
  Chapter 90 Positioning yourself

As soon as the video was released, Eastern Xia Empire and Southern Xia Democratic Eighty percent of Republic’s citizens, nearly 1.8 billion people’s eyes are focused on Xia Xuan. If we change to normal times, it is impossible to have so many people watching the Internet at the same time. But now is a special period. The disappearance of the emperor has made the middle and lower classes of Eastern Xia Empire and Southern Xia Democratic Republic panic.

Putting aside the almost fanatical prestige of the Great Xia Emperor in the hearts of the people, from a purely interest point of view, Great Xia language is like a huge pyramid created by Emperor Xia Wen.

This pyramid is divided into three floors: First Layer, the people as the foundation, is the foundation of civilization; Second Layer government, the country’s manager, responsible for the orderly operation of civilization; the only privileged emperor at the top level, Responsible for supervising the government and safeguarding the basic interests of the people at the bottom.

The emperor is like the pillar of the entire civilization, in order to maintain his privileged position. The emperor will strictly balance the all influence, and will not allow a certain force to destroy the balance. In short, as long as there is an emperor in Great Xia, the people will not be sucked and oppressed by the capitalists wantonly like those in the capitalist world.

Whenever a certain force swells to the extreme, delusion is above everything, and stretches out its hand to the people. The emperor will personally leave, tear these forces into countless pieces, and use their corpses to feed back the entire society.

When Xia Xuan took out the teleportation gate, all the leaders of Eastern Xia Empire not only did not have the idea of ​​owning them, but they had an unconditional acknowledge allegiance. The reason for this phenomenon is not how loyal they are. But they are afraid, they are desperate!

in the last ages, countless rebellions, rebellions, and uprisings. Countless forces have succeeded in trying to overthrow the Imperial Family that has ruled Great Xia for thousands of years, but none of them can succeed. Every time when a power is about to succeed, the Xia Clan Emperor suddenly turns on and hangs, like a heavenly aid.

Here comes.

Seeing the announcement, the big capitalists of Eastern Xia Empire and Southern Xia Democratic Republic moved slightly.

At the moment this matter just started, they knew that the Imperial Family was going to use mobile hands to suppress capital again. Except for the big capitalist who served as the perfect congressman in Eastern Xia Empire, all the other capitalists were very puzzled about this matter.

Why did this emperor not do anything, his reputation is so high. Especially the parliament and cabinet of Eastern Xia Empire, they are all licking dogs. Where are they doing this? When did they become so loyal, even the Emperor's Party is not so loyal to them.

Although they are very puzzled, most of the capitalists are prepared to accept the suppression from the emperor this time. As for standing up to resist and defending your own interests?

If they change to normal times, they will definitely stand up and resist and defend their own interests. In modern society, if the emperor wants to suppress capital, at most he will send the capital of the Emperor's Party to end and break their hands with them. They do not boo the Emperor's Party in the battle between capitals.

However, the situation is different now. Big capitalists like them, who control huge social resources, are vaguely aware of the weirdness of Eastern Xia Empire. In the Eastern Xia Empire, the parliament, cabinet, and military are all secretly united with the emperor as the center.

In this case, I stood up and resisted. It was like lighting the lights in the toilet and looking for shit! Of course, some newly advanced capitalists are not ruled out, at this time, they will contradict the imperial power.

[I already know what happened recently, and I am very disappointed with this series of things. ] The majestic voice of Xia Xuan came in clearly, into the ears of more than 1 billion people.

All those who watched this announcement felt tight in their hearts, and then the majestic image of Xia Xuan slowly built up in their hearts.

[Great Xia has attached great importance to law since the tribal era. After the first emperor established the heavenly dynasty, law established its supreme supreme status. With the development of the times, the laws of Great Xia have become more and more perfect. The Emperor Xia gave the law an incomparable enforcement power; Emperor Xia De added a part of the moral concept to the law, making Great Xia Law no longer "dead", and It is'alive'; Emperor Xia Wen takes the initiative to lay down his power and establish a constitutional monarchy, leading law to be supreme in the true sense. 】

[The word law runs through the entire history of Great Xia Calender, because we value law and obey law. Therefore, Great Xia has a stable social environment to develop civilization, rather than being chaotic like other civilizations and affecting the progress of civilization. Although we Great Xia people abide by the law and value the law, there is always no shortage of people who want to be above the law. 】

At this point, Xia Xuan's tone changed from calm to cold suddenly.

[And today, some people forget the consequences of challenging the law, and some people begin to stretch their hands toward the law, delusional to step the law under their feet. ]

[These people breaking the law, I have proposed to the parliament to set up a special investigation team to strictly investigate this incident and let no one be spared. At the same time, I will always supervise this investigation to ensure that the investigation can proceed smoothly, and I must give all Great Xia an explanation. 】

【May Great Xia last forever. 】

The announcement is over, the video disappeared, and everyone’s hearts cannot be calmed for a long time. The people of the middle and lower classes raised their hands to celebrate, celebrating the safety of the emperor, and celebrating that those who break the law will eventually be punished. With excitement and joy, countless people met to take a swig. Tonight, all restaurants and restaurants in Eastern Xia Empire and Southern Xia Democratic Republic are doomed to be unable to calm down.

And the capitalists are happier than the people, from this short announcement that is less than one minute. They read out a message given by the emperor, that is, [I will not go off the court personally this time, but transfer it to the parliament]. This news also shows that there is no room for redemption. As long as you pay a sufficient price and sacrifice the person who has done the most, the emperor will not continue to pursue it.

What they are most afraid of is that the emperor will end in person and break the wrist with them. No, to be precise, the emperor will end in person. It is no longer a wrist breaking at all, but a knife to slaughter pigs.

History has proven that the Great Xia Emperor personally end up fighting against the landlord, Aristocratic Family or capitalist. In that situation, let alone fighting with the emperor, they were thankful for being able to escape. Because the emperor usually spares no leeway when he takes action, slaughtering all the forces that dare to disrupt the order of the country one after another.

In short, if the emperor is personally gone now, all people with feces on their butts will be pulled out and beheaded for publicity. And which capitalist has no shit under his ass? Those who are clean under the butt are not called capitalists, they are called philanthropists.

Eastern Xia Empire, Adrish Province, inside a white castle full of Great Xia Northern Ascher style.

This castle is the ancestral land of the Taylor family. Due to the previous series of things, as the patriarch of the Taylor family, Taylor Lyle has summoned all the family members back to the castle to prevent them from getting into trouble.

In this special period, no matter who it is, as long as he breaks the law, he has to go to jail.

At this time, dozens of people gathered in the splendorous and majestic castle hall. After reading the emperor’s communications, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Among them, 5 to 6 people were worried and pale.

"Dad, what should we do?" Taylor Chalde first broke the silence and asked.

Hearing what was said, the eyes of everyone present gathered at the old man sitting in the first place.

The old man's hair is completely gray, but he is still neat and tidy, wearing a black suit. The whole person is meticulously dressed, revealing a unique aristocratic temperament on his body. He is the patriarch of the Taylor family, Taylor Lyle.

Taylor Lyle's expression remained unchanged, and slowly opened the mouth and said: "Do your best to cooperate with Your Majesty."

Hearing the family’s answer, the older generation of family members understood It’s nodded, while the younger generation feels a little uncomfortable.

They have been expert from birth to now, suddenly they have to obey another person unconditionally, even if this person is the emperor, it will make them feel a little imbalanced.

This kind of thinking is very common, or most of the younger generations of Great Family have this kind of thinking. In their thinking, even if an emperor who has a constitutional monarchy is more noble than them on the surface, it is actually not as good as their children of the Aristocratic Family, who have huge social resources. For this kind of thinking, it can only be said to be naive and ridiculous.

The imperial power has been silent for too long, making these younger generation Aristocratic Family children subconsciously regard themselves higher than the law.

"Grandfather, I don't think this is necessary."

As soon as this was said, everyone's eyes shifted again and looked towards the source of the sound.

A blond haired and blue eyed, an extremely handsome, suave-looking man, playing with the rose in his hand, indifferently said: "My Taylor family is also the number one Aristocratic Family in Adrish Province. Karma has our silhouette. Why do we obey the emperor’s orders? It’s just a trifling mascot.” After the scene is quietened, the younger generation’s approval is nodded, but it’s just a trifling. Mascot, why should we obey him?

The father of the man, Taylor Chalde abruptly got up from the chair and came to his son.

"Dad, how..."


Taylor Chalde slapped his son in the face, his handsome face Was beaten crooked, and even a white tooth was beaten out.

The younger generation was dumbfounded by this sudden scene, and the older generation looked at Taylor Layke coldly

Taylor Chalde looked at the man on the ground coldly, angrily roared: "unfilial son! Do you know what you just said! How can your Majesty make a fool of yourself!"

"I will kill you today, as if there is no son like you!" , Taylor Chalde rushed forward, punching Taylor Layke in the face with one punch.

Taylor Layke, who spent the whole day drinking and drinking, was not his strong father opponent at all, and was beaten with bloody nose and swollen face in a short while.

Other people who have a better relationship with Taylor Layke wanted to stop them, but they were all stopped by the elders beside them.

"Wu wu, don't get stuck, the ball is muddy," Taylor Layke said with obvious crying, and his words were already vague, but his father, Taylor Chalde still did not stop, as if it were true It's like killing him.

Taylor Lyle, who has been silent at this time, faintly opened the mouth and said: "Calls the eldest to stay the hand."

Upon hearing his father's words, Taylor Chalde stopped immediately. Fist in the hand.

Taylor Lyle continued: "I know you want to keep Layke. Layke doesn't need to plant himself, but he must leave the Taylor family."

"Thank you, father." Taylor Chalde Whispered.

Although there are no outsiders here, Taylor Layke’s words just now, in fact, as long as everyone present does not say it, generally speaking will not have any effect. If it was normal Taylor Lyle would at most scold him and put Taylor Layke in confinement.

But now is a special period. Judging from the recent changes in Parliament, Cabinet and the military, Taylor Lyle has faintly felt that a new change is coming. So today he is going to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, breaking the ridiculous arrogance of the younger generation. Prevent them from running into the emperor and the general trend because of this arrogance in the future, and let Taylor's family become the nourishment of the general trend of the times because of them.

Then several security guards will be beaten with bloody nose and swollen face, and Layke is dragged out with a look of horror.

The hall was quiet again, and Taylor Lyle's sharp eyes scanned all the younger generations present. Seeing them with some horrified expressions, they said in a somewhat old voice: "Children, it seems that the superior and comfortable life since childhood has made you forget some of the awe you should have. Do you think you were born with a golden key? The starting point is the point where an ordinary person is unattainable in his life, so I think I am a master?"

Taylor Lyle's voice is getting colder and colder, making these younger generation children seem to have fallen into an ice cave.

"Do you think you can be above the imperial power?"

"Wrong!" Taylor Lyle yelled, making all the younger generation children tremble.

"Today I will tell you that the so-called Aristocratic Family of us are nothing but Xia Clan Emperor's henchmen!"

Upon hearing Taylor Lyle's words, everyone in the younger generation looked a bit disgusted. Dare to believe it, turned his head and looked towards his parents, cast his gaze for verification.

Their elders or parents did not answer or refute, their expressions were very calm.

"I told you a long time ago that imperial power must not be deceived, and imperial power must not be humiliated!"

"The reason why our Taylor family has today’s achievements stems from Xia Clan Emperor. From now on, you will either straighten your position or get out of the Taylor family."

(End of this chapter)

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