers so powerful? You haven't even used dark energy. It's just physical power that can achieve this. To a certain degree, how did you do it?"

Morgana doubts whether this guy is a special super-class warrior specially researched by Raging Yang Star, specifically designed to deal with the super-class below the third generation of Divine Physique -class warrior. If the kind of attack just now hits creatures below the third generation of Divine Physique, absolute death will be overwhelming.

Regardless of the man, the incredible power, or the terror energy stored in him, Morgana was very curious.

Tatsumi brows slightly wrinkle, his attack didn't even hurt Morgana at all.

Are these weird laws?

From the beginning of his first attack, Tatsumi vaguely felt that Morgana had a weird law that was constantly distorting his attacks. Since the feeling of this law is too vague, Tatsumi thought it was his own illusion at first, or some kind of Morgana's ability.

Although I didn't exert my full strength, the attack just now reached. The level of Class 6 and the opponent's ability to block with no difficulty shows that her strength is much better than mine.

Tatsumi was considering whether to run, but was afraid that after she left, Morgana vented her anger with the city below.

Although the ordinary person below has nothing to do with him, they are also humans. Tatsumi can't save an innocent person, let alone let others die because of himself.

Tatsumi glanced at the time on the eye mask screen. It has only been ten hours since he entered the New World, and there are twenty-two hours before Hero will enter.

Morgana has special laws to protect, and ordinary attacks can't be hurt at all, and can only use the same level of law to attack, and there is hope to break the strange law.

Morgana looked at Tatsumi in the distance and smiled and said, "Why, don't you continue?"

"Since you are not coming, then I will come!" Mogan Na raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

Two huge hands of demon appeared on the left and right sides of Tatsumi, grabbing at him at a very fast speed, Tatsumi's body broke out bright radiance again, and wanted to turn into a meteor again to avoid the hands of demon Encircle and suppress.

"Stop it for me!" Morgana raised her right hand and shook Tatsumi.

Immediately after that, Space around Tatsumi became a bit distorted, and his movements became very slow. At the same time, Tatsumi also felt that the surrounding Space was squeezing him.


Tatsumi waved the light blade in his hand, knocking back the hands of the two demons. Only this time Morgana was prepared, and she didn't imagine that she would knock the hand of demon into the air like a baseball.

Looking at Tatsumi who was fighting with her demon hand, Morgana couldn't help but sigh, "Go, this pure physical force is too strong, right?"

Although from the current point of view, Tatsumi does not have the fourth-generation Divine Physique, nor does it have a secondary biological engine, and may not even have the means to destroy super-class genes. But it is undeniable that his power is indeed powerful, and may not be able to cause effective damage to the third-generation Divine Physique, but for the third-generation Divine Physique and below, it is definitely an ultimate weapon.

Although this kind of god has great flaws, it has great advantages. Think about it if you put it on the battlefield, for ordinary super-class warrior, it is simply a lawn mower. Especially when facing the angel civilization, facing the huge number of second-generation Divine Physique angels, Tatsumi can completely start the unparalleled mowing.

Even those third generation Divine Physique angels will be battered and exhausted in the face of such fierce attacks and terrifying power.

"Tatsumi, I like you more and more."


Below, on the roof of a certain building.

The super-class warriors of the male company wearing black armor are observing the fierce battle in the sky.

Lena looked up at the sky and listened to the violent collisions from above, and said: "I'm going, what's the situation?"

Lena is still the first The first time I saw someone fighting like this, or the first time I saw someone who didn't even use a computer, and only relying on physical strength to meet force with Morgana.

From the battle screen alone, it can be seen that the man who fought with Morgana was a bit peculiar except for the weapon in his hand, and did not show signs of using dark energy. It was purely relying on physical power to continuously repel the demon. Hand.

In fact, Tatsumi didn't want to do this, but because he was new to New World and was not familiar with the law here, he did not sense the higher dimension energy, so he could save it. Moreover, he used energy attacks before, and he couldn't cause much damage to Morgana, so he didn't have to delay time.

"I'm afraid he's not going to hang up." Lena turned her head and looked towards Sun Wukong, who is the most powerful in the team, and asked: "Great Saint, can you achieve that level, relying on strength alone Meet force with force with Morgana's Demon Hand."

Sun Wukong replied: "It can be possible, but it can only be done with a dozen moves. It is impossible to fight back like this."


(End of this chapter)

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