
  Chapter 294 Roxi

​​"Let me see where is this place?" Roxi looked at the black pressing ahead The crowd, there were constant shouts of exclamation and kācha from the camera.

Looking around, everyone gathered in groups. Because the crowd was too dense, Roxi couldn't see what they were looking at for a while.

"Modern city, but what are so many people doing here? What kind of gathering is it?"

Roxi releases his mental force and sweeps several hundred around him. Everything within meters.

After detection by the mind, Roxi saw one after another dressed up, some strangely incompatible with modern cities, and were constantly posing in various poses for people around him to take pictures. Roxi is familiar with the appearance of some people, but a little strange.

These people dress up like his adventurer during his adventures, but the armor on their bodies is a little too little to protect them at all. And those armors are not made of hard leather or steel, just a piece of plastic, even weapons are Yes.

And Roxi also discovered one thing, that is, women who dress more and more exposed, around The more people gather. Especially those with big breasts, it is almost surrounded by people on the three floors inside and outside the three floors.

The dressing of these women is almost as good as the Priests of the previous War Goddess, almost no dew point.

Roxi asked, "Xiao Ai, what should I do next? I remember that the mission is to go to China to maintain order there and prevent alien invasion."

Xiao Ai : The artificial intelligence specially configured for Hero in this mission. The intelligence is the highest rank, human level. Like human beings, they can think and learn independently.

At the same time, in order to prevent the artificial intelligence from being invaded by the enemy, the body of the artificial intelligence adopts the intelligent compound type. That is, artificial intelligence has a trace of soul, and is no longer a mere string of codes. This technology was originally developed by those machine civilizations in the world to absorb higher dimension energy. The advantage is that even if the other party’s technology in the computer field is advanced, it will be difficult to change the underlying logic of artificial intelligence.

Because the underlying logic of this kind of human-level artificial intelligence is written in the soul, unless they even invade the Spirit Physique of artificial intelligence. However, this kind of artificial intelligence also has a disadvantage, that is, artificial intelligence is prone to emotions, which may not be like humans, but at least they have desires.

At present, Great Xia has not many high-rank artificial intelligences, no more than one hand. At the same time, since the birth time is a bit short, most of them only show curiosity.

[Master Roxi, your mission is to maintain the order of China. Next, Xiao Ai will re-narrate the content of the mission for you: to ensure that China's basic social order is basically operating, you can regard it as the law is still in effect, and you must go to jail for murder and disrupt the social order, and you will be arrested. ]

[Hint, according to the indicators given by the superiors, Lord Hero can contact Huaxia officials according to the actual situation, give them assistance and help them tide over the difficulties, so as to maintain Huaxia order. You can also hide it and wait for the enemy to invade before taking action. ]

[Master Hero, your mission is to maintain order in the China region. This is the primary goal. What you need to maintain is order. 】

This is the special intelligence of Great Xia, after careful consideration, combined with the system to give the command of intelligence and mission content. The first is to maintain Earth order, which is actually not difficult, as long as defeating those alien battleships was enough.

The difficulty lies in the allocation of manpower, because the teleportation gate cannot be opened and the ID card has to be forged. Great Xia cannot invest a lot of troops in this world, and can only invest one after another high class individuals continuously.

These high class individuals are obviously not enough to maintain the order of the entire planet, so careful consideration should be given to the deployment of troops.

As for the main battlefield of China, where the most forces and the most intense battles are gathered, the strongest Hero is in charge, and the trailblazers and some high class individuals who are recruited are in charge in other places.

It is not difficult to maintain Earth’s order in the early stage with only one gluttonous civilization.

Roxi said: "That is to say, as long as the society is not chaotic, even if the local government is gone, it’s okay?"

[Yes, but the government is a tool to manage society and the cornerstone of social order. The disappearance of the government will inevitably cause huge turmoil, and social order also needs to be maintained by the government, so Xiao Ai suggested that Lord Hero protect the local government as much as possible. 】

"so that's how it is, since Xiao Ai helps me plan, I want to choose a hidden route." Roxi said, she is more inclined to hide in the dark than contact with the local government.

Cooperating with the local government can indeed increase the completion rate of the mission and make the fastest response to various emergencies. But this is the state after the two parties have fully reached a consensus, and all kinds of wrangling before reaching cooperation require technology.

Roxi is not good at this, and is not interested in thinking about how to contact the other party, how to make the other party believe in herself... This is too troublesome, and it will affect her mission.

Besides, I can hide myself, have some leisure time, and see the customs of other places as a vacation.

As Xiao Ai said, her mission is to maintain order, not to maintain the government. Besides, they don't need to maintain it on their own, they only need to defeat the enemy, and they can naturally continue to exist.

This is when Roxi suddenly felt that a line of sight was focused on him, please take a palm and a voice came from behind him.

"Miss, which role are you in the coser? I think the props on your body are so real. It should have cost a lot of money? Can I shoot..."

Roxi turned his head and saw a slightly fat man wearing a black jacket and holding a camera. And the man was stunned when Roxi turned his head, because it was so cute. Although the attractiveness of this girl could not be said, he had seen the most beautiful, but it gave him a perfect feeling.

"What's the matter?" Roxi asked suspiciously.

The man's lips squirmed a few times, and then loudly shouted: "Too...so cute!"

The man's voice was so loud that it instantly suppressed the noise around him. It made everyone subconsciously turn their heads to look at the source of the sound. And after turning his head, seeing everyone in Roxi's expressions was more or less stunned.

"What's the card?" Roxi looked puzzled. She thought this man might be a fool and couldn't even speak clearly.

[Master Roxi, not all places use the Great Xia language, the man uses a language called Japanese] Xiao Ai reminded the artificial intelligence.

[There are Japanese data in the database, whether to start simultaneous interpretation. ]

Roxi said: "Uh, forget it, you can directly locate the location of Huaxia."

[Received, start accessing the surrounding network and search for Huaxia’s location]

At this time everyone around has been attracted by Roxi, all the photographers have left the one after another artistic little elder sister, even those little elder sisters can’t help it. Move to Roxi's side.

Roxi is indeed beautiful, but her beauty is not the kind of coquettish that can charm all living beings, but makes people feel the sun and peace of mind. These people are actually attracted by Roxi's temperament, to be precise, attracted by the breath of higher-level beings.

Switch to other high class individuals, and the imposing manner on your body can definitely allow the ordinary person to a strategic withdrawal. But Roxi is different. Her aura usually doesn't have the oppressiveness of other powerhouses, but makes people feel at ease and warm.

Roxi looked at the densely packed people around him, slightly frowned, trying to disperse them, but he was afraid of hurting them at such a close distance.

Roxi made a light leap, and his figure floated directly to in midair. Everyone was completely stunned at this moment.

"Fly... I'm flying!"

"Superpower user!"

Everyone looked at the sky with a dull expression on the red girl, so in the future Some photographers quickly came back to his senses, raising their cameras and shooting wildly.

However, what they regret is that the armor worn by this girl is not like that of the beautiful young Dame in the anime. Underneath is a skirt, you can see the kind of **. It's the 800-year-old silver white combat armor, and most of the deadly parts of the body are tightly wrapped.

[The location of Huaxia has been located, please fly according to this direction and expect to arrive in 3 minutes at the speed of Lord Hero. It is recommended that Lord Hero fly at high altitude to prevent hitting obstacles or causing damage to the city. 】

【May be subject to missile defense attacks from surrounding countries. Please Master Hero be prepared for explosive attacks at any time. 】

"Then set off for Huaxia!"

The next moment Hero’s figure turned into a meteor, flying fast in the direction of Huaxia, a fiery-red Meteors crossed the prosperous Tokyo. In this prosperous city, everyone looked up subconsciously and saw the afterimage left by fiery-red meteors in the sky. .

The first reaction of most people is not surprise or fright. Instead, they take out their mobile phones to take pictures, then exclaim, and finally send out a circle of friends.

The Amerika military base stationed in Japan quickly detected this meteor in the sky, because the energy it emits is too large, almost like a nuclear explosion.

At first, the US military base thought that Japan was hit by an atomic bomb, but they did not see any white light or mushroom clouds.

Although they detected the meteor, they did not make any response. It's not that they don't want to react, but that they don't even have time to react. Because Japan is so small, the meteor flew out of Japan in an instant.

Now they can still use the base in South Korea to detect the meteor, but the meteor is too fast. It is expected that it will enter the China Southern Sea in less than half a minute.

This incident instantly blasted the entire Japanese network in just a few minutes. It’s not how fast the information is transmitted in Japan, but the meteors are too eye-catching, half of it. Japan has noticed this dazzling red meteor.

By the way, the Japanese government learned about this through Internet Moments......


China, Southern Sea, Juxia.

[Warning, a high-energy object is attacking us. 】

Du Kao, who is checking the training progress of the male soldier company, puts down the data in his hand ordered: "Immediately dispatch reconnaissance satellites to shoot high-energy objects."

"Received, start dispatching reconnaissance satellites." , Shooting the location of the energy response.” The command staff began to lower their heads to override their own computer, preparing to drop the money and the satellite shooting the location of the energy response.

"Wait, the high-energy object is flying very fast. It is already less than fifty nautical miles away from us, and forty nautical miles away from here. If you can't, you will reach us right away!"


"What?!" Ducao quickly ordered: "Let all the male soldiers on the deck, ready for battle at any time!"

Ducao didn't know what this high-energy object was. Something, but the diameter is flying towards them, indicating that the target is most likely the Juxia.

Du Kao suddenly became a little confused. This series of changes was so fast that he didn't even have time to think.

What's going on here, a mysterious powerhouse just appeared yesterday, and another one today.

Du Kao suddenly felt that the current situation has completely exceeded his expectations. He originally thought that Earth was completely chaotic, at least waiting for the gluttonous civilization to come to Earth. In this way, all influence will be detonated, and Earth will become the battlefield of angel, demon, blazing sun, Netherworld River...all influence.

But now the gluttonous civilization has not yet arrived. The two peak forces, angels and demon, have appeared in Earth one after another, and some powerhouses that he doesn't even know have emerged from behind.

"Let the company prepare for battle, I will meet this mysterious person."

Anyway, since the opponent did not directly attack, but landed on the deck, no Do any aggressive behavior. This shows that the opponent is not hostile, at least at this stage he has no tendency to attack China.

Besides, since the other party is willing to come to the Juxia, it means that the other party has something to talk to them.


On the deck of the Juxia, a red-haired girl wearing silver armor and holding a holy sword stood quietly on the deck. The young girl all around one after another fully armed soldier holding a gun, looking at the young girl with a vigilant face.

Although this girl looks very cute and Koro loves, and the special temperament on her body makes them feel an inexplicable peace and warmth. But this did not let the soldiers relax their vigilance, because they knew that although the girl seemed harmless to humans and animals, no one could stop her anger.

the next moment The soldiers put down their guns at the same time and no longer aimed at the girl who suddenly appeared on the deck of the Juxia. Because they have received an order from their superiors, they don't need to raise their guns.

Roxi ignored the actions of the surrounding soldiers. These guns couldn't even touch her hair, and they couldn't even count as tickles.

[Master Roxi, what are you doing? Is it to be in contact with Huaxia officials? If this is the case, do you want to change the plan? 】

With Xiao Ai’s intelligence, I am a little puzzled about Roxi’s behavior. Coming to Juxia is obviously in conflict with the plan that made it customized.

Roxi said: "Not for the time being."

[Then Lord Roxi, what do you want to do here? Do you want to contact Huaxia officials? 】

"Yes, not Yes. Coming to the Juxia ship is a temporary decision I made, because I feel that there is something on the aircraft carrier, which may be an opportunity for me to become stronger." Roxi replied.

At first, she was also preparing to rush all the way to Juxia, but when approaching the aircraft carrier fleet, she felt a special atmosphere in the aircraft carrier.

This breath is very special, and it makes Roxi feel like facing the sun. But compared to Sun's grandeur, this breath is a bit weak.

[Master Roxi, is what you said is true? ]

"I don't know this, but my instinct tells me that it will at least help me at the current stage of breakthrough."

[Start to change the importance of mission, first The goal began to change, and Lord Roxi's breakthrough key was temporarily higher than the Earth order. 】

The artificial intelligence immediately realized the importance of Roxi's action, which involves the birth of Great Xia's first seventh rank battle strength, even if it is only possible, it is higher than the Earth order.

One minute later, Roxi saw a middle-aged man in a light green military uniform leading a group of people in black armor walking towards him.

[According to the database, the leader is Du Kao, the current general of Huaxia, Highest Commander of Xiongbing Company. The rest are the members of the Xiongbing Company: Sun Wukong, Lena, Ge Xiaolun, Du Qiangwei, Zhao Xin...]

[Among them, Lena poses the greatest threat to you, and might lose control of her power and create a permanent planetary. grade explosion. 】

(End of this chapter)

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