Chapter 69

“Zero, we were all deceived.”

“This guy is not Madara at all!”

“Otherwise, I won’t fight him in the live broadcast!”

Konan gritted his teeth and said.

Was fooled!

Shouldn’t the person wearing the mask be Uchiha Madara?

If so, why would you fight him?

And it must be the kind of battle between birth and death?

The only explanation…no matter who that person is, it won’t be Madara anyway!


“But it’s not necessarily Madara…”

“Anyway… I have to ask the real Madara senior…” Nagato solemnly said.

A trace of doubt and worry emanated from his pupils.

If it weren’t for Madara, how could he have Uchiha group fan and Sharingan?

If it was Madara…

Taking a deep breath, there are too many mysteries in it.

[Konan: @Uchiha Madara? 】

At Nagato’s gesture, Konan gave a look at Madara.

Did not say much.

As for exposure?

The members of Akatsuki have been exposed a lot.

Except that the plan has not yet been exposed.

Hidden and tucked at this time will only make it more troublesome.

In a group, individual problems have little effect.

But if there is a strategic mistake, you will lose everything!

And the strategic commander of this plan is undoubtedly Uchiha Madara!

【Uchiha Madara: Junior, are you calling the old man? 】

[Uchiha Madara: Is there something to do with me? 】

In the Pure Land World, the corner of Madara’s mouth twitched.

On horseback!

This Damn it live broadcast revealed the most important things!

Obito this link is extremely important!

Nothing to lose!

But now?

Obito, who wears the name Uchiha Madara, had a death fight with Konan, the head of Akatsuki!

So you can never admit that you have a relationship with Obito!

Otherwise, Nagato will cast the wheel of Revolving Heaven in the future?

Want to fart?

[Konan: Senior Madara, are you sure that the masked man in the picture is not you? 】

[Konan: He has a Uchiha fan and Sharingan…]

Konan continued to ask!

The first thing she and Nagato have to make sure is whether Madara is involved in this matter!

There are two inferences.

First, the masked man is Uchiha Madara.

The second point is that the masked man is not Uchiha Madara, just a guy pretending to be Uchiha Madara, and has nothing to do with Madara!

This is related to Akatsuki’s future plans and life and death, and we must pay attention to it!

[Uchiha Madara: A joke, who is the old man? You go to the Ninja World to inquire, and then ask this question again! 】

Lord Madara didn’t answer directly, just sneered.

He believes that someone will answer this question for himself!

[Senju Tobirama: Well, Madara is so arrogant, how can he wear a mask? 】

[Senju Hashirama: This is not in line with Madara’s style of acting. Even if he fights against the entire Ninja world by himself, he will not wear a mask. 】

Both First Generation and Second Generation stood up and expressed their opinions!

That is…

As arrogant as Lord Madara, it is impossible to shrink like this!

[Uchiha Madara: Did you see it? Junior? Besides, listen to what you mean… Does that guy in the mask pretend to be an old man and pretend to be in the Ninja World? 】

Reverse the rake skill is activated!

Lord Madara directly dumped the pot!

Anyway, he believes that the fool of Obito will perfectly match himself in order to create the world of Yu Lin!

At least, I won’t betray it!

[Konan: I see. 】

“Zero, what do you think ¨々?” Konan frowned.

A trace of worry flashed across the beautiful face.

She was also a little uncertain whether the person wearing the mask was Uchiha Madara.(Read more @

“It’s hard to tell.” Nagato said solemnly, “Honesty people always use honesty as masks.”

“And a arrogant person might also use arrogance as a face…”

“This matter, you must get a 100% accurate answer…”

If the masked man is Madara, then it can be said that everything he and others do will eventually become Uchiha Madara’s wedding dress!

Otherwise, why would Madara fight Konan to death?

Conversely, if that person is not Uchiha Madara, no matter who it is, at least Akatsuki’s plan can continue.

“The live room… can predict the future…”

“It shows that the homeowner of the live broadcast room must also have this ability…”

“Konan, you are asking the owner to see what he says…”

[Jiraiya: Konan! What exactly is going on! 】

[Jiraiya: And… Is Nagato also involved? 】

[Jiraiya: Could it be that you founded that organization? 】

Question Three Lian!

Master Jiraiya is here!

At this moment, he, or it can be said that many people did not put their minds on answering the questions!

Although some people have begun to get answers, the bigwigs have not acted rashly.

It’s just that the mist of Akatsuki is so thick that it makes people unpredictable!

[Jiraiya: Konan! You are saying something! 】

[Jiraiya: If you still think of me as your teacher! 】

Roared the hero!

The apprentices I received have not been contacted for many years.

But when he appeared, he gave such a big surprise?

Is it okay to create the No. 1 rebel organization in the ninja world?

Jiraiya’s heart is disturbed.

At this moment, he urgently needs to know the answer!

[Rosa: Oh! ! ! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Oh! ! ! 】

[Ohnoki: So that’s it! 】

[Terumi Mei: Together with the No. 1 Rebel Ninja organization in the Ninja world, the person who can produce 600 billion detonation charms turned out to be a disciple of Naruto, one of the apprentices of the three ninjas? 】

[Ghost Lantern Festival: Recalling that just now, Kakuzu said that the money has been drunk by Konan. In an organization, who has the authority to use the organization’s funds? 】

[First Kazekage: It must be the boss to be qualified! 】

[Killer Bee: Good guy! I’m going to be a good guy! What does Konoha want to do? 】

[Onoki: Konoha secretly formed the No. 1 rebel organization in the ninja world… The members are extremely terrifying and possess shadow-level strength. This…][Rosa: It turns out that the biggest man behind the scenes is not Uchiha Madara, but Konoha! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Old monkey! Get out and give us an explanation, otherwise Konoha will be dispatched immediately! 】

[Terumi Mei: The army is overwhelmed, but if you don’t keep the chickens and dogs, you will kill them all! 】

[Killer Bee: All men are killed, all beautiful women are forced to go! 】

[Jiraiya:? ? ? 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen:? ? ? 】

My f*ck?

Where is all this?

Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiruzen, including Konoha, are stupid!

Is it true that people are sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky?

But this pot is too big!

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Everyone, there must be some misunderstanding in this…][Sarutobi Hiruzen: @Jiraiya, what are you special? I will explain it clearly! 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: What is going on with your disciple! 】

The old monkey is angry!

Before the big guys ridiculed Konoha, most of them were jokes.

After all, the excuses are not so full, and starting a war at will is not a trifle.

But this time it’s different!

The crime of creating a rebel organization is bigger than the sky!

Besides, he is still Hokage?

If this is unclear, the war will definitely start!

【Jiraiya: Teacher, I… I don’t know either! 】

[Jiraiya: I don’t know why I asked Konan…]

The hero is also crying anxiously!

He also knew that this matter was not a trifle.

It is impossible to fool the past in a few words!

But Konan hasn’t responded for a long time, what can I do!

[Rosa: Ha ha, pretend, you go on pretending! 】

[Ohnoki: Just now Konan was in the live room @ Madara, I thought Uchiha Madara was behind the scenes, so I blamed good people! 】

[Fourth Raikage: I thought it was Madara, hehe, who would have thought that Konoha, who has always been known for his benevolence, turned out to be…tsk! 】


The big guys are struggling with each other step by step, without giving a reasonable explanation, and will never give up!

Because this is really questionable.

This is no longer groundless or out of context!

There is no doubt that Konan is the head of Akatsuki organization, after all, a lot of funds can be used.

And Jiraiya admits that Konan is an apprentice. (Are you good?)

Who can put this matter on, who can’t doubt it?

However, Konoha’s head is big, but in the Pure Land World…

Madara is f*ck laughing stupidly!


“People are not as good as heaven!”

“It seems that luck is still on my side!”

“Konoha…Thank you for carrying this pot for me…”

Lord Madara smiled triumphantly.

Originally, my own affairs were about to be exposed!

Because Konan@ gave himself a bit.

You know, the big guys are not stupid.

How could the head of the Akatsuki organization casual @人?

Even if the masked person is impersonating Uchiha Madara, Lord Madara is still suspected.

But it’s different now!

The Akatsuki plan has nothing to do with Madara!

It’s all good things done by him Konoha!

“Lu Jiu, what should we do?”

“This is really…”

Nara family land.

Well, the old monkey really feels that his head is not enough this time!

I really don’t know how to resolve this misunderstanding!

Can only turn to the think tank for help again!

“Haha, Master Naruto, don’t panic.”

“I have my own way to break the enemy!” Lu Jiu smiled slightly.

A very confident look.

Take a deep breath and start typing in the live broadcast room! .

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