
  Chapter 94 Goal 25

Great Xia Calender In 5268, Emperor Xia Wen died and the world mourned.

In the same year, due to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system, coupled with the suppression of the loss of Emperor Xia Wen. The capital of Great Xia Heavenly Dynasty began to rise, and its power became more and more powerful.

At the same time, the capital of Second World Alliance began to expand wildly.

Great Xia Calender In 5270, the capital in the Second World Alliance united to monopolize the heavy industry sector and light industry one after another. Industrial monopoly capital and bank monopoly capital are increasingly integrated into financial capital, and the further concentration of financial capital forms a financial oligarch.

Great Xia Calender In 5272, after the Second World War, the disintegration of the imperialist colonial system and the division of world territory are a thing of the past. Under the unremitting efforts of monopoly capitalism, neo-colonialism began to emerge, and the state and capital combined to expand and penetrate into weak countries.

Without Emperor Xia Wen's adjustment, the contradiction between War Unification Faction and Peaceful Unification Faction is getting bigger and bigger. Neither party can persuade anyone, and it has reached the point of irreconcilability.

War Unification Faction believes that if Great Xia does not fully unify Cloud Star and integrate the resources of the entire planet, then the civilization of Great Xia will most likely be dragged by these barbarians and will never be able to get out of the planet.

The gap between civilization and civilization is always hostile. Even if two civilizations can live in peace, that kind of peace is only temporary. Once the interests of both parties are touched, the two civilizations that live in harmony will instantly face each other.

Peaceful Unification Faction believes that the conquest of the world with martial power is likely to be a temporary unification. But over time, coming one after another will be a civil war, it will fall apart, and it will be the same as before. As long as someone is there, as long as there is interest, then war and killing will never end!

The endless use of martial power to conquer other civilizations will only deepen the hatred, even the assimilation movement is impossible to completely eliminate hatred. Now other civilizations on the planet unite and can barely contend with Great Xia, if you continue to use martial power to conquer as before. So even if Great Xia wins in the end, the world will only get a broken world.

Next, Great Xia's path should be based on cultural output, and let other civilizations learn the Great Xia language in a gentle way, and identify with the Great Xia language.

Great Xia Calender In 5273, under the coordination of Emperor Xia Xuan, the Peaceful Unification Faction all went to the southern mainland. Constitutional monarchy and democratic republic, Great Xia began to have Eastern Xia and Southern Xia.

Great Xia Calender In 5280, the capital in Great Xia began to seek the expansion of power, reaching out to all walks of life in Great Xia. Capitals unite with each other and want to monopolize various industries in the country to seek huge benefits like those capitalists of Second World Alliance.

Great Xia Calender In 5282, domestic capitalists finally couldn't stand the suppression of the Imperial Family, and the joint parliament began to launch a coup.

The capitalists have learned the lessons of their predecessors, and this time they do not intend to overthrow Xia Clan, but instead stand up for an obedient emperor. The capitalists began to use their own channels to secretly arm a force of 10,000 people. Although this number of people may not even be able to beat the weak countries in the Second World Alliance, it is enough to break into the Imperial Palace.

Infiltrated the Imperial Palace. When the capitalists were about to force the palace, Emperor Xia Xuan died of a heart attack. Looking at the corpse wearing a dragon robe on Dragon Throne, everyone present was standing erect.

Things are getting bigger!

If the new emperor is on top, Emperor Xia Xuan's death will cause some disturbance at most, and things are still under their control. But now Emperor Xia Xuan died without abdicating, and still died under their coup. A hat named Killing King was firmly buckled on their heads, and now they couldn't wash them after jumping into the Yellow River.

The capitalists who received the news also looked pale, and then violent disputes broke out.

"The emperor is dead?! What did the group of idiots do! Even if Emperor Xia Xuan is about to be forced by us to abdicate, but he has not abdicated yet, he is still an emperor! Now the emperor is dead! , We all have to be buried!"

"I remember the message that Emperor Xia Xuan died of a heart attack, or let us explain..." A capitalist was obviously completely panicked. To God, he said a very stupid way.

"Explain a fart, do you think the entire Great Xia will believe our explanation? Even if everyone believes our statement, it is an indisputable fact that the emperor died because we forced the palace to die!"

"Then what should we do now!"

"Kill the imperial family, leaving only the youngest majesty. Let 6th Highness inherit the throne. Then we will Hijacking your Highness, so that the military will take into account the safety of the little Highness, and dare not directly take over the country."

Hearing what was said, a crazy idea arose among all capitalists. Even if they know that the chance of success this time is slim, the Imperial Family is likely to survive in a miraculous way like in history.

But now they only leave one bloodline of the direct bloodline to inherit the throne. They are not trying to exterminate the bloodline of Xia Clan. It might be successful this time, right?

After a while, the capital troops that had entered the Imperial Palace received the order. Seeing the order, the Chief Commander gritted his teeth and gave the order to secretly execute everyone except 6th Highness.

Now he also has no retreat.

Capital always regards other creatures as the same as itself in a certain sense, and anyone can turn to capital as long as the capital is enough. But people are thinking, and sometimes faith is above all else for them.

The soldiers in the middle and lower ranks saw that they were about to execute members of the Imperial Family and stopped doing it on the spot. They admitted that they had indeed betrayed their beliefs. But in the strict sense, only an emperor has been replaced, but that emperor is still Xia Clan, and their beliefs have not changed. And now these capitalists have made it clear that Xia Clan is going to be extinct, I quit!

The soldiers who were the traitors attacking the Imperial Palace in front of them to force the palace, suddenly the unfathomable mystery became the emperor's death soldier.

The soldiers pointed their guns at their upper level, and now they only have one idea, that is to keep the Xia Clan bloodline. Even after this failure, he would not hesitate to go to the guillotine.

In this way, the capitalists’ plans were completely wiped out, and the army responded quickly. The major military districts quickly took over all the cities with great anger.

All those involved in this event, whether they are capitalists, parliamentarians or Prime Ministers, regardless of their status, were guillotined by the angry army and people on this day.

And those mastermind capitalists and congressmen, all their direct blood relatives also went to the guillotine. Emperor Xia Xuan's death caused anger to dazzle the minds of all Great Xia people.

Now don’t talk to us about innocence, since you dare to kill the king, then you have to bear the corresponding price, Yi tribe!

Great Xia Calender In 5283, Emperor Xia Xuan's death completely detonated the conflict between War Unification Faction and Peaceful Unification Faction. At the end of January of the same year, under the mediation of the new emperor, Great Xia split peacefully, and Great Xia Heavenly Dynasty collapsed.

Seeing this situation, how can Second World Alliance let it go? Now the ancient and strongest empire has collapsed, and the time for revenge is here!

The wind has stopped, the rain has stopped, and Second World Alliance feels like it can do it again.

All countries of the Second World Alliance announced that they will terminate the "Tribute Pact" signed after the Second World War. The remaining five countries on the eastern mainland were kicked out of the Second World Alliance because they did not announce the termination of the Second World Alliance.

The five countries that are deeply influenced by the Great Xia language Shadow Transformation know how terrifying the consequences of slaying the king will be. The Great Xia people are now almost like a huge gunpowder keg, exploding at one point, they don't want to touch this mold.

The Second World Alliance has just been announced and has launched a declaration of war on Eastern Xia Empire. How could Eastern Xia Empire bear it, it also declared war on the Second World Alliance, and Third World War started again.

With all kinds of new weapons on the battlefield, the severity of Third World War is several times higher than that of Second World War.

The Second World Alliance thought that it should, possibly, seem to be able to win against half of the Great Xia Heavenly Dynasty itself, right?

However, they were wrong again. Even if it was just an Eastern Xia Empire, they were hoisted and beaten, while the Southern Xia Democratic Republic was responsible for providing logistical support. No matter what happens to Great Xia, it's just our family affair, and you can't take care of you barbarians.

Great Xia Calender In 5290, the world war came to an abrupt end with the successful detonation of atomic bombs from major countries.

With the establishment of a special search team, the search is proceeding in full swing. This search is different from the past. Under the emperor's supervision, no one could stop or hinder this search.

The entire Eastern Xia capitalists began to fidget, no way, who told them to have shit in their butts. So capitalists began to contact parliamentarians who cooperated with them one after another, hoping that they could provide asylum. However, the MPs they want to contact are also like a clay Bodhisattva fording a river, powerless to defend himself.

At the same time, under the instruction of Xia Xuan, two copies of Water of Life were sent to the Labour Party and the Democratic Party.


Akame ga Kill world.

Pioneers are collecting information about the entire Imperial Capital all the time, and they will record everything such as terrain, buildings, forces, people, etc.

This is all for the drone combat plan in a few days, providing various data. Eastern Xia Empire does not intend to continue using this inefficient method of assassination.

Akame ga Kill world, a bustling street, all kinds of luxurious carriages are driving on the road.

Next to the fountain in the middle of the street, a man dressed as a painter is holding a paintbrush and an easel is placed in front of him. The painter will paint the surrounding scene while observing the faces of everyone passing by.

At this moment, the painter seemed to have sensed something and turned around and saw a girl in a brown trench coat and a hood walking towards him.

The girls will all be very low pressure, making it difficult to see her face, but from the delicate lower half of her face, it can be seen that the girl's appearance should be good.

As soon as the girl approached Wu Feng, Wu Feng's vision was deeply attracted. It was not the girl's appearance that attracted him, but the breath that radiated from the girl's body. Under the detection of the mind, Wu Feng could sense the desperate and extremely determined soul of this girl.

According to the knowledge given by Your Majesty, the soul of this girl has already broken through.

But why does this girl still have the same breath as an ordinary person?

"Sir, can we take a step to speak?" Although the girl's voice doesn't have any emotion, it is weird to let people hear the despair in her voice.

Wu Feng nodded, this young girl walked towards him in diameter, she should have seen something, and there is no point in continuing to escape. And he also wanted to know the girl's coming, anyway, he carried a teleportation scroll, and he couldn't beat it and could run.

The girl led Wu Feng for half an hour and came to an unmanned cemetery. In this half an hour, 30 Trailblazers have rushed after receiving the information and lurking around the two people around.

"This gentleman should be Night Raid," the girl asked.

Wu Feng eyes slightly narrowed. Although he is not Night Raid, all their recent assassinations are considered to be done by Night Raid.

There is no way. After all, Night Raid's assassination method is very similar to Eastern Xia Empire's assassination method. Both sides used Wushuang to kill all witnesses. The only difference was the size of the sound.

Before Wu Feng could answer, the girl took off her hood, revealing her long pink hair and delicate features.

From her height and appearance, she is about 13-15 years old. Wu Feng quickly made a judgment based on the girl's appearance.

"Sir, there is no need to answer or deny. My instinct tells me that you are capable of killing that person." When that person was mentioned, the girl's voice was full of hatred.

Wu Feng's eyes moved slightly, and her emotions that burned to the extreme set the limits of her soul's breakthrough. And the reason why her strength has not grown properly now is mainly because there is no way to use that powerful force.

"The next thing may be a bit long, but please be patient and listen to me."

"Due to the heavy taxes imposed by the empire in recent years, our village has fallen into poverty. At first I couldn’t even have enough to eat. And this poverty caused some villages to sell some pretty girls to the nobles in the city."

"All the merchants who went to the village to buy girls would say, This is not to sell, but to introduce you to work so that you can eat and wear enough. After you enter the city, you will enter the noble family and become a decent noble maid."

"That's it. My three companions and I were sold to Imperial Capital and saw the nobleman we were going to serve, Walterbate."

Hearing this name, Wu Feng's mind instantly came up with an information sheet. .

Goal 25: [Walterbate]

An aristocrat who started his business by drug trafficking and human trafficking, his whereabouts are relatively secret and his domicile is not fixed. hobby: I like to lure some adult girls from the countryside to Imperial Capital, and then engage in various female killings with his partners for entertainment.

(End of this chapter)

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