
  Chapter 63 Successfully developed Magic Armor 1.0 (4000, please recommend)

Every time a creature is killed, The full attribute is increased by 0.1%, that is to say, 10 creatures can be increased by 10 times for all attributes, 100 is 100 times, 1 million is 1000 times, and it can be stacked infinitely.

10,000 goblins can make me strengthen ten times, 100 goblin can make me strengthen 100 times, and the most important thing is that this strengthening is all attribute! In other words, strength, speed, defense, soul, etc. can all be strengthened.

For example, when Xia Xuan becomes Grand Mage, the body is also protected by magic power to a certain extent. The power of the right hand alone has reached 300kg. If this power is strengthened 100 times, Xia Xuan's right hand power will be as high as 30 tons!

I just don’t know how to determine this killing creature. If I don’t restrict any methods and weapons, then I can directly use nuclear warhead, cloud explosive bombs, thermobaric bombs and other large-scale killing weapons to kill 1,000 Thousands of creatures are a matter of minutes.

At this time, a voice interrupted Xia Xuan’s thoughts: "Your Majesty?"

The status of Xia Xuan just now caught everyone’s attention. At that time, Your Majesty was like this.

Xia Xuan came back to his senses and saw the inquiring glances from the people around him, and said: "New World's information has been confirmed."

Hearing what was said, everyone talks to each other Glancing at each other, they don't know how to admire this System anymore. Not only helped Eastern Xia Empire open the door and adapt to the environment, but now it can also inquire about intelligence.

"This time I also got a piece of information called "Akame ga Kill"." Xia Xuan began to narrate the general information of this animation, even if there is no picture given by System, he is concerned about this The animation is still very profound. Back then, his friend introduced him to him and said that this series is very healing and loving, and then

almost didn't make him depressed!

The female lead in it looks like no money, one dies every two or three episodes, and only the leader and Akame survive in the end. But the leader has survived in a few years, and Akame has been hunted down.

Because it only talked about some important situations, such as Teigu, empire's circumstances, Danger Beast, so Xia Xuan only took 3 minutes to finish.

"This country is simply tailor-made for my Eastern Xia assimilation. The upper class is very extravagant and the bottom people live while it would be better to die. The people don’t have the slightest sense of identity with this country and nation. "Military Chief Li Anguo smiled. "The only thing we have to consider now is how to swallow this country."

To be more ugly, he is very satisfied with the situation in this country. Now as long as the expansion of the teleportation gate is completed, the Eastern Xia Empire’s army Captain drove straight in and directly pushed the country. There is no need to consider national identity, national identity, or hatred at all, so as to avoid increasing the difficulty of assimilation. As long as it can swallow this country and carry out cultural transformation, I believe it can be completely assimilated in more than ten years.

Other Chiefs also agree that nodded, the second world is much better than the first world. There is no Gods in this world, this kind of power is attributed to its own lifeform, and there is no conceptual interference with the world like destiny. In this world Eastern Xia Empire, you don't need to worry about anything, just push it horizontally and it's done.

"No, this world is not as weak as it seems." Xia Xuan briefly shook the head. "There is a dragon in this world."

In the original work, the wire thread Teigu has a [Realm-Cutting Thread], this Realm-Cutting Thread uses a body that is very similar to the Azure Dragon Danger Beast hair made.

Dragon? The current Goblin Slayer world also has dragons, and most of them have reached Class 5 in strength. This creature is huge, its speed cannot reach more than 300km per hour, and it does not know Space magic. It is simply a dish in front of modern fighters. Now there is a Fire Dragon corpse stored in the base.

Seeing their puzzled gaze, Xia Xuan looked up towards the huge golden dragon flag on the ceiling and said: "It is most likely the Great Azure Dragon."


Hearing what was said, everyone’s pupil shrink, their mouths slightly open.

Dragon, for Great Xia, has a profound meaning. According to historical records, the appearance of the dragon of Great Xia dates back to Great Xia Calender 0001. At that time, Ancestor Xia led the Great Xia people out of the tribal era to establish a city-state Totem.

Dragon represents the beginning of Great Xia language Ming, supreme, sacred and inviolable!

In the eastern mainland and southern mainland, that is, the Great Xia language world, the national flags or national emblems of all countries are related to dragons. This symbolizes that their monarch is the Great Xia Human Emperor, and it also symbolizes that they are the Great Xia People.

"Your Majesty, is this true?" Military Chief Li Anguo flushed with excitement, and even the words stuttered.

The same goes for others, after all, Great Azure Dragon is so special for Great Xia!

"It's hard to describe clearly in words. I now ask System if it can transfer the image in my mind." After talking about Xia Xuan, he leaned against the back of the chair and closed his eyes to switch the angle of view. Go to Second Body.

dāng dāng dāng!

Esdeath and System waved the weapons in their hands. The ice sword and long sword were swung out numerous afterimages, hitting no fewer than ten times per second.

As the battle continues, Esdeath's injuries are getting heavier, but the more she goes like this, the more excited she is!

Ah~ this is the feeling, only in this way is called fighting! It's called tearing!

The magic power reserve has been consumed 70%, and the attack frequency has been reduced to absorb energy.

System's attack frequency slowed down, so that Esdeath, who had been defending, began to have a chance to counterattack.

"Why, can't it hold on anymore?" Esdeath mocked said with a smile, "What a useless man."

System did not answer, black eyes are still so Extremely indifferent, without any emotions. The magic power surges wildly. Since it cannot be brought back to the Host alive, it will be brought to death!

[Space Flicker]

The silhouette of the System disappeared in place, and dozens of blade dao light fell on Esdeath. This time, it was not the back of the knife but the blade that was aimed at her!

"Heh, that's how it feels."

The struggle of life and death keeps pushing Esdeath forward, giving her a deeper understanding of ice. Following the inner feeling, Esdeath folded his hands on his chest, the red mark on his chest glowed slightly, and a light blue ball appeared.

"Everything in the world will freeze in front of me, Mahapdma!"

The light blue sphere instantly expanded, and everything in the world turned into light blue. The falling snow in the sky stopped falling, and the soldiers fleeing in the distance froze in place. At this moment, everything in the world stopped moving.

[Affected by special laws, start to analyze. 】

System's figure is also frozen in midair, holding a long knife, motionless.

"This is the first time I have used this trick. Didn't expect demon's quenching to freeze time. I had a lot of fun." Esdeath raised the ice sword in his hand and pointed it at in midair Black hair man. "But in the end I won."


The ice sword directly penetrated the head of Second Body, and then Esdeath's [Mahapdma] also lost its effect, and the world returned again. The original color.

Snowflakes continued to fall, and everything in the world moved again. System also fell from in midair, and blood flowed from the wound on the head.

"Although I don't know your name, I will always remember you. After all, this is the first time someone forced me to this point." Esdeath looked deeply on the corpse on the ground, and then turned away go with.

【advanced magic Life Return 】

A green light appeared on the head of Second Body, and the huge wound healed quickly. A wound of this degree would have died long ago if it were replaced by a normal creature. But the Second Body controlled by the System is different. As long as the Second Body still has magic power and has not been dismantled, the System can be resurrected.

[magic power reserve 10% remaining]

[Space Flicker]

the next moment, the Second Body lying on the ground disappeared.


Esdeath used his little power to condense a thick ice wall.


The long knife in System's hand smashed Esdeath's ice wall in one fell swoop, marking a huge wound on her arm.

"You!" Seeing the attacker, Esdeath looked shocked. She had clearly pierced the man's head just now, why did she come back to life again!

System ignored her expression and slowly raised the long knife in his hand. Although this human seems to have lost the ability to resist and can be taken back alive, System is not sure how many times she can use the move just now. Taking it back alive to the Host is too risky, it's still a safe point to die.

"Hehe, it seems that I lost." Esdeath smiled relievedly, then closed his eyes and calmly accepted his death.

This is the fate of the weak.

Esdeath, we are very embarrassed. We are too weak, so we lost. You must live strong, Esdeath

The scene of father before his death appeared in Esdeath's mind. This may be the legendary revolving lantern.

Sorry, father, I am too weak too


[Wait, System don't kill her first. 】

At the crucial moment, System stopped the long knife in his hand. The long knife stayed on Esdeath's white neck, and a few strands of ice blue hair fell to the ground. The blade had already cut through the skin, and a few drops of blood flowed down the blade.

[Host, do you want to bring this human back? 】From System's point of view, just now Host stopped it out loud, it should be very interested in this human being.

Xia Xuan saw the unrecognizable Esdeath from the perspective of System. If it weren't for her iconic long ice blue hair and white military uniform, Xia Xuan would almost not recognize her.

【Don’t bring back, she can’t die at this time. 】

Now Eastern Xia needs Esdeath to support this country that is about to collapse, to buy time for Eastern Xia Empire and prepare time for Eastern Xia Empire to occupy this country. And now the Space teleportation gate is only three meter tall, two meters wide, not enough for the Eastern Xia Empire army to enter.

If Esdeath dies here now, and the empire loses this invincible general with great commanding ability, this country is likely to be overthrown by the Revolutionary Army and the Northern Army in a short time.

Regardless of this country, there are still many capable talents, but no one can compare with Esdeath when it comes to leading troops to fight. Now this extremely rotten country needs a general who can suppress all rebellions like Esdeath, and then a good minister who can promote change.

From the surface, it is precisely because of the collusion between Esdeath and Prime Minister to deceive the emperor that the current state of this country was created. In fact, it is not. It can be seen from those upper-level personnel who are completely distorted that this country has long been decayed. After all, Prime Minister has only been in power for a few years. No matter how dark he turns the whole country into darkness, it is impossible to distort the psychology of most upper-class nobles in just a few years.

To put it simply, Esdeath takes most of the credit for the survival of this decadent and incompetent country. If it hadn't been for her all these years of conquering and quelling the rebellion, this country would have died long ago.

And only the most powerful house like Esdeath can not be beheaded by the Revolutionary Army. Others sit on it and get cold within a few days.

It is in the interests of Eastern Xia Empire to let Esdeath continue to maintain the rule of this country for the time being.

This country has not been overthrown, Eastern Xia Empire entered the arena to destroy this country, it is savior, it is the Envoy of Justice to liberate the people.

If this country is overthrown by the Revolutionary Army, all people will be liberated and society will be rebuilt. At that time, the re-entry situation is different, Eastern Xia Empire has become an invader. This undoubtedly caused great troubles to the conquest of Eastern Xia Empire.

[Let's go, go to Imperial Capital, open the teleportation gate over there, let the pioneers come in and execute the mission. 】

The System that received the order retracted the long knife, and turned away without the slightest hesitation.

Esdeath, who had been dying with his eyes closed, found that something was wrong, opened his eyes and saw the back of System leaving.

"Asshole!" Esdeath felt that she had been greatly insulted, and System's behavior undoubtedly denied her until now survival.

The weak should die, she lost today, she is the weak and should die, but this guy didn't kill herself!

"Stop for me! What is this, pity me?" Esdeath angrily roared.

System did not even look at Esdeath. A Space Blink left here. Since this human Host is not interested, it is no longer worthy of System to continue to pay attention to her.

System’s ignorance made Esdeath even more angry, saying: "You will regret today's decision! One day I will let you kneel in front of me!"

The Armory, The outer skeleton armor experimental area.

A two-meter-high silver white armor/mecha is placed in the center of the experimental area. Next to the armor/mecha, there are two old men wearing a white coat each holding a carving knife, constantly in the armor/Mycha is inscribed with mysterious runes. There were dozens of researchers and Mage around, watching them nervously.

These two people are An Pingyi Academician and Grand Mage Taylor Joseph.

Following An Pingyi Academician's final cut, he connected the runes on the armor/mecha. The two took two steps back and looked at the armor/mecha nervously.

This is their seventh trial, and almost every time it fails because of an error in the engraved runes line, which causes the magic to collapse.

The runes on the armor/mecha began to emit a faint blue light, and the countless magic engraved on it connected and absorbed the surrounding magic power.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the silver armor/mecha quietly. After a while, Magic Trace did not crash.

An Pingyi and Taylor Joseph just looked at each other, then hugged each other, and everyone cheered excitedly.

"We made it!"

"Haha ah hahahahaha!"

"Very good!"

The second-generation skeleton Armor, Magic Armor 1.0 is successfully developed!

Although there is no way to achieve mass production, Magic Trace needs to be engraved on it by Mage, but everything is difficult at first, at least they have produced the armor/mecha in this theory.

Global Hybrid

(End of this chapter)

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