
  Chapter 3 Entering another world

Following Li Anguo’s proposal, everyone calmed down. The officers looked at each other, and the air was instantly filled with medicinal smell.

"No no no, I think the 2nd Military District, which is the strongest in our field, is more suitable." 2nd Military District senior officer Cao Zimo objected.

"I think our 5th Military District is more suitable."

"Why do you join the navy?"

"What happened? The navy can't participate What if the opposite side is full of sea?"

"Hehe, after preliminary investigation, the information shows that there is a dense forest near the teleportation gate." The other admiral glared at the shameless guy, he Thinking of eating peaches.

"I think our 8th Military District is more suitable, you peasants don't fight."

The medicinal smell became stronger and stronger, and the nine officers began to stare at each other, even if not Xia Xuan stopped in time, and these nine 50-60 year old grandpas have all begun to stage the Martial Battle Convention for the middle-aged and elderly people.

Finally, after several rounds of discussions, it was decided that the twenty best soldiers from each military district should be selected to form a special unit.

Used to inquire about the intelligence of New World, and prepare for the future military stationing.

"Since the exploration mission has been finalized, where should the passage be opened?"

The people who had already calmed down were suddenly said by Li Zhigou, directly in the great hall Fry the pan.

"I think our East Sea Province is the most suitable. There are many ports in Eastern Sea, which is conducive to the transportation of materials."

"Fart! The transportation of materials is a late stage of development. Now, the early stage is mainly about exploration. And how can you hide the Space channel when there are so many people on your side?"


"I think Imperial Capital"

"get lost!"

The discussion this time was even more intense than the last time. Even 38 congressmen began to join the robbery, trying to open the channel in the state under their jurisdiction.

In the end, the 1st Military District, located in the Azure Cloud Plateau, the center of Eastern Xia Empire, won, because the area is sparsely populated, and no matter how much trouble it makes, it will not be investigated by other countries. Li Anguo was appointed as the military development project Head Chief.

After the discussion, they signed a non-disclosure agreement, and then left the Imperial Palace by car.

So the craziest plan ever was born!

On a black car with a special license plate number, Li Anguo recalled the meeting and the plan just now, muttered to oneself: "The ridiculous power struggle between parliament, cabinet and capital should also be It's over."

On the second day, Eastern Xia Empire Nine Great Military Districts also held special forces military exercises. This military exercise is different from traditional military exercises. This time it only tests individual abilities, as if to select the strongest soldier.

This wave of Eastern Xia Empire operations directly confuses the countries of the world, and only tests the soldiers' personal combat capabilities? Just kidding, in the face of various airplanes, cannons and missile bombardment, the role of individual soldiers' combat capabilities is particularly small.

Modern warfare pays attention to the coordination of sea, land and air trinity. Where are you doing this?

For a time, the military exercises of Eastern Xia Empire made the headlines of all countries in the world, even the befuddled entertainment-oriented Thale Country is no exception.

Even some "Deceitful Xia" media have started their traditional skills again, screaming "Eastern Xia Empire is confused and can't do it anymore."

Four days later, no major military exercises Paying attention to outside voices, it was still held in full swing, and even some military districts had reached the finals.

As the competition continues, the whole world has become increasingly unable to understand what Eastern Xia Empire is making? It took such a huge amount of manpower and material resources to hold this useless military exercise.

There have been some doubts even in China. After all, soldiers’ personal combat capability has a limit, no matter how strong it is. The country’s going to a lot of trouble to conduct this military exercise can neither deter other countries nor can it be. Exercise the combat capability of the army.

This is all our taxpayers' money!

Just when everyone watched Eastern Xia Empire's bewildering behavior like a monkey, a gossip suddenly swept the entire network.

Peak scientists from various fields in Eastern Xia Empire all secretly participated in a secret plan with three trillion funds!

This is incredible, what is the concept of three trillion? The Western Mainland Alliance has fought the oil war for ten years, which is only this number. The GDP of Eastern Xia Empire last year was 5 trillion!

The whole world began to verify the authenticity of the matter. This verification found that the peak scientist of Eastern Xia Empire really disappeared and disappeared in just a few days!

According to the gossip, the family members of certain scientists revealed that they were all participating in a plan.

Then someone connected the Eastern Xia Empire's nerve-racking military exercise with the Ultimate Soldier plan two years ago.

Even the Eastern Xia Empire Finance Department also stood up to answer citizens’ questions, saying that it was for a certain plan, not a waste of taxpayers’ money.

At this moment, it seems that everything has become clear. Military exercises select the strongest soldiers, and then equip them with the Ultimate Soldier outer skeleton armor that Eastern Xia Empire may have developed!

The world suddenly became nervous again. If the Ultimate Soldier plan of Eastern Xia Empire is successfully developed, there will be a group of super-class soldiers jumping up and down and hand-lifting tanks on the modern battlefield!

In this way, countries think of First, Second World War. During the First World War, the hanging man relied on himself to be the first to develop a flintlock gun that didn't need to be burned to ignite the gunpowder by burning a arquebus, and then rubbed them on the ground.

After they slowed down, Eastern Xia Empire developed a semi-automatic rifle, the world war started again, and they were rubbed on the ground again.

The most nervous thing now is the small countries around Eastern Xia Empire. Over the years, under the instruction of the other five major countries, they have fired off a few words with Eastern Xia Empire from time to time. If the Eastern Xia Empire study is really successful, no one can save them, and their father country will be powerless to defend himself.

After 80 years, a new arms race has begun again.

Today, Western Mainland Alliance and Southern Yang Country announced their cooperation to jointly launch a 3 trillion foreign skeleton armor plan.

Then I made a point with Eastern Xia Empire, calling for peace in the world, everyone should calm down and sit down and talk about something.

Heaven's Watchtower.

Li Zhigou couldn't help showing a smile when he looked at the Internet with mixed speculations about Eastern Xia Empire's actions. Especially Western Mainland Alliance and Southern Yang Country, these two fools were fooled by the information they released, and they laughed wildly in their hearts.

Of course, the two messages their spies got are true, but there is a bit by bit deviation.

Eastern Xia Empire's mechanical outer skeleton armor is not almost successfully developed, but has been developed successfully, and even more than 500 sets of Ultimate Soldier mechanical outer skeleton armor have been manufactured! The peak scientists did participate in the secret plan, but not to study external skeleton armor.

All kinds of news on the Internet are released by Eastern Xia. No matter how the countries in the world check it, only one answer will be obtained. These all are true. Release a lot of real information just to cover up the development project.

The most important thing is to find a reason for the manpower and material resources of the development project. After all, such a huge capital transfer is impossible to find.

1st Military District underground, Development Project Base.

This was originally a refuge for nuclear war during the Third World War, but in the end the nuclear war did not break out, and it finally came in handy today.

An armored car drove in slowly, and inside it was the winner of the 5th Military District.

"You said, are we going to test the skeleton armor/mecha outside the machine?" a soldier asked his companion excitedly.

"It should be."

"I don't think it is that simple. Think about it. If every top 20 military district comes here now, there will be 180 in total. Soldiers, you don’t need so much even to test outer skeleton armor.” The soldier with a scar on his forehead said, and then pointed to the outside.

"And look at the guards outside, ten-stage post, each of them is fully armed, with an Enforcer 5 machine gun in their hands."

Hearing what was said, Everyone has noticed that something is wrong. The firepower configuration used to guard a base is obviously too high. Not to mention that this base is in the military district, so it shouldn't be able to use such high firepower.

The largest army of Eastern Xia Empire is outside. Are you afraid of being invaded?

As the armored car continued to deepen, they even saw that the guard had been replaced with one after another soldier wearing a mechanical outer skeleton armor.

After the armored car arrived at the destination, the soldiers on the car quickly got out of the car and formed a square formation. The 1st Military District Senior Officer Li Anguo greeted them.

"Stand up!"

dā tà!

The tidy pace sounded.

"Soldiers! Being able to come here shows that you are the elite of the elite. It is not an exaggeration to call the soldier king. Next, you will perform a mission with a possible mortality rate of up to 50%. During the mission, You will become a dead person, and your household registration will be cleared, even without your name. It’s too late to withdraw now!"

Li Anguo's sharp gaze swept over 20 soldiers, but no soldier stood up to ask for it. quit.

Then the soldiers beside him handed the confidentiality agreement to the 20 soldiers.

"This is your last chance. It is too late to regret."

The 20 soldiers present did not hesitate to sign their names. They were already in the army. Swear to dedicate everything you have to the country.

"Very well, I am proud of you. Now you are a dead person, forget your original name. You are now a glorious pioneer!"

dā tà !

The neat pace sounded, and the soldiers right hand clenched their fists and punched them to the heart.



An hour later, 20 Trailblazers put on a set of black mechanical outer skeleton armor, and the firepower on their bodies was astounding.

Commando x10: Pioneer Rifle × 1, grenade × 5, small ammunition box × 1.

Sniper x5: Pioneer Sniper ×1, Mini Submachine Gun ×1, and small ammunition box ×1.

Logistics Soldier x5: Mini Submachine Gun ×1, Heaven's Eye Rocket Launcher ×1, and large supply box ×1.

Pioneer-001 looked at this equipment and said: "With this equipment, I think we can give the country of flowers to us alone."

Now Their load is extremely horrible. The lightest Commando alone has a load of nearly 150kg, and the heaviest Logistics Soldier even reaches a load of 300kg.

"Surely this thing is not a cannon?" Pioneer-011 said as he looked at the two-meter-long sniper rifle behind him.

"I don't know if I can penetrate the main battle tank."

[Blazers, please get to the passage quickly]

"Let's go."

The pioneers followed the instructions given by the tactical helmet to a huge open field, where hundreds of researchers wearing a white coat were busy.

"Is this the channel?!"

When the pioneers saw the true face of the channel, they couldn't help being stunned. There was an oval Space crack about three meter tall.

At this time, Li Anguo came from a distance and said: "Your mission is to enter the passage to the other world, and keep going in the direction where the sun fell for three days to explore whether there is civilization."


Although they have a lot of doubts now, they don't ask why, only what mission is. They are the best and most loyal soldiers selected, just like the slogan of the development project—

I would like to dedicate everything to the revival of Eastern Xia!

Twenty pioneers stepped into the passage in an orderly manner without any hesitation, and disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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