
  Chapter 50 Survival or Destruction (3000 words, please recommend)

Supreme God uses prophecy to After a complete deduction of a weapon called a firearm, he didn't get the information he wanted, only came to such a conclusion.

Such weapons must use certain tools if they want to mass-produce.

It seems that it’s impossible for Dwarf to imitate Eastern Xia Empire’s route. It is impossible to surpass Eastern Xia Empire in a short time. It may not even wait for them to form a complete system of this weapon, Dwarf has been destroyed by Eastern Xia Empire. Not to mention that the points required for this kind of wish are absolutely very much, not worth it.

Supreme God rejected the idea just now and looked towards the red planet below, the planet formed by the Sun God'legacy'.

It seems that the progress of Elemental civilization must be accelerated.

Not only is the chaos side thinking of cultivating civilization in other planets, the order side also prepares its own back-hand in other planets. It's just that the planets chosen by both parties are different. The chaos side chose the Green Star transformed by the Death God legacy, and the order side chose the Red Star transformed by the Sun God'legacy'.

The red star may be due to the Sun God'legacy', so there are volcanoes everywhere on the planet, and the fire element magic power is extremely abundant.

These conditions also make this planet not have a normal race, all of them are Fire System monsters and all kinds of Fire Elemental. Individuals of these races are very powerful, and even two have reached the pseudo-God Rank. If it weren't for the current world, it would be difficult to obtain positions, they should have been fire department Gods before.

These races are good everywhere, but most of them have very violent temperaments. Although not as crazy as the monsters made by Chaos Side, it is also difficult to get along with the same kind. Most of them, like tigers, rarely live in groups except for the breeding period.

“Eastern Xia Empire ”

At the same time, 10 kilometers away from No. 0 Base, an unexplored mountain in an unexplored area, there is already a five-meter-wide The cement road, breaking open the primitive forest, connects this rocky mountain.

This strange rocky mountain is full of countless dark caves, where a group of Earth System monsters called stone shells originally lived. However, it was extinct under the attack of Eastern Xia Empire's neurological poison qi three days ago.

Of course Eastern Xia Empire also caught ten pairs of one male and one female stone shell in advance and sent it back to the research department as a sample.

More than a dozen huge ore excavators have dug a huge pit in the middle of this rocky mountain.

Tons after ton of black ore are screened out and sent to trucks, and then trucks are transported back to No. 0 Base 10 kilometers away for refining and processing.

These black ore is called magic iron ore, which has excellent magic power conductivity. In ancient times, it was the basic material of human runes technology, the iron ore of equivalent to technology civilization.

Most magic iron ore exists deep underground, and only a small part appears on the surface. The Eastern Xia Empire detection team spent a month and only found such a place. Most of the others are iron ore, copper ore, and silver ore commonly found in the world.


A huge black rock was dug down directly by an excavator, and a stone shell hidden in the rock was also dug out.

Even if it was dug out, this stone shell still has no movement. It has long since died, under the neurotoxin of Eastern Xia Empire.

After occupying Impasse Canyon and Desolate River City, Eastern Xia Empire began to frantically build various infrastructures, such as roads and railways. Plundering various ore resources of the other world, transporting hundreds of tons of ore originally in Cloud Star back to Eastern Xia to feed back the empire.

And some magic ores like magic iron ore and elemental crystals are all used to make Ultimate Soldier plan-Magic Armor.

At the same time, these railways and roads are also prepared for the future occupation of the order side. The only thing to do now is how to flick the order Ten Countries so that they agree to the Eastern Xia Empire to build roads in their country, and even Let them willingly send Mage to assist in the construction.

After more than ten days, the order side Ten Countries Envoy who received the invitation finally arrived at No. 1 Base.

Envoy from various countries sat in the reception hall, and everyone's expressions were very disturbed. Even the strongest Victoria Elf kingdom is the same, and Graceland Kingdom Envoy, who has surrendered in advance, has a relatively calm face.

Sitting on this soft and comfortable black stool did not give them a sense of comfort. On the contrary, as time went by, they did not see the representative of Eastern Xia Empire appear, and their mood became more and more nervous, every second Zhong is suffering for them.

I have seen the explosion destroying the heavens and extinguishing the earth ten days ago, and Desolate River City, which was blown up to the city wall. The strength of the Eastern Xia Empire flying army made them feel terrified. Ten Countries did not think they had the means to attack the steel monster above ten thousand zhang high.

The ten kings even feel that chaos side and order side are now united, and at most they are struggling in front of this alchemy empire. After all, judging from their alchemy weapon with large formidable power and wide range, Eastern Xia Empire is least afraid of group fights.

Although the ten kings on the order side were banned from thinking by Gods, this is only for goblin. But they are not stupid, or as long as they are not involved in goblin, they will not appear to be mentally degrading. One is smarter than the other, and I just confirmed the accuracy of the information, without any hesitation, immediately sent Envoy to show his favor.

In fact, the situation is worse than the Ten Kings imagined. Ten days ago, the reconnaissance plane had recorded the locations of all major cities in the Ten Countries in the entire order.

These cities have been locked by the Eastern Xia Empire’s nuclear weapons. With a single order, hundreds of neutron bombs will be launched into the sky, completely erasing these cities from the world.

The successful establishment of Eastern Xia Empire, No. 1 Base, already holds the order of Ten Countries in the palm of the hand. The survival of Ten Countries is only in the mind of the empire.

"Sorry, let everyone wait a long time." A blond middle-aged man wearing a black officer's uniform walked in, spoke fluent common language, and said: "I am the diplomacy of Eastern Xia Empire Officer, you can understand that I am a person who specializes in bilateral or multilateral negotiations with other countries on behalf of the empire."

Seeing the middle-aged man, Envoy of Ten Countries is all sighed in relief, they are most afraid The thing is that Eastern Xia Empire does not want to see them.

Ross Saxell came to the main seat and sat down, smiling and introduced himself: "My last name is Ross and my name is Saxell. Don’t you think it’s weird, why is my first name in front? That’s because of us Eastern Xia His surname is first and his first name is last."

Ross Saxell's chatter made Envoys who were already tense-faced relax, and suddenly felt that Eastern Xia Empire didn't seem to be that difficult to get along with.

"hahaha, so that's how it is."

"In fact, this name is pretty good, I will try it when I go back."

" That's right."

All Envoy smiled and agreed, and the scene instantly became harmonious.

"Okay, then let's get back to the topic." Ross Saxell waved his hand to be quiet, and Envoy immediately quietened down and assumed a listening posture.

"The empire already knows where you came," Ross Saxell put his hands on his chin, still with a faint smile on his face, "the empire is also willing to live with you in peace."

As soon as these words came out, all Envoy smiled with surprise. They didn't expect to say nothing and pay no benefits. It was so simple in exchange for peace.

"Thank you for the kindness of the empire."

"Sure enough, humans are still the kindest and gentlest race."

However, Ross Saxell's next sentence made all Envoy's The smile froze.

"But Ten Countries must become the Subsidiary Country of the Empire."

At this time, Ross Saxell's smile made them feel chills.

"Impossible!" Dwarf Country's Envoy took the lead to stand up.

"Yes, this condition is too harsh."

"We can cede the land to Eastern Xia Empire, but the request to become the Subsidiary Country of Eastern Xia Empire, please allow me to refuse."

Following Dwarf Envoy's statement, other Envoys also expressed that they could not accept this request.

Ross Saxell waited for them to finish, his smile did not change at all, and his tone was lightly opened the mouth and said: "I hope you don’t make a mistake. Now the Empire is not negotiating with you, and you don’t have this either. Qualifications and the empire to negotiate terms."

"We Eastern Xia has a saying that the weak have no choice, even if they have the kindness of the powerhouse. Now the empire has demonstrated the kindness of being a powerhouse, giving It’s your choice, don’t be unsatisfied."

"You choose to survive or destroy."

This sentence hit all Envoy’s hearts hard, and they slowly He moved back to the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, and his face was very pale.

The scene fell silent again.

This is Eastern Xia, the Eastern Xia of the inner saint and outer king!

"Of course as long as joining the empire, it is not without benefits." Ross Saxell passed the information in his hand to the soldiers next to him, instructed: "Send to them."

"Yes . "

After a while, the soldiers handed out the information to all Envoys, and the Envoys picked up the a4 paper on the table.

It's so white and exquisite paper, it feels so soft to the touch.

When Envoy lamented the superb papermaking craftsmanship of Eastern Xia Empire, their hearts became more and more desperate.

Dwarf forever unyielding service!

Dwarf Envoy settled down, his expression became extremely firm, even if Eastern Xia Empire gave the benefits no matter how rich, he would not agree to it!

I picked up an A4 paper and looked at the content written in common language.

【Eastern Xia Empire will provide Subsidiary Country with 1,000 tons of grain, 5 tons of fabric, 50 tons of beautiful sprinkles, 10,000 high-quality long swords, and 2,000 armors every year. 】

Seeing the first line, all Envoy clenched the blank paper in their hands, they looked at the content over and over again in disbelief.

This is too much! Can cloth and wine be counted in tons? !

Ross Saxell looked at their expressions, and his smile grew thicker. Even if these things are given ten times more, for Eastern Xia, it is not even one hair from nine oxen. Food alone, Eastern Xia's total annual output of food is as high as 812 million tons.

Eastern Xia Empire's big stick and carrots just knocked them stupid, because there are too many!

I finally reacted from the busyness at the beginning of school, and I will gradually add updates later, and try to return to 4000 daily.

(End of this chapter)

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